Oregon Daily Emerald LOOK FOR OUR 1992 GRADUATION EDITION, COMING JUNE 5! To p*aca on ad in (ho Imueld Ciaaaifiada limply fill curt on# of our form# tocatid at tha ntor«» o» #to*»n irom IX> Boofcstorg 484 ?003 ns TYPING SERVICES A) 344 0?S9. ROBIN * GRAD SCMOOi APPROVtO 20 tNK* ground Torm paponf u.i u»um« %At vico t(W>nQ i wuNpi ON CAMPUS* DIAL-A-TYPIST 683-77 77 M5 TYPING SERVICES CA GU EVE TYPING EDIT IMG aipononcad wntar Pn D '+ M*tV* «M*l*r<« llyP^ *8* y«a» 22s/ Ft YIMG FINGERS typing «arv*a Faat. iccunl*. p#of«»»*on«l SI OO paga. up 4M M1I JO THE TYPING PRO 17 yn aap IBM comp*i«&ia Aa^S«*l arv j • DapandOtfa c« 'asas Call Baggy at U< 46f>8 PROFESSIONAL TYPING A wj won) proo»ss«ng. ud*Hog I '«* v. THE WORD SPt Clit 1STS Wore PTOCMAng ft D«**)op PtA*«*»vng G*ad Sr+*xX Approval) I aw pnnM*3 nd-tg graphics (HtartH’O'H n‘ *.-> * J 344-4510 (JtlAI 11V WOKII ITMM FAS1N*. ,«AWUlt MMH4 tmniuo imil nt*4rfrjt«* ch+CbO CaB ASAP* 1 tarowca. 344 6674 f oui drawar Ida cebmet Mon be»g«. 830 Ken, 343 IfctQ__ Imaga Wtilai 8 aicoflem cand*?on. 1 year ok). $250 oba Caft 34a 9425 lova aaai. off-white. $?W licuNrt COnd4*Qn 484 019*3 Natural wood diaaaat. 845 Polynesian wtrter Ctv 835 Typewriters awe 825. man $20 Btke 10 *p 875 343 -V36 NEC CD player w ramota. $’50’Obo Hstac.n, AMI M ratwvaf 8 *5 dOo Buy *8 got 2 Utm HXkVWS' 343 5232_ Nmtando. 84 5 6 gam as ($15-20 **a }. 2 man* tocycws ($25 • $60} Aft good Qpndtton 663-2117 Panasonic electric lypawrrtar w*h memory* p«*l chart $100 .Sony douttfa utvwhu recorder $50 344 ;♦«»;__ Ouaan at/a futon. '*am« & cow Girt* out coucntwd Beat ©Her C»ft 0«mi. 485 6694 110 FOR SALE use REFRIGERATOR ftQtf turn timona I 'O^wta 'a wt* t^to KM mMW £00*3 (WWOn ixx; 060 Ca» Scon *»4 4696 S*iftt*c IIM f.4K!'«. ay*H«» i&*o 'yp**^*** I ’ ?0'«>60 So* or m W’J_ ?6 color TV contola Cob* '«*arty !w**xo control $604360 Co* Conoy $40 Futon fr*m#, !t»«yf>*n*rt0ittatXo CM 344 KIDSILFF the gourmtt Of Ctvk3r*n t tmctf 19/0 Everything baby will nood and oid#f children, loo Ail Colton Cwm • Woodon Toy* Nu*ft*ng Supped* • l jt**o*e Car Seats Stroder* BUY - SELL • TRADE 67 W llth *»• lugan* 4*4 4444 M S.t . It V Vrn 1?S f For Sal* AKC gotim- rotr.ovor rru»*» 8 V*Mfcft 0*3 WJCS $’?S 937 ?339 us CARSTRUCKS MUST SELl1 leaving U S 93 Honda AaconJ XI MB ar I M AM ca&votto l*S 1*11 $?%00 Hex fe«9 ????_ 7| Toyota Co»o«a KB a* '*t*o mufti V«{ 'Mtmi wxn« body we** $400 600 72??. 1*0 •3 Toyota Corolla WoQon, On® amt** | fcoaonr conanon $?S00 4ft4WV •4 VW Hobbit ContrortiMa. »' 6 »pd COftMtto. 69 000 mdo* $0*00 060 687 0936 _ II Navy bluo Vofctwagon Golf 5 *(*«*} 41 ooo m**#* Good aoneMon 344 7&V __ •9 Ford Probo, i *c condton Atomv &wuo AC Moving mufti so*’ $4800 \j60 Kyio 66? 4873 205 OPPORTUNfTiES 1 so MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS ISM KofXl* t ’• #0 »"0 WM rsr<*c* for UPVfT^r Rmamrrry f t icwwi! conrji on _ ^ *S6S_ for »«*!. to ‘SpowJ fN*»tacr conan Btf#, l! <»' v* 1 y«*v Od $?SQ OOG >■«*> '6CB _ Sch#mn i Mont lOtpaad alloy frama A *»haa»t $8* Kaol Mon a 10 apaad. S?0 M3 3H7 i6S COUPLERS ELECTRONICS Tothiba 71600 laptop. 7 IMilanea Period S96C 346 330? Presentation goes a long way! Hewlett-Packard letter quality printers at special student prices. Desk Jet 500 for AT or Desk Writer for Mac... $399.00. OREGON DIGITAL COMPUUK PRODUCTS, INC 1-800-648-3702 no SOUND SYSTEMS CASH!!! Wo buy M»« and w»<« VMS VCH % and uwooop *oo» *w*ch i brand n#w) $300to0O 343 ? 