?os OPPORTUNITIES GRANTS 4 SC MOL A R SHIPS E qumhtmi f *+• mto Mo^ty for Como* 7t^2Wtatmmim. No m OR 974Q5 v« Business oppadurvty erpandmg into Eugene low risk Incrod CMO poteni -a! f uii "par! \ irm opportunity ava^abto f or more mlo cafi Jason, 344 01*6 PSYCHOLOGY STUDENTS Are you gradua!«ng thi* spring or summer7 The Psychology Depi is having «s own Diploma Ceremony on Sunday. June Mih at 2 30 p m for 'nor® mlo contact Psychology Peer Aflvunng_ 210 HELP WANTED Retail Sale&'Customer Service SUMMER WORK Inti mu chain «00 FT & PT pen lemp S perm list hr, no «ip r*C wVI tram* Starling Pay Rale $10.25 College Students: paid inlemshipt possible and tome tcholarthips awarded. For into on )ot> openings in Alaska, Hawaii, Washington, Oregon, northern California, Northern Nevada, Idaho, Utah, Montana, Wyoming, call our 24-hour Regional Placement Directory to Itnd the location nearest you: (707) 573-3510. Local olllce number, _(503) 061-0776_ ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT in her Earn SS,000*rmo«h free irarrsponairon' Room a Board Over 0.000 openings No eipenence neces&ary Mu* Of F«ma»e For employment program cat) Student Employment Services at i ?06-S4S4iSS. 2097 Aquatic position, WSl l 'taguarO, Ftrsi AkJ CPR REQUIRED Team pic*y«r FiexitaMy desired 15 25 rwwe*« Send resume and cover letter to Fatter Serw* Aquatic Center, 3676 Donald. Eugene 97406. Alien!»on Personnel Assistant Dwector Oregon Student lobby The Oregon Student lobby, a puWc inter#*!. non profit organ*/at *or» tf\#t advocate* before ±id\*» potcy rnasers about that a*ect student* at pubic tour year college* and oniyer*.!*** <* freaking an sw*iant director to h*p staff and support the activates of in# OSl board and a* eaecutnre director ttopetu* applicant* snoud nave legislative and-or grassroots organt/iog oipenencw and good er r on and or«t communcatdn »kt«fr 1^8.000 to |20 000 a year p*ufr benefits and pad vacation Can in# OSl o»*ce ai 588 157t ano a»*i k>r Robed or M K AA/£Of Cruise Line Emrylavil onboard Und *«j« avail., lUlHnVtumnni. 612-A* 3-4333 Don your (rasarntry. uyorrty o> com put group ntwd ""onay tsi o? Qoan*ng» mkxj SASE wan fts cf*cfc*n o so f'avw Cnr*M»- N#?wng wort • Vilfuao* CM p?ui house, campus ar»a $600 ♦ utii Chuck. 484 0504 3 bdrm, 1 bath Cleon house wlh dock and yard No deW 3900 mo. Call Rhonda. 404 5699 215 APTS DUPLEXES large studio apartment lor rent Ctote 10 campu* 344 7766 __ Mapt# Arm* 1345 F#rry Si N*:e moan, i txJrm. indry taom** of? *1 pr*g. $3?VmO Caw I PM. 4&S 823? N«*r campus' Quiet 2 bdrm Pfivia pat to. carport laundry and d;%hwa*h#r 1 ots oi storage No pe*t l «muu* $41**469 1437 Hqh >44 7434 Nic#! Ou*#t, 1 bdrm near campus, Carport auftdry New carpeting. Noo Hum, countertop No pets* loa*o $319*369 1437 High 344 7434 _ Now ranting for summar A fall i A ? Odrm apart mart* near Move 8u*e*ketb*U court*, roc. room 4 playground Might past 24th 4 Chamber* CaM 464 4551 Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates large Qu** lurrwihed 1 4 ? tMKPQOm*. 