205 OPPORTUNITIES Would you )*• to t>« your own bow? t *pto* vw bunnew opportunity e>0Ond»ng into EuQtn* to* n*k tnCflKMH* pOtentM* f'u»i p*rt t*m« opcxytunrt** avaiaOW For more *n*o C*ii J«*on. 344 6**6 210 HELP WANTED uoti your fra?<*rmiy sorCK'Ty. or campus g*oup need money lor spring term'’ C*"- CW/c*. *64-050* EARN MONEY Reading Books* 130.000 yr income potential Detetls (1) 60S 062 3000 E«t Y9642 ESCAPE is now Wring tor t*e *992 93 scfKX>! year looking lor an OFFICE MANAGER tn cnarge of o»*ce organ vat *on and budget management and a COMMUNITY CAMPUS l iAlSON *n cbargo of advertisements and pu0'*c rotations Stipend and cmcJ-f avaiaWs Corns ioM'm f or mor© tn!arrr-af*on or call 346-4351 EXTRAS NEEOED tor tsaturo tom poing snot «n Oregon th-.* summsr We ©specialty need Japanese and/or As.an -err A FUN SUMMER JOB’ Ca« 34? 4*90. e*t i8 for ooiaits Retail Sales Customer Service SUMMER WORK ini until ch»n <00 FT 4 PT pos romp 4 pern !«« rn not^ nc «»rt: :ra«v Starling Pay Rale $10 25 College Students paid internships possible and some scholarships awarded. For inlo on job openings in Alaska. Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Northern Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, call our 24-hour Regional PlacemenI Directory to find the location nearest you: (707) 573-3510. Local oltiee number, _(503) 363-0776._ Aquatic position, WSI. Lifeguard. First Ato. CPR REQUIRED Team piayor Flexibility desired 15 25 nrs-’wee* Send resume and cover letter to Easter Seats Aquaiic Center 3575 Donato. Eugene, 97*05. Attention Personnel Cruise Line Entry-level on-bosrdtand-sids avail., yir-md »utnmtf. 612-643-4333 Looking Glass Youth Trainer Posilton mnX provoe support to use with a range of mental and physical dtsa&'W*es. 30-40 hrs-Wk. $525Av and ends on or before August 30. 1982 Applicants must meet eSgibdity guideline* Contact the Southern WiUamane Private Industry Council. 78 Centennial Loop, Eugene 687 3800 Summer Youth Employment Program operated by looking Glass »n partnership with the Southern Wiiamette Private Industry Council EEO Msssenger/office assistant Pan-time. ftei&te hours, typing 45 WPM. light ryp«ng tiling, errands « company vehicle Valid driver's license needed please Bring resume to 301 Monroe Si , Monday thru Friday 1 5 p m_ TRAVEL JOBS A*flmes. hotels A national parks fw.ng lor summer jabs «n Northwest FdriNstOl 0penmn#. tend SASE with $15 check/m o to Travel Career Network. 564 Mission. Suite 705. SF . CA94117 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Close to campus 3 $ 4 odrm houses ky rent, commencing July 1 Summer rates 485 0790__ NEAR CAMPUS 7 bdrm house $700 /26-61Q4__ Summer rental- beeulfol house, campus area $600 ♦ Chuck. 