CLASH Continued from Page 1 vigilantes," and blacks in L.A wore shown as "opportunistic hoodlums,” although people of every color participated. Another part of the problem is a criminal justice system that often leaves minorities feeling cheated. A Korean American man, Vincent Chin, was killed several years ago by two whites in the Midwest, but they wnro not given prison time. Even more recently, in L.A , a Korean store owner shot and killed a 15-year-old African American girl, Latasha Hurlins, whom the store owner suspect ed of shoplifting. The two had a brief struggle before Hurlins put the money for the item on the -counter and headed out of the store She was then shot, but the store owner, who was found guilty of manslaughter, was sentenced to only five years probation. "For the Asian American community, if we're going to speak out against the; killing of people like; Vincent Chin." she said, "we have to speak out against the killing of people like; Latasha Harlins." Economic structures that block certain neighborhoods from being u viable part of the picture add to the cycle of dete rioration of tin; quality of life for those living in the inner cit ies. Cho said. For example, some store and supermarket chains refuse to locate in “high risk" areas be cause insurance is either too f Suml K. Cho high or unuvoilahln and thorn is a lack of potential profit In tow income areas An African American audi ence member said port of the problem is that Korean Ameri cans often isolate themselves and tend to cluster in a commu nity. Cho agreed that some Korean American shop owners are not respectful to all customers and a way to begin changing that anil the inclusiveness is to hire other minorities. A shift toward better rela tions also includes multiracial education, such as ethnic stud ies, Cho said "We must gel beyond the bi nary oppositions in the framing of race relations," Cho said We need to look at where these stereotypes are coming from anil why wo think the things wo do." I SUMMER STORAGE Indoor Storage Units 5X10$ 8X1OS No unit fee with 3 months rental paid in advance ($5.00 value) We have rental trucks and packing boxes. 747-4573 T*^>PROTECTED 361 Shelly St. iT^STORAGE CO. Springfield. OR TNI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON "Curs* you, Flonnogan! Cura* you to /wM ...ttwro, I'vo uld it." KIIN KOS More Than Gr«.»! Copies ■ Rrpoft Bindinf • IBM 4iwl Mj< RrnuU • lr»um Pjuport Phoun • Nrit r)4> I>pmx V!VI, r ■ I J»I VII Vfve CapWM with Auto Fred • Hr»l 0j> UniiBin • !Vtl Dj> Bu%mcv% (.nth ^GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service" Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Btvd. Eugana, Or agon 97403 Bobblty Clown 11-1:00 I Come with f your kids for great fun! •Storytelling •Origami •Fabric Painting • Marble Art •Face Painting •Food & Drink •FREE Prizes! •Wishing Well Sat • May 30th • 114:00 • All Ages! «*■ We hate to see you go, but before you move, give EWEB a call so we can stop your water and electric service in your name. We’ll come and read your meter right away. That way you'll be sure to avoid being responsible for service after you move. So call EWEB before you leave, it will give us a chance to transfer your service and say goodbye. 484-6016. EWEB Eugene Water & Electric Board 500 East 4th Avsnua Of tic# Hours: 8 am until 5 pm Monday through Friday