Oregon Daily Emerald DEADLINE EXTENDED! 1992 GRADUATION EDITION: JUNE 5! DEADLINE: JUNE 2, 1PM! For all of you who couldn’t find that perfect picture of your graduating friend... there’s one last chance!! We have extended the GRADUATION EDITION deadline until TUESDAY, JUNE 2ND, 1 PM! Graduation ads can be placed at the UO Bookstore, Main Floor, & at Rm 300, EMU. Don’t miss this last opportunity to say CONGRA TULA TIONS! Your friend is worth it!! 105 PERSONALS 10S PERSONALS On* M*mon*l Day W*#h*nd, whan th* SUNDIAL tarn mowing long, * man n*m*d BIU FELT GUILTY b*c*u** BAMBI And BUNNY hod b**n COLDCOCKEO by * PISTON BILL lik*d HAIRY BUTTS. And ho could rtol Im. h» 10 wa* lh« CHIEF BUSTER ol hi* CHASTITY Upon pull.no out * GOOD N SKANKY m*g«in», h* couldn’t d«cid* wh«lh»i to PAINT THE BATHROOM o* MOW TRIXIE lo th« b**l ol DISCOTERIA HowavA). *lt*r A TENDER ROYAL FLUSH, h* w*m with A PATTY O PLENTY lo oo »*tch th* BE ARSLAM ih* CHIEF Cro»* youi lmg*r* m*k» A quick, m 93 you’ll *•* th* ChNI » 0 Ran* youf Gl*»* *nd * Hiong FELT ch»*(, Thonk* to* Ih* _p**1y, »** you noil y»A>'_ Erb Memorial Union 1991-1092 Service Recognition Award Recipients Alicia Moccasin Accounting Evelyn Geddis Food Service Wa want Imljm and Attcla la know that thrtr work la aarjr Mach appraclatad. Tkajr an arainlaa af lUB arka an pravldlng aatabta caalamcr aarrlca. c 3 To CoakfrotoloU i»4 Colobnto (US who or* appreciated Let Housing Cater Your Kvent ❖ From Snacks to Gourmet ❖ Competitive Prices ❖ Excellent Reputation We invite you to check around Call Catering Manager, Wendy Vanderpool, 346-4303 105 PERSONALS $50 REWARD Car you m# oo^Ufcci oww o* tms »r*J **vj# Stud*&*M» Kt«M>n •ragor I mm or May <** U Of O tgim^ onto f BM3 1»?$4-3S£S0 no LOST 4 FOUND BIG REWARD Dog. GarorWna, Uar* dnck« P»i> «■••* BMr S/wp'wU mu «0 tot f »f,«* M) ai ISO REWARD Navy 8 «3 p'O-utrt.Atfig. * l ***** pckup«*»vng A Doowop Pvt vn.r*fl Gi«fl ScJxx* Appfovwd i.dft4w p' -mod JijQUArtbrtl. llvuvm fAAumAJ. IfAmpnnMX A frny»' CINDY _******* TYPING UNLIMITED But»i*l»nd "• 44VJJ43 Swvmg UO a **^ vnc» 1 .*8' I DIAL-A-TYPIST 6* y 1771 _ Typing 4 word p«oc»»»»ng ti' spm.«id ww *4 tv I urn a/CK;nd I '**» p-t* up A d»'V«*y on C4*■’•{Lr* Jo**'. «M 9M8 Printed text to computer hies BBBEHBBB 74/4589 Si:o •> 344-4510 I.JIJAI TIY WUKII lftw f^O 0«*a*aiiOft Wuoarci Mon « *Mfr!*r*C* tVp&Q. 4*4 7M»XSa57__ FLYING LINGERS rypinfl MfVte* F**l. accuttl*. p#of*»swn*J $1 00 p*g*. up JO THE TYPING PRO l7yr* »tp IBM COmfMKM* Aix^mu • L «M • D«p*nd*&* G«* fcfl'J com _ Pvggy • Typirtg 5*rv»c* I iptnarcao lypwt* otHwig h*v>om4 on IBM GOfT''{fuiv arid v*M* print*# lUk«LO''itt>« fftlws C*it P#Qgy •! 34? 4«e« no FOR SALE MSC Dot walnut loirmo lop ?a ■ W 6 0»»«wxi WC! Wow mg »S *v' " ’7 Braar cream $60*obo *-C ’ ?Q99_ Doubt* lull tuton tram* lea w» u»«0 JtSOiobo Can Kre ai M3 I4« tea.a ^(fcSJSU_ For Sal* Ou*an ait* b*0. *' "• w« Otet.w SJT.4M Coiona mom ptoomta. f 1 PC Knt CX Hoonte 686 866.* fai aal* Ou**n auad tuton and adjuataOte (retire 199 oar' Wiafi to t.*» Soon, fib' • aay Imaga Wrtlar II- aiusasoni cond4*on. 1 raai oat. B.'SCoPo Call 34b94n KIDSTUFF T ft* goutrrwi ot CttekJfim t rrn ■*** fUtnc* »97® E varythmg baby will nood and oidar children, too A i COHO” Ctochot • Wooden Toys Nctfirog Soppb#t • Furniture. Car Seats. Strops BUY » SELL » TRADE M W lllh A>* . Cug*n« 484 4488 M-Slt ,118. Sun 12 8 N£C CO p4ay*f m nmol'. $1504000 I814r.ni AM ( W mi *i750 000 ttobon 4S4-tt9t3 _ 83 Honda Accord LX MB S good tone»?