1 Mocfc Irom campo* M<2 E 16 Mgr #i 9 or can 344 4 760 Share nrca ? Od'm uni large -v ng room Paring i tx* to campus 4?4Smo Rob *6S0345.346 *5tS_ SOUTHGATE largo. 900 sq^ara «oo< 1 Odrm apt ? Odrm townhouse avasf soon • Pool ano sauna • On a** aundry «ao ; • Near campus • On Duenna 2145 Pattaraon _ __ 145-44/t Studio and 2 bedroom apartment* Poo* laundry taoMiM wolhen/ed five Du«d>ngs. tSth 4 Ikiyarti Kxai.on *64 *>?? SUMMER RATES Larga ’ tw,m. ? o«» lo campu*. S31Vmo 343-4IS3 SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW RESERVING FOR SUMMER t FAIL L *i g« clean. quiat t bdrm 1 o*a UO Naw ftoON .n ao*m sap va/my and bain covaxid pacmng ana 4103 UnOaaiabla lurmahad I bdrm t tludw deal 735 E 1 7m. annoy packing Avail Uuna 1 SIN kx aummac Raaacvtng lex lAH Saa loday cx can M3?IU __ Walk lo data 1 Ddcm api avatatxa Jona i Sin No pal* *335 Ca» lila. 3*V6?8'__ t s, BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Stud®, on W» laundey tMOktaa *85-0790 225 APTS DUPLEXES 7 bdrm •-*«' to «; U^UOtO MOO M'W SXX3 Jurm t*s Fty. M4 s tss C#*> Now Fv MOVE IN SPECIAL Now A Booutrtul 1 A 2 BEDROOM FROM M95 * 1 2 MONTH RENT FREE! • WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS * COVERED PARKING ♦ FITNESS ROOM • SUMMERTIME POOL * PATIOS BALCONIES • ON SITE SECURITY P fl D Ml QOVf 3127 Kir* row t*c*o«s Irom Aulltn 5dd>w*! 686-2465 NORRIS 6 STEVENS Mi tn! Co Gdad Cents Now Fo# -VACATION PACKAGE" Now & llocuf iful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM ISOS * 1 ? Off 1ST MONTH S RENT A COVERED PARKING * WASH! R DRYER HOOKUPS * EUROPEAN KITCHENS A FITNESS ROOM a CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER \»i. ■'vr' v • 1011 Kingsley Hd 343 4549 NORRIS 4 STEVENS Management Co Good Cents F OKKST V1LLAG Apartment* ^ fit. E Jut! minutot Irom downtown BUS TO CAMPUS ♦ WEIGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNA S ♦ SWIMMING POOL RENTING NOW 2 Bdrm. 1 'h Ba M/S A M9Stno 687*1318 s.e GREENWOOD APART Ml NfS IMS Pttlorton RARE opportunity to fevo in tn»4 oa cep* o''A/ compto* l at go '. 2 «rxj 2 * Dodroom una* ««a»uu>A uoon Nuw carpott. tKJOft countonopo t Oondry porting. gorgoout courtyard to onON ON CA MP US Br-ght thoory urwjuo 1 Dd'm tJu >oi *’4wwr port and *wyi. nonl WOOL! !«OOn& dOfirWoly do*»«*rvuri A BfNKMd >oo*i t>y you Only MOS * dwp 3S»E 12th VERY SPACIOUS 2 txJ'm t v, t>rf tunny couniry kitch or- *uii of charm 'voor campus ♦ dop 1049 W« St Ho Pwv No Smoonfl Rotl l tttto Norihwotl MJ-4109 ReduHMxl Park Apts. Quiet. Country Living With City Conv*ni*t\c* UnfurnUh»d 1A2 Bdrm |3/0 to MAS Low Utilrtwt On But lint f quippod Woight Room. Spo Wood Port & Playground l tun dry Facil'tiot Al«u FurnUhad Bull** Studio 1 A 2 B R MOCto M/S IfKlrvidutlly Doc or tied Complotoly f urruthod Evorythmg From Cttoto TV to l mont For Bod. Both A K Action On Srt# Managomont Tttm 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 2 txlrm l^rvunlufn ap** Nt W dock ov*noo* 4d5a^a/ CLASSIC Hwtonc femadamd *<«« nwa rKK»t« sij&o $350. 1 Ddrm $400 . 2 W'* XT* T'jfM C*i P«U. to* UKWWQ >44 ? .