Or*jon Daily EmercUi VTetkly Muiic, JVulr. Di«v<, Mow>. \'uUo uui* c«*len«tar Song and Dance FRIDAY HAY29 Libby will [«u* Band will jwilutin a lunrh tiour concert at iz .hi p m i#o«iiumr»nn»ii wir. imn Ave Admission t* free “Th* S«J*i*d'*Oul Eatr avagarun’ will take place at '» 30p.m •ill*#* WOW Mail. 201 W. Eighth Ave. Feat ur*d art tat* will I** Some V4v»( Sidewalk. a punk band: Tao }«iw** a jati/punk group Oawalil 5-0. playing alternative |*op and Vic Cheanutt *ingerf songwriter Doors o|»n al 0. anil admission ia 4»« at tb* d«*»i THa Lloyd |un«* Struggle will |x*d>)in at 0:30 p m •! Times Cafe and Bar. 375 E iMvastk Avn. IV(MW ('kMp* it tS andootm* under 21 twill lie admitted SATURDAY. MAY 30 Th* Saturday Market will lab* pUc* frorti 10 a iti to 5 p Ul on the (Mtlkidockaid Eighth Ave and Oak S< This week wiii feature Ibdif* Yvonne on piftttO at It) a m Eu^im Hungarian Ibmen and children ai 11 am. Cl«nn Falkenberg Celtic harp and dulcimer musician at mam AIDS Memorial Day CeMuatiou at 1 pm . and Cfawdad* of Pure lov*. roc k a roll at 3 pm Tha Lloyd )tm** Struggle will jieitomi at # U) p in at (***1 Times Cafe and Hat 375 E. Seventh Ave. The cover c hargei«45 and noun# under 21 will lw admitted. Th# l ’ni*arally Opera Workshop wtll present 'Scruea from Italian Opera*” at 7p m in Beall Conc ert Hall. W»1 L 1*b Ave .Selection* from Magnet. Rossini and Vmli will fa* performed l#y graduate and undergraduate voice students. Ticket* available at the ihacil ate $4 general and S2 student* and seniors SUNDAY. MAY Ji Th* I'niwamly Symphone Band will give its final concert of the year at 4 30 p m in Beall Concert Hall o*»i E. lath Ave Admission la free MQNDA Y. JUNE t Ruoatar’a Bluaa |am will atari at V 30 p ui at 1***1 Tunes Late and Bar 375 £ Seventh Ave .Sign u|» La*gin at 9 and am oj»B to evwryune, Tl»a charge is ft and no one under 2 l will la* admitted Tuesday nm J Th* l mvaraity Singer* and th* l’nrv*r*tly LkamUr Choir will jicesenl a Joint choral concert at * p ui in Beall Cone «*rt Hall «t> I E lWh Ave TkkeU. available at the dour am 44 general and 42 aludent* and senior*. Tk* Guardian* of Am*rt**n Morality will imrfcrim at %30 p m at Good Times Cafe and Bar 375 F- Seventh Ave Th* cover charge ia 43 and no on* under 21 will la* admitted. WWNSSDA Y. fUNE $ Tk* Black Buna* will |a*itorm at t*30p m at (aiud Time* C ale and Bar 171 E. Saventh Ava The cover c harge ia 43 and rniotia under 2 1 will le* admitted. TUI 'BSDA Y H tSK 4 Tk* \ighu lawlara wilt }a*rfutin at U U) p rti at Good Tltoea (^*|e and Bar 375 E. Seventh Av* The Tha e ah lint la («• trf tba aaftaa of WMtt marking tba *>*M h aitniv«r *»ry of Aaiatt Stutiim. Mu«l madta anti vtaual tWatgru will Im fnalurwtl in an "ahilnt that will uwtioiu Ihnw^ May .Mia llw UV«m Kraua* («all»ry 11«0 Franklin Bivti "A*tan ArtJulatla Birds Sant* and tgg* ,* an aahihit feat unn,; Uid oral* colla* tad l»y Jwtunr Inalmrlrx u|/|«» and 2*-27 Tk play rontarna tka lila of a alava wkoia trying to gain kt* fraadom Stuclwl lichiH* availabla al (ka door ana hour bninra akowdma. will tall (or SS Wilb turTanl ID card. Are band members musical artists or modern-day actors? Tap is back After a Ion# absence from the public eye - since the 1984 rockumentary detailing the band’s incredible decline - Spinal Tap, self proclaimed as'England’s loudest band,' is liack with a new album and lour The band - David Si Hubbins. Nigel Tufnnl and Derek Smalls, also known as Michael McKean. Christopher Guest and Harry Shearer, respectively is scheduled to appear in concert at the Portland Convention Center on Saturday. May 30 This is a long way from the band we saw last in the 1984 Him, This is Spinal Tap At that lime, they finished up their American tour opening for a puppet show Hopefully, this concert will lx; as fun as those depicted in the film There, band members lost their way to the stage in Cleveland. During a huge production number, they became trapped in plexi glass capsules. In what was to be an elaborate repre sentation of Stonehenge - for the epic song of the same name - 18-inch replicas descended on the stage and wort' .tlmus! destroyed by dwarves twice their size Few people would claim that Spinal Tap is a hand of even mediocre quality Bui band members' cocky attitudes and unintentionally hilarious songs promise to make the concert a laugh riot. The tour is to promote the new album, ponderously tilled Hrvok Like the Wind Songs include the hit "Bitch School," which features lyrics like: "I'm gonna Story Lucas J. Gutman chain you/Maku you sleep mil of doors/ You're so filching when you're down on .ill fours "Despite Ihn song's till*? and con Inn I, I he hand claims il s simply iiIniuI dog training Other surefire classics include "The .Sun Never .Sweats." the environ mentally conscious “Slid kin' Up the Great (hildoors" and "Christmas with the Devil " Only one other Spinal Tap album can actually he found in stores (tie untitled album dial coincided with the release of This is Spinal Tup Among the numerous lost albums of the hand are; We A tv All Flower People, Intniwnus De Milo and the notorious Smell the Glove After a long search for a drummer dozens have died mysteriously - Spinal Tap is ready with a new album and the same old look to make the world safe for, as Smalls says, "good old generic rock " And in concert, die band puls on a show Ifiat proudly features offensive songs and staggering ineptitude Lookout Portland Concert tickets can still be purchased by calling the Hull fainter at 087-5000 Taking in the latest (mm MOVI Review by Lucas J. Gutmun Alien 3 Cinema World R *♦ "In space, no one can hear you scream." You won't be hearing many screams com ing from the theater either, in this, the third and most un usual of the bunch, the results are mixed and mostly nega tive. Sigourney Weaver returns as Lt Kllen Ripley, the erst while. tough-as-nails heroine of the two previous films. Ripley crash lands on a deso late planet that serves as a maximum security work prison. Worst of all. she is accompanied by one of the nasty title creatures. There are no survivors and no weapons with which to fight the beast. So far. the plot is simply a setup forelaborale battle sequences and contrived scenes of terror and suspense They are there, but the film tries to be much more than a simple O-movie. which is what made the first two so great Turn to REVIEW. Page 0 Video Ricks I IFK: Whatever else is said about this film, it's one of the best political thrillers of modern limes. Mooting Venus-. Tur gid, romantic comedy for those who think classical musicinukt:s for a classy movie. Homicide-. Charac ter-driven murder mystery by David Mamet. Insightful and powerful. Strictly Business: Strictly business as usual. L