464-0504___ 3 bdrm. 1 bath Clean house w*ih (Seen and yard No debt $900'mo. summer Ca:' Rhonda, 484 5699 225 APTS DUPLEXES 2 bdrm fum unturn apt* NEW deck overlooking M nc» NE W countertops, wi'vaows mmibinds. pam: carpel NICE' $350 Summer rares 465 8187___ 22S APTS DUPLEXES APARTMENTS FOR RENT l am summer twm 60 *«»et *om campus Aigo* S1370 Apt in houee ‘ Ddrm w^y clear pfhriB* Qo*tM 6»#m#r^ fc Scnooi Teon.* Court*1 ftrery CAMPUS. 2 BLOCKS Vary n«ca largo 2 tklrm una Av»-< June lewiftn Appfcances. no pot a 6701 W VUVV465 *64 7469 Campus-1. 2 4 4 bdrm dupisie* and townftpuse* lOo iu'WT'9' 'a!w D' ve Dy 771 7 79 E ’ 6:h and ca 34 4 8920 Campus Apartments Furnished 142 Bedroom* Summer rata* 427S*425 465 2823 CLASSIC Histone remadeied t**« nan house. WutfO 4350. 1 Odrm %4QC 2 &drm $4/5 Summer rates a van June 154T» 244 f I6ih & ’605 Peart Ct'.^K 683-9242 Share nice 2 bdrm un4 Largo v>ng room Parkmg 1 i>n to campus $24Vmo HoO 46S034S346 *VS SOUTHGATE large. 900 square toot i oorm apt 2 txJrm toemhouse ava>* sac*' • Poo* and sauna • On s*te Sundry facilities • Near campus • On Ousane 2345 Patterson 345 4471 Studio and 2 bedroom apartments Pool-laundry laoiaes wear her/ed five buildings. i5»h A Hrfyard tocenon 484 9922 SUMMER RATES large i bdrm. 2 bJks to campus. $31 Smo 345-4 1 55 Sunny, clean, quiet 2 bedroom duple* availat>«e soon 25th arxJ Oak 444Vmo Please can 343-9711 SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW RESERVING FOR SUMNER It FAU Laiga, claen. quiat 1 bdrm. ‘ ptk UO New Roots, walk >n ctoeef sap vanly and pain. covared paring 484 4103 Unbeatable lurmahad 1 bdivn A itudio Meal 73S E 17m. laundry, parking Avail June 15th lor Rummer Aeaervmg tor la« Sea today or can 343 2114 Walt to cleat I Odrm apt. avaiiaMe June i Sin No peiR $335 CaA l*a. 346«?8t IV, BL OCKS FROM CAMPUS Sludio on Rile laundry lad*** *85 0790 2 bdrm, turn. Qua* grad bdg Clean Covered parking DiRtiwaRn i*7Srmo Avail June 1«h 1200 Ferry 3*3 3318_ 2 bdrm apt Grew ipaoa ol windows. dote lo campu*. Saleway A leundry $39Vmo Avail Aina i«. Kim. 345-2610 2 bdrm (nad lo BuOba R) t b* U ol O $400 Rummer, $30C Aina itl Fly. 344 5735 __ Call Now Far move in special New A Beautiful I A 2 BEDROOM FROM $495 a 1/2 MONTH RENT FREE! e WASHERORVCR HOOKUPS a COVEREO PARKING a FITNESS ROOM e SUMMERTIME POOL e PATIOS-BALCONIES e ON SITE SECURITY P II D $0 POVI 3127 Kinerow leciokk Horn Auden Stediumj 686-2465 NORRIS & STEVENS Menegamani Co GoadCtnti 22S APTS DUPLEXES Forest village Apartment* “ ■k Qu*e1 aerenity Ju»i nmulii from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS ♦ WEIGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNA'S ♦ SWIMMING POOL RENTING NOW 2 Bdrm. 1 ‘ { Ba $47$ A $49S»no 687-1318 s e iu*t* ava<*at»a* aoon N*^a> airpat* ifcxyv coumarop* laundry p&ifc mg. gOrgeOuft COu#1yrtftJ U) anfOy tha aorv' Ca*1 Ja* *or mon* wicyma !