Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, June 03, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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Ecosystem’s life
necessary for all
Oh what the hcck — we didn’t need all those trees
anyway! Never mind the fact that they keep us crazy
animals breathing and clean the air of toxins via their
constant recycling of the earth's air. supply. Never
mind the fact that the major role they play in the natu
ral world’s ecosystem is instrumental to its continued
And don't sweat the fact that the folks wanting
those trees downed for the bucks won’t have: a job once
their livelihood is diminished.
The only thing now standing between the felling of
much of the Northwest’s forests is tin? near-extinct
spotted owl. protected by the; near -extinct Endangered
Species Act. courtesy of the God Squad.
Hut don’t worry, those Hush administration group
ies are still insisting that the trees must go. and no silly
uwi Rimini mu|i
Northwest Republican
legislators recently intro
duced forest hills in Con
gress aimed at maintain
ing maximum logging
while offering minimum
protection for the threat
ened spotted owl. This
comes after Interior .Secre
tary Manuel Lujan's bright
"preservation plan" was
offered .is an alternative to
full owl protection meas
ures required by the en
dangered Species Act
Many timber
industry workers
feel they're
fighting the owl
for precious
trees, but in the
end they have
everything in
common: the
forests' survival.
Demw rats arc offering a plan as vvrll. one that en
(.(impasses limitrrl logging, a jobs package anti greater
protection for owls, the obi growth ecosystem and fish
It we're talking survival, physically as well as eco
nomically. the Democratic Leahy-Adams plan must
preside The Republican's plan, offered by Washing
ton's Slade Gorton and Rod Chandler, w ith Oregon's
Bob Smith, is short-sightedly focused on continued ex
istence ol present logging industry jobs While job pres
ervation is a valid concern, the approach is wrong.
Economic survival must be achieved through change,
i.e. job retraining. Should things continue as they are.
there will be no forests to sustain limber-related jobs.
Replanting? That would work just fine if one could
replant an entire ecosystem. When the forests are
logged, it's not just the trees that say bye-bye. but the
whole web of plant and animal existence supported by
those trues. Without that ecosystem's survival, they
will cease to exist, because it’s the ecosystem that sup
ports forest life.
Luckily, the owl has supplied the spotlight and of
fered the excuse to stop the logging at various stages in
the game. Many timber industry workers feel they're
fighting the owl for precious trees, but in the end they
have everything in common: the forests' survival. The
bpst chance of that happening is through change, rang
ing from change of attitude to change of job skills.
Oregon Daily
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Come in
As we art- gearing up for li
n.ils and summer plans, there is
something we need In keep in
the Imi k ul our minds round
Uvo of Measure T>
ll looks like the special ses
sion will take place Hopefully
the legislature will put together
a plan so Measure r>, part two.
will not take affect I Ins is
where you i otnti in
With the spi t ial session will
come a mull-in vote To vote,
you need to re register to your
.summer address This ion Ire
done at ati ASt if) sponsored ta
hie for tin rest of Dead Week,
or just come into the ASUO
and till out llie ( aril (The
ASUO will send it nr for you )
Then you need to vote If not.
we y\ ill likely see higher tuition
and even harsher ruts in de
partments Tins is an issue Ilia,
affects all students, so please
take a feyv minutes, grab a
Inend and in-register
The entire University thanks
John Thomas
Pres. Student Senate
Otto know better
I received a copy of a letter
from Dr I’oler M O'Duy accus
ing me of saying a I a lecture
during jesus Week that “ u11
non-Christians possess ethical
values that are seriously
flawed " He followed this by
saying, “blind bigotry and in
tolerance of other religious
views is not new ... ”
O'Dav's vitriolic attack was
not against my thesis, but
against me (and other Chris
tians) by name culling, using
such words as "intolerance,"
"dehumanizing fellow human
beings," "crimes of violence,"
etc the very things I. and
other Christians, would speak
out against O'Duy seems to
have completely missed my
main point which was that our
problem is "not knowing what
we ought to do, hut in doing
what we know." as anyone
who yvould listen to a tape of
the session can ascertain.
(These may be obtained from
David Lee. -JH5-4375.)
What I said was that a non
theist lucked a logically consis
tent motivation to follow an
ethical system, even one that
we both might embrace. I refer
enced two books on ethics by
iilheist authors that wore almost
entirely devoted to toiling us
what we ought to do. rather
than win we should do what
we ought. To support the im
portance of motivation, I gave
statistics showing tlt.it most
violations of professional ethics
are willful
One continues to hope that
tile, "logic " ol name calling is
not indie alive of University
scholarship Though O’Day
culled for an apology I leave it
to you to judge who should
apologize to Vv horn
Otto J. Helweg
Chairman Prolessor
A big fan
Camacho Solis of Mexico
City is an innovator Here's his
ingenious plan for curbing
Mexico City's incredible air
pollution problem build giant
fans to blow all the had stull
away That’s right Ilie people
living in the world's wurst pol
lutes) city will now enjoy pris
tine, smog-free breaths of air
Problem solved Good rid
dance (Shh mum's the word
for their neighbors )
This plan epitomizes the lack
of intelligent vision in the prob
lem of air pollution — specifi
cally global warming Band-aid
solutions and apprehensive
world leaders perpetuate a
looming disaster Prevention of
pollution should he the only
determining factor in environ
mental protection — not fans
George Bush is just now will
ing to admit that global warm
ing is alive and kicking, but he
will do nothing about it The
official White House statement
on global warming is an ambig
uous. garbled message of empty
promises and undefined goals
Bush will not sign on to pre
ventive measures of carbon
dioxide emission reductions
like all other industrialized na
tions have promised His hands
are litre!. undeniably, to the fos
sil fuel industry. Don't be
fooled by Bush's attendance at
the liarth Summit in Brazil on
June 3. He has no intuntion of
controlling environmental haz
ards — he onlv wants to con
trol PR.
Both Bush and Solis like to
blow hot air.
Wo need comprehensive re
ductions in carbon dioxide
emissions to quell the effects of
global warming and reduce pol
lution of urban areas Until
then, temporary solutions and
wimp-like del isions compound
the problem
Derek Top
Rising up
Kegurding Lydia Lerma's
commentary on justilied vio
lent protests 1 have the follow
ing comments
History has little use for
problem solvers Its only use is
in understanding how others
are constrained in their acts
and thoughts because of histo
ry Is it because of history that
Lertna believes "social injustice
inevitably results in violent up
heaval by the oppressed"?
She reached that conclusion
after giving examples of “vio
lent protests" from 1779, 1791,
1H77 and 1 Stitt.
Curiously, in her very next
sentence, Lorma says "acting in
a peaceful manner has not al
ways brought about needed
changes." Do peaceful protests
sometimes work? Or is violent
upheaval inevitable? It can't bo
The point is one should not
use history to make excuses for
why something is accepted or
why something can or can't bo
done It is lazy, non-creative,
and ends up impeding change.
As for the "rising up" in
L A . one would be stretching
the meaning of the word to la
bel the events following the tri
al a "protest." Burning build
ings owned by innocent peo
ple. looting their businesses,
pulling them from vehicles and
throwing bricks into their faces
is an odd way of protesting.
What 1 saw on TV was a riot,
and for some participants a true
As for the "rising up" in Eu
gene. these "violent protesters"
are either misguided fools or
are intellectually, if not physi
cally. dangerous. Either way, at
their present stage of develop
ment they are useless to any
meuningful positive changes in
David Kopilak