EHgnaa SOUND OFF results THE FINE PRINT BY PAT MALACH Results from the Emerald'» "Sound Off" survey are in. The campus-wide questionnaire was published in the paper May a. ti. 7 and 8. Al though there wore about 10,000 copies primed each day. only w people look me nine 10 mi in urui relurn the surveys. Considering the amount of criticism thu Emerald receives on a daily basis, this is a little hard to understand,- but we do appreciate those pooplo who found time in their busy schedules to offer input about the campus dally. There were many valid critiques voiced about the fc'meraWs cov erage. and believe it or not. not all of the comments were negative. One of the most common complaints was that Emerald articles hinged on the naive side of reporting because writers were not crit ical enough of their sources. This is not the first time this criticism has been voiced by our readers and by professionals who conduct workshops with us One of the best ways to deal with this problem is to stress to our reporters to check their facts. We simply cannot write down everything pooplo say A little skepticism can go a long way when gathering information. Another common complaint is that iho Emerald often seems more like a press release for speakers, panel discussions, sympo siums. etc., and it is not a true nowspaper. There is certainly some validity to this claim. We often fail into the rut of trying to give equal coverage to all events on campus. Unfortunately, the paper does not have the available space or resources to cover every event on campus and still report "news.” in this regard, the Emorald operates much like "real-world” cor porate newspapers. Small staffs are kept busy cranking out copy to "feed the monster" — us one veteran reporter for The Kogister Cuard calls It — and the In-depth stories that take more time io dig up are left unattended. One of my main goals for next year's Emerald Is to try to break out of this rut li will mean that as editors, wo will need to Ixi in better touch with what our readership wants and needs from the paper. To use a journalism cliche, we ll have to tx' tidier gatekeep ers. According to the survey, we need to do a better job of covering the ASIJO, the Incidental Fee Committee. Measure 5 results, fat ui ty and staff issues, and one of the biggest concerns, more entertain ment coverage. i also believe by getting more people involved in our freelance writer system, we can free up time for our reporters urui associate editors it) go after the "bigger” stories It's super easy to gel in volved with writing for the paper on .1 freelance basis. Jusi come up and talk to the freelance editor next full Two people mentioned coverage of national and international news One person wanted more, the other wanted less. And of course, there were many complaints to the effect that "You haven’t covered my particular group enough " Ironically, for all the complaints we receive about our coverage of diversity issues, only two of the 19 people who filled out the questionnaire fell the Emerald had hindered diversity. Again, thanks go out to those who lixik part in the survey. And to those constant Emerald detractors Next time we offer Iho chant e lo bitch and moan (or, God forbid, commend us), take us up on it You might find thul we're actually paying attention I’ut Malai h will he editor of the I'l'tJ 'l t Finer,1 id THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON OT*i« LS L ■gas < ■ i ■ » ! I . ..■■■ Abraham Lincoln s first car Advertise m the Emerald ' TO ALL OF OUR GAY AND LESBIAN FRIENDS ' We believed the unthinkable was the impossible. We regret our complacency. We pledge to redouble our efforts to build tolerance and mutual respect in our community. The entire staff of Paul’s Bicycle Shops w ishes to reiterate that we value all gentle people regardless of race, religion, gender or sexual preference. We reaffirm our opposition to the politics of fear, hate or bigotry. PAUL’S BICYCLE SHOP BICYCLE WAY OF LIFE The ('lass of deserves a eake with ('lass! Order your cake today! 484-1662 Please place your cake ordor al least 24 hours in advance ot your delivery or pickup time' FALL CREEK BAKERY 881 East 13th Avenue, next to the UO Bookstore Mon-Fri 7 30-9 00, Sat 8 00-3 00, Sun 9 00-3 00 ...we're moving soon to our new larger store and we're having a sale to celebrate! coming June 1 5th: A new larger store 2 doors west of j our present location. 1 The largest selection of art and m school supplies in Oregon. M Professional, friendly staff. fl VTUOW TAG (TIMS EXCIUMO SAU UMTTtD TO STOCK ON HANO CANNOT M COMAINtD WITH ANY OfMU SAU