>on Or to v*w 34? ?1ft3 Jannlnga ♦ Co 8AT-42U PRIME LOCATION ON CAMPUS Bright ch®«K> unrqua i Cxi'”' du pio• ‘■'♦mw* paint and v' »‘ **ard WOOd ’^OOr* d*»1 ! '«■) dli.w'vw*. t spot 4 -004 &y yOu On-iy $40$ tfop TS9E 17m VERY SPACIOUS 2 Ddrm. 1 V» Da tunny country nr y o) cfvarm >•*** campoa * dap 1049 Mk8 Si No Pm No Smoking Real EaUta Norihwaat »&2$ M1 4109 Rfdu-cKKl Park Apts. fjuiel. Country Uviny With City Convenience UnfurnUhad 1A2 Bdrm $370 to $46$ low Ultldiaa On Buahne f quipped Waight Room, Spa Wood Part A Playground Laundry Eacihtiaa Also Furnlahad Bultaa Studio. 1 A ? B R $600 to $«75 individually Oacoratad Completely Furnrahad Everything From Cap la TV to llnana for Bad. Bath A Kachan On SA« Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 walking distance TO CAMPUS!! EUGENE MANOR Slud»oA 2 00tm GfiMt vww LAM *nd SIAiMig *! 8T6S 'OSO f»ltf S! 10?A 4»4 7441 1JTH* OLIVE Lgn? cvigm Ano spwwmg ion *>ArtmAnt SMB mo meluOA* mo« jt‘i Gcrvarwd PAdung 9S w*»l I Sin 4»4 S63S WALK TO CAMPUS Ellin &{mciou4 i»gni i bdim, oaicofiy, oil ti'MK parking laundry. *23S ♦ 0«p 967 P»i!*'%on Don* By men cell Real Etiaia Noitnwsii. J4j 4iQ9____ "VACATION PACKAGE" Nm A BaauIAuI 1 t 2 BEDROOM FROM ISOS • I 2 Of F 1ST MONTH S RENT • COVERED PARKING A WASHERORYER HOOKUPS A EUROPEAN KITCHENS A FITNESS ROOM A CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER Cam Now For 1811 Kingtlay Rd 343-4549 NORRIS* STEVENS MirugAfnAnt Co GoodGenb 735 APTS DUPLEXES ^^^cIut^sshApsctroonts 4 txjrm l?OOAs>o «na 1 | j f??Vmo Shown Mf 4 00 | 1 >t? * r??_ 1 MtJysrd Apsrtmon!*, *!ud«o. ci«w^. ''wn* CA^WM H»undry. P*-'**1^ 4 Woe** JO CAMPUS No p«K* MRftagt*. UH >6 y«tf apt i 3*2^303_ LARGE, CLEAN. Quit T t Ml HALO APART MINTS f uVfM&nSKl ? POrm. 1 Jj i» U oT O Rawsfwng Tor Aomrw %B# $ rmm • D<*bW4**h*f •l>4pO»4i •l eg McNjrt and • C ovt* 4R3 (NJrWng • Sundacfc • laundry Nsvr. sftrotmt Man«g«Nnsnt 64) A019 L M4Q0 StlKfiO 4p**/i™«*rvJ tof NKM Com* lOO^PiA W4 ’?6S Ltvs etos# to CtUN Viilsgs Only 5,^0 '. W*v WiSShtK ,L U'**r i Hugh M3 V “f Map** Arms 1)45 Fsrry St N -*» cmm'1 t fxtrm '*.}*> kx ' *h .»* Nssr campus' Qu**t ? bdfffl f>’vKit PiM-o carport Aoftary and d.v>*S->f»9 ’43*1 >44 ?434 Now rsntrng tor summer 4 foil 1 4 ? tjr.t"*’ ApnV'T M !» rsM-' M1 % . 0uA}:rg I235V95 RsigawoocJ Apartment* c 4# 4*«' .* p m tkl6 5'641 Center of Campus Y*«i Pwt'OOm NOW > <*?£>•*% Qu>Ot Pats «g Sumr*.0# »«f «••. rx>* $.*5X3 4«s :h ’« of 66/ Cft^ i Prospect Park ? txlrm spts available now OumM country ilmo»ptv«ri w convsnrsnl city location Othar faaturas mclocfs poof. tanrus-toaskatbalf courts, tac room 4 playground Might post ?5lh 4 ChambarsjCaM 464 6553^ __ Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates l a/gm qu«* fumaaad 1 * ? twaWoorr'v 1 Woe* trom (.a;’V'.