{on. af *;r»n*o PS. 1*1? a300C onor H».» '?// 84 VW GTt Wrv« cuaivn «N»*» CMHftn. ru'^s g*»«: No* pads oartumod wndows ftjLft! ut* S2850. hr **%Q 6&3 9HM__ $4 VW Rabttft Convarnbla o* S vpd catstfU) 69,000 moos SfiSOQobo 687-0936 iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Honda Paaapoit 70 cc. *»> maynsainoU. K*a mds* no-m*?. TOO m^e* p«*f ga*J0ft >300o6o Jason 343 38^2 205 OPPORTUNITIES THE SAFE ZONE The Safe Zone is a pink triangle in a green circle. A person displaying this symbol is one who will be understanding and trustworthy If a gay, lesbian or bisexual student or co-worker needs support or is seeking a positive environment. (For more Information cal the Student Acltvttte* Resource Office. 346-4000) t so MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS tM6 Mend* f !« 80 Buns nn) kx*S g-tux Portae tor »umm«r R*car«ty wnod $500 ode MotmAI ant i >43-4390 IS HONDA ISO ELITE taso 689 3548 86 Slack Honda Spraa low m-** $’75 Croat oo45 ’060 wave mating* 155 BICYCLES BlANCMI ROADBIKE 17 5" E xCdldni condition _ ^OQ>0^0 C*n 683 5069 FUJI MTN BIKE spaad Good condition fUXVoOO RandAK. 686 41 ?3 Ladwa blu# 12 apaad GroAt condition $100 345 5892. tv msg 10apa* comfy Sunad up Lock metodad $60 obo Ca» 546 9759 10-ap racing bika, ajcaBatm condition, •vorytfyng wotks gran? tor tail man Mult to* 10 Approoata. $79 >44 4914 170 SOUND SYSTEMS Boom boi. Panaaorwc CT8Q0 Dual CAftaoUa aicoiiont a>nd‘ion S7Q/ODO 667 2099__ CASH*" W* buy so- and serve© VMS VCR » and stereos Thompson EkKJromcA. 1122 Oak J43 9273 175 INSTRUMENTS iMt PEARL DRUMKIT wCymbAit Dnaam uf- mull sail lor tutfion $1300 IIRM Jason. 683 2723 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Convamarrt Locationa Ttinih 525 W.llamaBa (campus) (downtown) MS-1651 M 3-4717 BUYING HOURS »VV7 6-i.J6.MF 62. S« Smith Family Bookstore 195 TRAVEL BEND COUNTRY CABIN £ vary m tog tum»*n#o Very clean And ntca $35n«gn: 1 382 3050 Study Russian and t«va with boat family in Si Pataraborg $35 par day Call 687-4749 lor into 200 RiOES 4 RIDERS Naad raapona.bfa drtvar w*b •ttWonca*. to transport 84 Honda to loromo Canada *n 686 0728 210 HELP WANTED 205 OPPORTUNfTlES GRANTS A SCHOLARSHIPS IwyooaquaiilMS Fix# .nlo Moray For College. 2SS2 WtSamaBa. No 111 Eugene. OH 97*05 or can 3n EHg*D»ifty Cara to/ summw MWton Slop 0y 303 Oogof' Kail Of mo Hog star's QHioo DID YOU KNOW? t wen though you aru amoved spring term. you n**d to lila a Ragialratton Eligibility Card il you r« planning to ar.end too SUMMER SESSION Thera iS anil time 'o oo it vo stop try 333 Oagoo Mai-1 Or tr*o Heg-sirar % O*ce _ DUCK CALL | REGISTER BY PHONE tor I sttvvo#’ cutss»s To t># »sm*o>o=« *n j f g r.» ay, Bisexual Alliance is now hiring co-directors for the ’92-’93 school year. Applications available at Ibe LGBA Office, 319 EMU or for more information call 346-3360. Deadline: June 4, 1992. EOE/AA. 205 OPPORTUNITIES ?0S OPPORTUNITY S , Outstanding New Summer School Course: Racial Issues In The Criminal Justice System & Open to all l Jnivursity Students. For Info and Registration: ('all 346-3853. 3 CREDITS, 4 WEEKS Total cost: Undergraduates. S i 80. Total Cost: Graduates. $280.