?io HELP WANTED M**MnQ*t«mc« ItiilllM Pan can»a -oaoar: mso B' "g raauma to 30' Mon-oa Si . MonoaymruFcoar 1 Sp m_ MICnOCOMWTEB SERVICES No« acrap">g ttudant apptaawon* '*» Ms PO»n» ConautUng. |ram.ng »arv«aa and pu'cnaa# plan tuppon Ml* hava m-crocompmar *awy good eommuncalion and OfWlIttlW Ik,it Sia0»ig P«r 15 55 50>T>our Apply Room 250 Co-pui ng Camar Pan-ilma paracnal ananoani naaoaa to m« arlti partonai naadt Oman tioanta raomrad Fri-Sai. 4-11 PM ana Sat Sun 510 10 30 AM ««5 168? contact Bonna ?15 WORK STUDY HIRING NOW FOR FAIL 9? Work »i’joy. 6-10 cr»m»k Buamaaa mgr lor quantity puPKanon Computer organizational aaiHa raquuad; corraapondanca. Book kaapmg aipananca tvapsui E* 4022 2?o HOUSES FOR RENT Cloaa la campua 3 4 < Bdrm nouaea lor ram. commencing July 1 Sommar ratal 495-0790 NEAR CAMPUS 7 pom nouaa $700 726 6104 Sum mar rantal- Beaulitui route, campu* araa $600 • uls Clock, 464-0504 APTS DUPLEXES APARTMENTS FOR RENT Low »ummer rales 60 fe« from campus 1414 A toe* Summ#f, $370 Apt In houee i txJrm. vary ctaar private. qu.at. b«aam#ni tor storage. partung Avar! June 1« $396 Pel* on 1441 "»v Si. Ap! 1 683 2380 Blackstone Manor Reserve lot FtU Tottn, IMS mo « dop Loom Undorcovot porting Moor Muoc Scnooi.'T enrvt Couitsntbreiy CAMPUS, 2 BLOCKS Very race, largo 2 Bdrm unit Avar Juno tatn/i7tn App.ances. no pot* 670 E I Sin *4457*465 <84 -7469 Campus-1, 2 S 4 bdrm dupiaias and ! own houses Low eummer ratM Onto By 771 779 E tain and can 344-8920 Campus Apartments Furnished 142 Bod rooms Summer retoe *275*425 411-2*23. Histore 'omodoiod tike now house. etud« 1340. 1 bdrm *400. 2 bdrm 14 75 Summor -e-oe avau Amo ’4tn 244 E I6in * 1605 Poort Chuck. 643 9242 CM) Wash Apartments 4 bdrm, |700mo and 1 bdrm, 5275rmo Shown MF. 4 00 PM 342 1 72 7 Female needs roommate to snore 2 bdrm dupiei i4tn * Patterson |200rmo Also, tutnisnod 1 bdrm aot Samp area 1275 4*54167_ HMyard Apartments, studio clean, new carpel laundry, panting. 4 Blocks to campus No pets Manager 973 H.yarq api 1 342 2303 LARGE. CLEAN. OLMET EMERALD APARTMENTS Fumtsnad 2 bdrm t btk U ol 0 Reserving tor Summer Tad Sommer raMS • Disnwatner •l>spos« •Lrg Mcnen and caomeis •Covered parking •Sundeck •Laundry New, etltctenl Management *43-4919 1345 Ferry St. N«*. ctean. i bdrm. indry taoMwe. ott St pmg. 5325rmo Can I PM 445 4252 NEAR CAMPUS! Large 2 bdrm mi pato Fnendiy. quret comptai Dishwasher good storage Carport, laundry, no pat* Owner managed * Center of Campus One bedroom New carpen Quwt Parking Summer rates now *290 4*5 7976 or 6*7 0421_ 1750 Alder St 6*706*4 CLASSIC Arms 22', APTS DUPLEXES Prospect Park 7 Mffli apt* available now Oulet. country etmoephere w convenient city