tmunaimuMninuuiiann TERIYAKI ALLEY CURRY DISHES_lg.3-50 5 sm.2.50 S BEBIM RICE._5.50 ; CWCKEN BREAST ; STEAK._.3.50 S YAKISOBA | NOODLES__Ig.3.50 S sm.2.50 S TERIBEEF_3JO ■ ACROSS FROM DAIRY QUEEN i 1306 HILYARD • 345 9555 * Arrest made in actor’s murder i'l)ol:-NIX "Hogan's HcrcKss" !?>A. i dv) wrapped around the neck The murder complaint also showed that authorities now identify the murder weapon as a camera tripod, and that one was missing from Crane's room Investigators previously suspected a tire iron, golf club or fireplace [Hiker. A renial car driven by Car penter had smears of blood on the inside of the passenger door Tests showed it was type B. the same us Crane's, but ge netic testing was inconclusive because the sample was too small, authorities said. Carpenter has type-A blood The complaint Mid Crane was the only person with lype-B blood to ride in the car while Carpenter had it. The murder complaint also said human tissue was found on the ear door Authorities said Monday that the tissue, de termined to be either brain mai ler or fatty tissue, hod been found at the outset but was lat er overlooked. Carpenter and Crane were known to have argued in a nightclub two days before Crane died. Carpenter was the last person known to have talked with Crane by phono the day he was killed, and Carpen ter left Scottsdale that morning. Komley reopened the investi gation when he took office in 1980. setting up a spot ial board to review the case. CORRECTION An article in the June t Emerald erroneously report ed that Campus Recycling and the Student Recycling Program are the same organ ization. Although it does work in coordination with Campus Recycling, Student Recycling receives student funds Campus Recycling, headed by Kuryn Kaplun and Jon Davis, is funded by the University Physical Plant Also, the amount of paper recycled per month is 30 tons. ET ALS MEETINGS KWVA wlU hava a fiwwtal in«wr«f»( maatin* tonifthl at © in Room 1S4 Straub Nun Traditional Mu «!«•#» I CofTea Hour will ba Waiinaaday (rum 9 JO lo 10 30 a m outside lha Woman * (wiirn Int idcvitol ten tamumftwa will hava • Nam C ormrmt*» moating tonight at S 30 In the EMU Old Room AimrHw KUkHtnn Aaamialton wlU have iu last spring mealing tonight at 0 in Room m Chtlm MISCELLANEOUS Irw l kiulratrrul Tasting lha last of lha school year. wlil ba today from 9 lo 11 30 a m in lha Health Education Offk a of lha Student Ileallh ( lk*s*1lin+ for tubmitnng hi Alt to lha Emerald hunt de*A, hMU bull* 300. it noon iho day Imhstv pvtdH niton hi Alt ton (ha day of lha event unlmtt lha mvoni takoa /Waoa ha/ora noon No*ten % ol rvpftii with a donation or admittion (harga will not bo aeusprad Cjampu* «»ton it and ihoto a* h«ndu/ud nearest tha /mWu at ion data will ha given priority The Emerald totofyoi tha right to odll notu ot for grammar and tlylo k'l Alt arv published on a space available bat,* Advertise in the Emerald * INVENTORY SALE!« If you ve been looking to get your hatuls on an Apple * Macintosh * computer or printer, and you need it FAST, now is the time to come to the Microcomputer Support Center We have these items available for immediate delivery\ with many items at or below our cost! Ihese prices are limited to our stock on hand, and quantities are limited, so hurry! Macintosh LC 1MB RAM. 40MB HD Kc>txunl $999 2MB RAM. 40MB HD IM2K VRAM $999 PostScript. Hppm laser pnntcr iOOdpi resolution Can be upgraded to tl)e new IxiserWriter 11/ aruJ llg $2250 Macintosh llsi a 3MB HAM, 40MB HD $1649 5MB RAM. 80MB HD $2187 Apple ImageWriter I! Apple's classic dot-matrix printer Htuidles multipart forms atui color documents $275 nmmnnnninnnnnimn i. Ihi**? mi mm mm wmmi u> «at «■> lu*4 Kmi< r****1« Microcomputer Support Center • 202 Computing Center • 506 Mi mm ufct ariMn vpo* pUt tm**< at mmt CJw Monday - Friday 9am-5pm miiSSwSBS J' We ship your staff home! 1 to 1000 pounds Packing • Shipping Boxes Packaging 9 Store 2709 Willamette 344-3106