EDITORIAL It’s official: Elmira to be Dead again Staging a concert shouldn't be this difficult. Everybody knows about the problems local fans have had getting the Grateful Dead to play Autzcn Sta dium in recent years Opponents of the band claimed the annual summer concerts resulted in excessive noise, large unruly crowds anti u general sense of cha os. Funny, but the above-mentioned characteristics can be applied to an annual fall event — Duck football games, Of course. Grateful Dead foes don't complain about that Must be all the tie-dye. Anyway, the Line County commissioners last Wednesday, in a 3-2 vote, approved a mass gathering permit tor a two-day Grateful Dead concert in Elmira this August. The public hearing in which the matter was decid ed was not without its poignant moments. Concert opponents brought up the traditional com plaints: safety, fire, sanitation, etc However, backers of me concert apparently proved to county commis sioners Jerry Rust {a long time Dead supporter). Steve Cornacr.hia and Jack Roberts that those con cerns had been acknowl edged and that steps have been taken to see every thing will go smoothly. So it looks as if the concert will go ahead as Grateful Dead fans don't fit these people's ideal world image, so they react accordingly. seneauicfl, out me sour anenasie oi me wnuiu uuuuib lingers. Why is there so much difficultly in scheduling the Dead? Is it the large crowds? No. The concert is expected to attract 40.000 fans on each of the two days. The home football contests top that number almost every game Lane County, the home of a rather large universi ty and all of its sporting and cultural events, is no stranger to big crowds. Is it the people, the "Deadheads," who follow the band wherever it goes? You bctcha. Lane County, for all its supposed and professed tol erance. is exactly the opposite. Case in point: Spring field's Measure 20-08. Some local residents view any thing out of their narrow "norm" as strange, weird and a threat. Grateful Dead funs don't fit these people's ide al world image, so they react accordingly. But for now. this round goes to the tolerant people. You don’t have to be a Dead fan to realize the band clearly has a following in the local area. If all the con ditions for a mass gathering permit are met, there should be nothing preventing the concert from contin uing. Oregon Daily Emerald PO BOX i\sa. EUGENE. OREGON S740J Tho Oragon Datfy E moroid t* publishad d«s»y Monday through f r Memorial Unon and r» 0 o' the A»vk :>a!ed Pres* The k memld * pr»vitio property The unlawful 'emOvS» Q* u*e O' papers 4 proeecvtaM* Py w« Managing Editor EditorialEditor GlIphKI C (JllOf Entertainment Editor Editor *n Chief: CN^Japher Bto* Pal Usiecf* Now* Editor Cain** Daneas Editorial Editor Jo" Pnsiay Sports Editor layneLakeHh In Touch Editor Night Editor C^opns &* Chris Booneff Don Peters J«M Borg M>h« F neeman Associats Editors Student Government Activities Oaotfyn Trappo Community T«mN«* Higher Education Administration: Corn# Dennett Features; lea Miiegan Reporter* Tammy Batfty ManOy Baucum. Davd Charfconneau. Jeyson Jacoby M m Janssen. Gor».i koepping kr'iten luces Hope NeaKMm. Coiewn Pohkg Copy Editors Dan ( i# F red Hagen, Pau* Matvorson. She^a M«ma. Kathy Shonoch Photographara So Neoimaf' Michael 5n*nd*> Darkroom Technicians $*mon* Boms. KhettfM Granger. Man Mow. EhC U*&Q>m Todd vt^Nvns Advsrltstng Shawn Rarven Joan Bradley Scot Dana l os# F it OavW Gaunjtifj. Jew* %n Much-ns Tom leech Cethenne Floyie, Dus' n Sleds* Vk*j To0*n. Sharon Va/ Classdtad Peggy McGmn Alan Curt4. Sne^a loren/o Bus mass ha?hy Cartione. Si-perveor AxJy ConftOHy Production ingnd W*4e. Producfwn Caordmetor Conn# Fner. Susan Head Dee McCoOO, Stacy Mrtchs*;. Jann*l*r Roland Jennifer Smith. Anna Siopnonson Jenrvter V.a*e General Manager Judy Mud Ad»»rti»ing Otracloi tvy«n R Coppadg* Nmrwoom MMB1 Buimni Oftie*..- -W-MH Production hUnjgor Moil Diipity MvontUng_M6-17I2 Cll»«ixl AOrortcing_ rwELL.GEDfiGE, SO PAR »t'5 still PV£ LOAVES AMO TWO PfSHES. 1 I uwi^fty*. Pt% n f '»0 1TXf