location Other feature* Include pool. tenmottoeketlMlI court*, rec. room 4 playground Bight pact JSth 4 Chamber* Call 444 «»*l__ Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates Large. Quot. tirmahed 1 4 2 BOO'OOT'i t 0*00* tnjm c*mpu* 1*42 E t8. Mg’#19 or can 3*4 4780 Share nice 2 SOrm uni large i.yng room Parang 1 Bra 10 oampu* t2«Vmo Hop 483 0348048 181$ SOUTHGATE large 900 Muar* n 4 H-iyard location 484 992? SUMMER RATES la'ga I Dd/m ? otu 10 campui. S3tVm0 M4-41W ______ Sunny, clain, qu> June 1$lh tor Reeervmg tor tail See today or car< 343-2114 AFFORDABLE Orayatona Townhouaaa Nawly 'amcdatad 2 Pd/m loan nouaa* 5 mmuiaa to downtown Sman pais afiowad S37S Jannlnga » Co.SS1-42U Ceil New For MOVE IN SPECIAL Haw t BaauMui 1 ft 2 BEDROOM FROM MM a 12 MONTH RENT FREE I a WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS • COVERED PARKING a FITNESS ROOM • SUMMERTIME POOL • PATIOS-BALCONIES a ON-SITE SECURITY P II 0 *0 POVI 1127 Kina/ow tacroaa I ram Atman iiadkim) US-2465 NORRIS ft STEVENS ManagamaM Co Can Now For "VACATION PACKAGE" Haw ft SaauiUul 1 ft 2 BEDROOM FROM SSOS a 1/2 OFF 1ST MONTH'S RENT a COVERED PARKING a WASHER/ORYER HOOKUPS a EUROPEAN KITCHENS * FITNESS ROOM a CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1S11 Kingalay Rd UUSII NORRIS ft STEVENS Ma nag am am Co 725 APTS DUPLEXES Vary ama« oay*g"i Oaaamani aiuc-c 'or ' oaraon 'Jin and Mrf $7«S U! •>*„•«*> •X3 AvArf -w Hon •■■nok » mmh » imr nto Walk <0 CUM ' DO— apt «.«iOWa Juno ISfi Ho o»« IMS C» t ft ‘ S Campua *> ft* "aa p«g u<>( i«d no *a» $300 WS 345 4033 _ __ 2 bdrm. turn 0..o! g>ao bdg Coan Covarad o»n< ig Dabwaan $47Vmo A**,' Jutia tsi" ‘700 Fa"y 343 33'» I bdrm apt m Parag'Oio AuojAi -am nad o" S^mmor 'ala Ju>y I VS Au gun 11*3 SO Ca-i Panaa ai MS M*« 1 bdrm na«! lo B-/60A t| ’ B« U o' 0 1400 »a*n» $300 Juno 'll Fly, 344 S73S LOOK OUT! Tha 1M3 Graduation Edition ■a Coming Juno S! Forest village Apartmanta “ A .in A Quiel eeremly Juai minutes from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS ♦ WEIGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNA'S ♦ SWIMMING POOL RENTING NOW 2 Bdrrn, T v> Bi A«7S A M»*« 687-1318 se GAROCN TERRACE APTS INI Garden largo ? DO>m. cow 10 camput And hoi luBt Cat Paul tar Showing 344 1721 I39S Jinmnai ♦ Co.M347U GREENWOOO APARTMENTS 1MS Panaraon RARE opportunity io tv* n iNa e« capion*1 compter Large ’ 2 ana ?* Bed'oom grits evariaoe toon New carpels Soors countertops I euMcy paring gorgeous courtyard io enjoy in# turn Cmi Jen »or more m«or*e tan or io new 34? 