17S INSTRUMENTS iwt PEARL DRUMKlT w/cymbe*S lxmm muw t* tor tutfon $1300 f (MM J*w. 683 2723 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Convenient location* 768 E 13th 525 Wiliamatta (campus) (downtown) 345 1651 343-4717 BUYING HOURS 95 MF 9 1.25 MF 9 2. Sal Smllh Family Bookstore 195 TRAVEL BE NO COUNTRY CABIN Everything furnished Vary ctean and n<» $3Vn,ght, 1 382 3050 Study Russian and Hvs with host family in St Petsrsburg $35 par day Call 687-4749 for info 205 OPPORTUNITIES Hava you avar baan hypnotised? E m#ra*a Reporter Tammy Baiey is dong a sitxy on hypnotism If you would Lka to give your story, ptoasa cat! Tammy m 346-6511 LEADERSHIP 2000 leadership 2000 is a class designed to cover sooai issues. mwt>cu*ufa*sm and Survival sSilts This 5 week class a for incoming In ashman to Da offered during fait farm 10 student positions ara av*-<*£*« to taciMata and assist tn this new and mnovai-ve oass Stipend of $400 tor 50 hours Of work Information and apptcasons avawafrto m 364 Qfaoon Hafl NON TRAOITIONAI STUOENTS Ara you a tow income student. or fensl generator. (your parents dto not greduasa from a four year cortege)7 Ara you otoar man average or Datong to an unda*represented group ai the University7 » so, you may be tor eatra suppod (tutormg counseling. advising. advocacy, q—«4Ml in wnting. main, cntcai thaniung) through the Educational Opportune as Program There are only a few days toft of the schoo yea/ EOP » now ia*ung students we •na he

Reg>*har s Qt’rce , Os 't£y DUCK CALL X& REGISTER BY PHONE lor summer session classes To bo ©ugrb*e lor Duck Call, toe yOuf Registration t g>t)'!rty Caro now Stop Dy 333 Oregon Mai* & the Regrstrar's Qtoco MaZ PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION? Don’t forget to tila you Registration Eligibility Card Stop by 333 Oregon Had or the Registrar's Qltae FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE FILING YOUR REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITY CARO FOR SUMMER TERM? Slop by 333 Otgor Ha* or ih# HaoiaifaFLplica IT’S NOT TOO LATE To toe you? Registration Ewgib*J 5Vhr to start IS ?0 hrs‘w«ek Complete 10b Oma p.tQO ava«iat>»e from Recap*****). Room ?SGK. second floor. Computing Center To apply, submit readme so Celeste D« Lay ?50D. Computing Center by June 30. tggg Take your next step and apply! > The Lesbian, (fay, | Bisexual Alliance is now hiring co-directors for 1 the '92-'93 school year. I Applications available r at the LGBA Office, 319 EMI: or for more information call 346-3390. Deadline: June 4. 1992. EOE/AA. LIVE IN A RESIDENCE HALL THIS SUMMER ♦ Special 4 ft 5 Week Kates ♦ Dally Kales Available ♦ No Deposits ♦ Choice of Food Service Plans Special Sign-Up: WED.. JUNE 3. 6-9 PM Housing Office 346-4277 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU A H*U UVtS AHIR MV iNCAXNATKN 45 4 HITTITE . GONOjeiHB I dtCAMS A 1 f-fZt-ACO PAlhtTBR /N The ■ MIHOAN MlACe AT ZAKKO... _ v TT HAS MY FIRSTUFE IN The FAST LANE. IHJASA COURT FAVORITE, AnPMAPE OUT UKE A BAN PIT UNTIL me all ckeopurjng tne ERUPTION OF THERA Hcuenx, it really ujasnt UNTIL MY INCARNATION ASA COURT ICR TO QUEEN NCfERTlV THAT T 0E6AN TO see THE IMPORTANCE Of A SENSE Of seif - ESTEEM.. -W 5_/ f~T J. PULL IN THAT TUSH, majestv imrsm FEEL THE BURN' \