Voters to decide Pre’s Trail future By John Patton Emerald Contributor The effort to build a golf course in East Alton Baker Park has failed and a measure to protect the park from further development will he on the No vember ballot "The people of our metropolitan area want to keep some country in the city," said Pete Ruby, a teacher at Shasta Middle School ami member of the Alton Baker Park Coalition, whit h is sponsor ing the initiative Coalition members say the park is threatened by proposed expansion of the Perry Street Bridge and use by the University. " The park is an island of habitat in the middle of a sea of concrete and pavement," said Sharon Teague, a group lender and spokeswoman. "Ibis initiative gives the public a chance to vote and voice its concern for the park " The Lane County Board ol Commissioners dropped plans for a park golf course alter devel opers, in the face of community opposition, pulled out. County commissioner Jerry Rust said he sup ports the coalition’s initiative but said the counts must go through a planning process to give all special interest groups an equal opportunity to voice their ideas about the park's future "This city needs to decide whether it wants a central city park or expand city development to include the Alton Baker Park area." he said The initiative would prohibit the altering of any trails or waterways within the park "it doesn't mean the park can't he maintained such as the fixing of trails or control of blackberry hushes." said Junior Robertson, a memtier of the coalition. "It means we oppose any significant construction that would alter the shape of the park, especially the old landfill " A field of wltdflowers now covers an area of the park that served as a landfill until 1974 The initiative would also set up u Citizen's Planning Committee to design and adopt a plan for passive recreational uses of the park The group has been working since Novomfier In collect the necessary 8.800 signatures On May 14. the coalition announced it had acquired the signatures with two months to span* University classes have used the park lor field studies for decades More than -’IX) species of vvildflowers, 80 species of birds and lt> species of mammals make their homes in Cast Alton Itaker Park University biology professor David Wagner leads puhlii wild flower walks in the park every week fills spring, guides are leading more than fiOO school children on nature walks Two possible alternatives to the expansion of Furry Street Bridge could cut through the middle of the park Plans by the county to expand Skipworth Juvenile Detention ('enter have caused University officials to consider construction of new practice fields over the old landfill We knew proposal ol the initiative would pressure the golf company to drop construction plans,'' s.iid Robertson "This initiative is actually an investment in the future to preserve the park for future generations " Members of the coalition said they encourage returning University students to register to vote because many students will have changed their addresses “Wo are fortunate to have a piece of the wild in the city," l eague said “We need to preserve the natural values we all enjoy within the jiark Photo U* .;«*« Voters mil decide it areas ot Alton Baker Park should be open to de velopment or it the park should be lett as it is % 5CtytOFF; any; MENUi in-m ■ firm muM l»r Si | j-rf c \04i*i*rt «i »*ih I I I “TCBV” : The Coun(ry\ Best Jinjurt. J131 West 1 hit Marketplace 'Xfcst 1888 lr.uiklu\ IVImI . I raiJclin