71 A3 Jennmne ♦ CoM347H PRIME LOCATION ON CAMPUS Bright. cneery. undue < Bdrm du pier newer peini and vinyl, nerd wood noon delinitaly deie'ves a space' iooa By you Only »404 ♦ dep 35* E i Tin VERY SPACIOUS 7 Bd'tn. 1 Vt Ba. tunny country Men an lot ol charm near campus *S7S « dep - 04# Min Si No Pelt No Smoaing Real Etlate Northwest 343410* Redwood Park Apts. Quiet. Country Lining With City Convenience UnlurnleKed IMS ■Mem I3T0 10 *4*3 Leer UtiHtleeOn Busline Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Pei* A Playground Laundry Facilities Ala* Fumlahed Sullea Studio, I A 2 MR HOOaMTI individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV le LInane For Bed. Bath A Kitchen On Sne Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 *779 2 Blocks to U of O RESERVE NOW! NO RENT TA SEPTEMBER (landed ( available! Can Don at 344 MIPS to tee • immaculate 7 Bdrrn 7 Story Apis • a* lor 3 o< 4 Poop* • P'reie peat overawing ina M 'ace {parlaci lor BBQ t) • Peaceful wen in and tale • Great summer -ales MILL RACE APTS (Ben.nd Tracwown P tta) Ce ItLUll 225 APTS DUPLEXES WALKING OiSTANCl TO CAMPUS*' IUOCNE MANOW SK jtfiO A ? O'** V'#-* Ut<* «d Samno at »>«) ’CSC f**y Si '0?A 4*M ?441 1STH A OtrvE Uttht cwtgn a/xj *pafW*ng oft I0*r. ?*•*<* fl«c -O wioW mow J l Covorod pa/Vng W*§f 15m 4*4 )*.» WALK TO CAMPUS E »Tr« *pOC«ua «g*i < Dd'm 6*fCO"y OflatfNt parting laundry. 1235 • (J«p SN5 ’ PMMPVOn D"v* Oy than ca!! Row f *:*-'* Nonmwoai >4J 4»Q9___ Would you Ifc# • roaHy mci room •n to youraolf orth a prtvaio bathroom. eloto to campua. in a now building whoro your moaia ara praparad tor you? Can tho CollOflMn. >4H25ft » *400 SONUS • — UnNorafty Manor So 74) € DlhAva 2 tsodroom « m t*afy Catfio r-#* 30 CAIN IN NIU. BE Ml, *ND IN ANOTHER VOJft, WEIL BOTH BE THE 8 30 CALVIN' vt TUM WEfcHS *>J ©JIS Y«U. HfcNfc TO SUTTER. MWE1ER lOU DO TO ME WMCfit Oy**8 'DEA WAS rms ahiwai » ms1 2M APTS DUPLEXES IMS g Mo* A SfMPOu* 4ft5 <30ftft t bd»m, fu*n #p( to VuCMrt if»u Ai*g «T#1 00**' OCH^V' ’*#! tSOO**£ • »«H) •W e*?3 6 bod zoom# a 7 C^daxx^ hot,*# 1 IHOCH ••Off) CftmpdS W <»' ♦< #rxl af>« AvsriStKS Juns 10 C«tt 34ft WO ? 240 QUADS SUMMER CAT'tMl *'i UA U^WSS mcfudMKS *•• £>*$ Qu*rf "O *•**• S#p» tHV'Ui M n Csdarwood Quads 441 t inn Sna'«d v 'y tom ‘f'4' i a *4w "0* Rooms '#nf from 072S-V3* a J «f flftft WHO 1 JbuMwi * Co _M3-4?<1 ,rmK*m$ uMMI. M »Va flTT i WA'I so CSfflpuS horn t(««0 nawty *» tWftW»h«#d C}u«J* • I want w ' * l l or*t *>n * • Sha/# MNfVlitUrAOO * . ■ , ■ < . » ■ • «*■» • ■ • 1 f4'7 Mifyard) >W<» t VA!> M>**W—I 34 J 4 t W 24i ROOMS f XCI t SlOR MEStOCMCfS Room #OOV* E iCStlOT CS0* «V«**‘A»4I now 1200-tn-o wmm#f 'at* «ncfcxH*4 uf>Cat 344 ?C>ft? 25S R00I4AATES WANTED Room mil# lot lunimn Mi# 3 txh'n turn #..nrtfy y#«J 3 t»*» to CArnput 1^00 C«i-: SiMfcSfftS 6413 309t Roomm it# for lufftmn t a'tf« ? &U?m UtVWJ parting. poo: laundry 1 Wfc to carwpu# |Jftf 60 34S 00X» Hoorn mat# want#d Non am0**ng, qum to %h*r* 7 tx*m ? tw* h »p» m Crsna V <*y« |3’-7 !