Ron Finley Tom Helnonen Elwln Helny COACHES Continued from Page 8 an; hoping to make tlx: slate of Oregon — and the University of Oregon — better. "Everyone feels like an Ore gonian whether they are or not. You sacrifice some things to live in a place you enjoy." "The pay is lousy and every one knows that," said Buzz Summers, who has coached men's tennis for 25 years, the longest stint of any Oregon head coach. "It's the people in the area and the lifestyle in Eu gene. I've lived in bigger cities, and I don't like it." Both Dellingor and Tom Heinonen, Oregon's women's track and cross country coach, said the public support for their sports — especially track and field — has also helped con MOTORCYCLE AND SCOOTER INSURANCE • Competitive rates • Renters insurance • Monthly rates Venn Vranas, Inc 741-2280 vince them to stay in Eugene “It's not the pay." Hoinonon said. "But in track and field it doesn't really get any better than this. There's a level of support here that doesn't exist basically any when: else in the country." Finley said he has also seen a strong sense of commitment among Oregon coaches. "Our administration has done an outstanding job of hir ing people who they fell would stay and help build the pro gram," he said Despite the consensus among Oregon's long-term head coach es that the lifestyle keeps peo ple here, coaches ut schools in areas oven more renowned for quality of life don’t measure up in longevity The two Arizona schools which are located in a stale JOIN NOWI DOC'S IC~Ta 11 COCKTAJL RESEARCH TEAM 165 W. 11th • 683*6101 with a climate that has helped Iraki! il one of the country's fastest-growing have only seven head coaches with more than 15 years tenure, two at Ar izona and five at Arizona State. And it would seem that Ore gon State would have the same qualities that Oregon's coaches say have kept them around lor so long Vet only Jack Riley, the Beavers' baseball coach, has boon at Corvallis for more than 15 years as a head coach Summers said Eugene offers the Isis! of both worlds. "Eugene is more of a cosmo politan place, and Corvallis is a little small." he said " There aren't as many cultural and so cial activities as there are in Eu gene. Eugene is a good size." That pretty well sums up the feelings of all six Oregon "old timers " ROLLER BLADE RENTALS $400 *6M 2 HRS. 4 HRS. ALL DAY *10“ • «1 'mm ■ teSfcSTB 199 W. 6th Euq«n« « 484-7344 Weasel’s World Kraig Norris BOOKS ME MNXOUTTA TREES. WHICH ARE CJT OWN. DESTRCmNG THE HASTAT Of THE PULP WEEVIL. HENCE WTFE soramNQ TEXTBCDO! I CAN STmMMZI WflH icufi mctST.aur MOV THAT WE’VE. GOT UNI • »t*sjrr su*obt, iirs go RICK IN SOMt WWCOWS AT WE FEOAAL BUHlJMj!! rucH'H Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen «eyi wHAT-fve you poi^o in' rr noo^71' FS1/, Son; Inv£ST)GATW€ 7 ( 'WHAPPVA G07> 'Oia.iy UnFi iJtSHf C* HOntwoAK, A»JD A VJtAfOrJ OF ASSAULT th ats pr£ jry gcop ( 6 OT So/ng 5fOu£M CAf6f£*iA pi SH£S, LWPAlP 5(*-t S, A)y)C> UowVAIGHT uf^moUScvit -v MUSIC -f Classic of A &KJTAI-. 5A7VWIC., MfUTAU/ PtflCitn-T VAfJOAi. *AlH CWld&i SCHOOL ? 'TKittci lut ? There are a lot of difficult decisions to make about grad school, but which admissions test to take shouldn't be one of them. You can take the Miller Analogies Test at your convenience - the admissions test that only takes about an hour, gives you results in two weeks, and fits your budget. MILLER ANALOGIH S TI S T The Practical Choice V For more information about the Miller Analogies Test, contact your graduate school admissions office or call 1-800-634-0424 Avoid long lines at the post office Buy stamps at the r UO Bookstore. \