$4 oo 1 Foot long Sub 50' Half Sub 4 • FREE DELIVERY • SUBSHOP• 1225 ALDER 345-2434 I I l Baung j Baung 1 Chicken *4.25 I .onth Nprrtal K ire *1 IHty Pork CHINA BLUE Restaurant Upstairs NcM i<> I ol O Bookstore 879 K. 13th • 343-2832 WE HAVE THE BEST PRICES IN TOWN! FULL-SERVE VOLUME CORES: 81/,x11:20# White 4$ Color Paper - 5# self-serve Astrobrite-60* 6* PLUS H SELF-SERVICE AU PAY! Tice Copy Shop 539 E. 13th Ave. 485-6253 RKCH'l.lMi ACEQS& 1 TVnr >nw* tor myttag wmM 2 fumi kill **** «n*' wutwarxk **i \ Annm pnxVr r*»vrf- *vn*«n' ivffy xmr k> i»fc tor «wto 4* emu-* 4 Nucte*r rnki tor «aart ? In W*\ ONQpft »*» tf« lira 4MT to pm» ton W1 4 TV Mm! to*n emr fWydnl i«n wd afixn* i TV art fc» <«» >*%r* 7 Mrtp M«v 10 TV n*Tjp ami fnwn Rvxfcry; <■»* Kattr cuwfcJ Ht* « H‘-*« Kdh k« k« Vurx 11 Mnmtw* rrmkr^ |Mf«x pnxh** l’»» U A Mr m tom U>« .4 tor *to*afVm ww «» An4*nth t» tvm attoul IV «*■ .4 tor LVAxI **ttlr» IT A «n«k i|MTl »4 n%*« .an |x4Aa 2SO0ED C* Jn»*v* ***** 14 M »*r alt wr c*n mtor * UJ I_I UOViS, 1 VI *;*«■% of *rr, *“*» h nwwli 2 VUiv* tt«rvrvnvii f»*«%4*4kf ik-mv'r* UlVk«t'Mf> k I f.** v\tar up Mf m kMT »**>k ■» »V*UIT* 4 k\\M(» i>* tV* .* »** trW* v-j»^ Jt»4 5 IK Rvw R* __ nv» rwv»V n cw> tv nbiWiitMt »* nfv« if** kJi m*J t«Hrr r*«* Ur^tftvJ ««rtW' *v»t n*i. t* fewfcvl k 7 fc.v «> ft C jM oh»tt*k If* ** * it' I'M n**\ #**t V *«f l s <*»* K*i *•» Ittookti •*** iwxit *|vtv IQ «n the n*mt h*Mnfou* m j*4r «*W|* ***•*• II « tk#> g^*»rv t\* »►* jJ ** »>ook Norris, who said he's been a class doodler for ijuite awhile, said he decided on the spur of the moment to do Weasel's World lust year Fifteen of his best strips, which portray semi autobiographical demerits of Greek life and University madness appear in “Panels." When the graduating history major was asked if he would like to be a cartoonist, he re plied, "It beats working." Skorpen, whose Oscar the Freshman first ap peared in Orngon Voice, said he would like to do a daily strip for a living. Most of Skorpen's strips from this year's limerald will appear in the anthology Some lesser-known work, such as Red mond's wry and intellectual "Blob Squad," some of which paper his dorm room walls, will make a cameo appearance in "Panels," us will two artists' collaborations which appeared in Oregon Voice. "Self-publishing this little literary nightmare had me jumping through more hoops than you could possibly imagine but when this term ends, i’ll lie able to set my diploma and this book on the mantle, breathe u deep sigh of re lief and calmly sip milk to tool my ulcers," Russell said. “Panels" will cost S7. i hri*tine* Until y Kotkoand Artmi HubhriJ La Rosa Blanca Summer Building School Tijuana, Baja California, Mexico June 29 - August 29 Organic architectural solutions to problems of third world development, hands on construction of primary school, and artisans workshops. Cost: $800- $2,000 Write: The Americas Foundation 4716 Bram Ave., Bonita, CA 91902 MOTORCYCLE AND SCOOTER INSURANCE Competitive rates Renters insurance Monthly rates Venn Vranas, Inc. /*®S=ak741-2280 JOIN NOWI DOC'S COCKTAIL RESEARCH TEAM 165 W. 11th • 685-8101