* 144? ( '■» Mg l'9 .x aw m 4 745 C. IJIH AVt You cam b*al lb* p>K4* art tnau 3 A 3 twUfoom uiw» 0>*y »4»5 and 55451 i floe* from U ol O l’Wary Cm to <*m ai 345 WO l Janntnqa » Ca_M34211 You ar* waicom* to com* to our ofhca for a fra* Hat of availaPl* rant *1» Dr tv a by any local ton a that intaraat you. than call for an appointmant to aaa tha ward* Tha following m a partial Hat of adds***#* datatfa ara on our lial APARTMENT S Siudtoa*3 Badrooma 190 Etttl ?4th 107 itf Cam Mm 361 to*! 19tn 460 tas» iBtn M4 last I4!h 766 f a»< 19th 914 Em? tilth 945 fuss tarn 973 Wyaid 979 f arry law 1159 fW> 1160 Pattorvyt 1170Hgfi 166aForry 1715 High 1844 Kincaid 1911 K'-nc&d 1948 itarn* 2785 Oaa 3501 Mirya/O DUPLEXES 2 6 Badrooma 611 t/2 F AM 14!h tab? Kinowl 2640 Maw* 3635 f Amazon HOUSES 1*5 Badrooma 425 f mi 12th 1855 Urworvfy 2060 A*fc*r Mo pat* Shown try appointmant 345 W 10th 666 It30 Alao opan Saturday 9 to 1 T Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson DID TOO WRITE TOUR STOW FOR CLASS TOMORROW SH* >■ j tS M STOW ZPl WRITTEN OR 2 \ NOT 3 22S APTS DUPLEXES l arga t bdftn Dy Pwga& .n Harst »o* li-irnwn k>* |J9** f '**» (tarV'^g Mart 6AT. 4160 1 txlrm. turn *p« HJ tnru At/g *» tfi Q&tW QQ**J*' ’Q# t*4' t ‘ i D-*.» IfQltl C.^uC« A»j#; >-"'•« 1 *> ■*«»• tW $300 ”*0 • d*»© 683 4M £3 fe badrooma D*OC* *TOfn C«^Po‘ A *«. ,»&*» -A^*» *6 twdnoom H&jbu vV.r.*’’** and d’ye 346 *wc 7 240 QUADS SUPER SAVINGS! Summer Rate-$140 iiut ■■ «»i • «* pa*! * 1 lMXt» Id . .* "pi..* * (>*- v!o a^xl'V -ov«-*ad -‘-g 1 MO AU«r StrNt* >4 . M9 Duptai, 1^60 Jinn and Atun f’«u o* [runt and b«k7fc yanl Can [Kivu fed/ ______ ___ EXCtlSIOHRf SKHNCIS Room aCKjvu [ *. *»%<* Cate, ava- .»!>**» rvjM t20&roo iuWw ratu 44 2MK? 25S ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate lot lummu l atg*» 7 Dd/m, kitr**j\*i parting poo< w»of«Jry t t*fc l© campo* VJt? 50 34*> 0036 Hoommili wanted Mon *mo* ■ -"V, 0* n t.N» i MU tv. Vi! fkxM rt*cv%ft "» !|Ke 33 poikC'tM » or 205 ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT [casabLanc ^ 0tXAl Nil*1 ■» 11 l» ' M * »* Joto le heros, i ' 0 t* .FATHER Ol the BRIO »«.<•*((* It M *»!*♦*€* LAXVNMOWKK MAN [*T*Vt !*ArtV**oX5*tAH»**IA»i«N I [FATHER Of the BRIDEJ 120 SERVICES Planned Parenthood vv Pap ar>tMci*on twlh control Q0une#bng Olyl and evwungn >44 LM M PHCGNANT A Nft D Mf l P? t iXk'i*u»' ! twge to caf' you' doctor to' pr«mnption C«A fWiN0OlN OPTCS. _M3J222_ Don 1 Miss Our Storewide Father's Day Is June 21st • Cards • Gifts • Clothes • Books All 20% Off Academic Cafendars Downstairs are now 10% Off Everyday! 20% Off Sale! This Week Only! It just happens twice a year! Sonu- jpph