>0 ♦ uttf Summ## and Of 9i* 33 K- htxX yaar 34 3 4*>)*> 2 roommii## w#n(#d Kv imrunm •now «? 33 tcttoot ysaz 4 odtnv? Oath fHX^a #1 «h and J*n«r%on Summw .'ai«m and wt o( pfu*** ♦ Aarpn 34349l6__ _ 2 roommalat n##d#d 'o# B*•«*»’ ire CHID CARE Child car# tot 4 mo old tf» my tam# ?9 hr* wee* Noon r#t»r«noM tr«n*P0rt*©n S!Afl IJhOu' 144 9^ MO MEETINGS T ho Student Health ineurafice CommrtiM* *'<«>■ today at 4 p m n ■-• IKxi U Room o' tta I- MU to in* 199? 93 PO K ror m< .1 ' IV i ,< Ltoto le hero: \«o -IS .FATHER of the BRIDE BIJOU LATE NITE AU NMOUI K MAN w-tjT’-T" ;il ^ «rvv« MA*re»orV« AtArceeauurnH enow*! I FATHER Of the BRIDEJ mo SERVICES flecaoae people car* f f •# pregnancy tatting C*U8*thrlgM, M7 M5t Planned Parenthood otar* pregfwtcy t«Mf enfh untnated counaalmg J44 IM1 1 PM I GNANT A Nl I D Mf i P? I «»» confident Mi aoonaaemg and pregnancy tee* Ca» lam; m Hem * PPtV iCttt CON1ACT' ifws? »V« j ta*p’ t>v»r 3 000 Contex t* %IOC* temporary toanaw’t f neederi No charge to ca i fo*^ doctor ky pmtu r p?>on Ca<- HA: WWW OP' CS >43 3333 Storage S2S/month ami up Free boxes! A42-538A DOWNTOWN MINI STORAGE Chambers A River Rtl Acnoss 1 Ai .»!>«. lallal Champ* unship Saason* t Goddass erf harvasis 12 Spanish sivar dollar 13 Slialagam 14 Carting vohicla 15 Kind erf hag cw Quasi 17 Lamta s mothaf 11 Japanasa abongina 1 9 Play or powar la ad in 21 Funaral oral»n 24 Giaan vag aiabtas 25 Hash's oppovla 26 Duiai s 30 Uneoulh parson 31 British prisons 32 To lha right! 33 1900 Cliar mosia 35 Holier 36 flock s pari nor 3/ Carman soprano tahmann 36 I hm broth 40 Plata for a ds>? 43 Trouble 43 f icessive 46 fkial or box lead m 49 Become limp 60 NobeliSI Waul 51 Con duel ad S3 Health resorts S3 Parking lol souvenir? DOWN 1 Com mo lion 2 Broadw.ty 3 Width 4 Search kii food 5 Country m the W»«t Indie* abfaf 6 Science f»c1 ton award 7 Wood foe baseball hat* 8 Animal restraint* 9 Careless omission 10 Handies Clumsily 11 Smell d*w<" 16 Hover, in Nuremberg 70 Bower 21 Dutch treat' 22 Move Solution lim» 24 min* SOLVE THE PUZZLE ik ih« f»r« pc mm (•fu» 9 • m ) U> toive ihe cfmtwtmi puy/lc is jtcUMifVeditivenmrj^ 6 2 —i if i—n—■■ «wf>9 «iii4 23 Annutfad O l ravarsiwi 24 Duddtft 26 llo.it o# doth taad 27 5>aod casa 29 In good ordar 29 K«#lly of filmdom 31 ho/nof (imuttd cy racism) 34 Tha ‘smart’ Stoog# 35 Rang itowfy and ragutarty 37 Tannts Strofc# 38 Ac.trass Patrck 39 Houston campus 40 Chmasa was 41 fabt# sciaps 44 CCO. for on# 45 Cofnda chaar 46 Coma m fust 47 l api doptanst's trap