*;»» Jwinlw^t • Co _MtiMtlj WAl KING OlSIANCt TO CAMPUS*! t UGI Nt MANOR SluttO A 2 Wrr> (Vcmi «w* Lf nd •« ’030 fw 5* '02A 4«4 ‘441 1 STM A OUVl liQN rvtgri a.’\l h»*x; r«g *»ft $£■** **•«•”'* f WO mri vluftaM *w by in#n C*# H*Wi i \'A!» Nomw##! X^41M Would you l*a a r#a»ly rue* room Alt lo your ton with a pnvat# bathroom. cto»« to cAmpu«, in a n#w building wh#ra your m#Al« Ar* pr#parvd tor you? CaII lh# ColltfliAn, 14$ t?55 m ?n?ii m 4411 inn QUADS Prfvat# room*. All UTlU PAID O' Wo laundry 1 » you* Movw In tkvo »>a», MHO Janmrvg* . CO »»81 TICS 4?1« 741 C 11TH AVI You CAtii b#at in# pnc#» on !' 1 {xoLtroorr Only 5495 5545* i Block trorr U i>1 0 l'!> C«* 10 v>»w rtf 14 ) 99C ' Jvnmngt ♦ Co 681 n 4r> 2 Blocks to U of 0 RESERVE NOV ! NO RC NT Tit ST PH Mtlf i (UmK#d i AvAtUbl#) C-» Don ni 344 5695 fo • Immat u4t« ? Iklrm, Sltxy Aprs. • khMi 'or 1 or 4 Pnop«u • Private paio# overtook "g th# M ck » (p#rtw.1 >or (UlQit) • Puac*»*u' wvU U» And iaki • Great *umm#r f#s«n Mill RAC i APTS iDuTvxl Track town Pizza) 5PYGLASS You Ar# walcom# to com# lo our oftic# tor a lr»# it#t ol avail#*)*# r#ntaIa Drrv# by any location# that ml#r##l you. th#n caII tor an appointment lo »•• lb# mud# Th# following i* A partial list of Add/##### doiAit# At# on our Iwl APART Mi NTS Studio**3 Badroom# 190 t «**? ?4in 30/ 1/2Cam urn 315 f*»! HAK 36’. I as! H*n 460 I rt*i i »tn 534 T a*i 14ih 766 1 ##i 19»n 914 t asl iHth 945 t av u»n 9/3 tAtyard 9/9 f #rry l an# 1359 Peart 1360 PatMWM/i U/0 *4«gn ’6641 t «rry 1715 1844 Ktnewd 1911 K.nu»*1 1948 ti*rr*4 2785 Oak 3501 tAtyarti DUPLEXES 2-A B#droom# 631 l/?Ea#l 14th 186? Kincaid 2640 HWht 3635 k Amazon HOUSES 1 5 B#drooma 425 t rt#f 1?1h 1825 1/2 t a rmouni 1855 Unworn? y 2060 A*>**» No p#t» Shown by appointment Ml w io»n iw nio Al«o op#n Saturday 9 to t APAH1MLNTS FOR R6NT Low tommiv roiw 60 w Irom Cornell 1414 AW Son’’"**. *370 Apl. 1 Ddim, *'4*dr CAmprt 0d44. good marfMttnanoi Wo Juno, WW4M 1*<«• Onva By 771 7796 161b andCH 344 8970 Campua Apaitmania Furrwahad 1*7 Badrooma Summai raiaa (77VS47* 4*S 7*71 WS APTS DUPLEXES 2 bdrm apt (V-«,»! '<*% Of * <«•» ?Q CA^XiS. S*V«may \ *ajt\3'y f»1)S'no Avad «ton*» 14. rum :*6’0 210 TOWNHOUSES CONDOS SfMCKKM. 3 bdrm * v, D*in dup*« ? CMM 10 cempo* rw os) 0033 235 SUBLETS Larga. 1 bdttn by P«k;a*. a thtna Rent To# turner tof $206 f '«• p ■v 'u ^-'Kdfy u)vufy% 1360 AW#< 14VSWW Cedarwood Quads 441 l w *»* ?W« j M60 .Utunu^t • Co i ;ih 6«V4?1« SUMMt »l MA IB |1/S ; ;ynpt/% Irt n IhMMI rapwty '« J QuMto ■ ( «r.uu«»*i4 t ocswon * ’ **)0 Htyant .i-’tiy a a Not" ».• a m ms ROC Du|>Ja«. y.'i'iC1 iSth *uO«M U*i»i.u* Cali 1*4 Summer Rates! J to Ciimpti*, irtamaJ MCfk*rvlMh - !.»■ ", .r«J p 14% 41%% 9 vuoi in 9 m -' y to* a noma io l **X’ *117 Would you Do tntonMiod *n »v**Q at a tludortt cuoporativw arhoro 4% m«n and women como tugor'tor to cranio d o*»»v and rotabvo'y homo7 Th*» C ftanwnct Hotrvo may Do to# you You C*n Oftjoy good food comnOut* to a ou**n «Mvv«U»MTi*x< */«! m«M*t kX4 0< CMTing intoruMod** Cat* (iono ai 1*3 ?6/4 tor more mtomuttion or Mop Dy 1||%t Onyi ?I4G HAMHtS ST L ov**y roam »n ruronffy root or ad 12G0 »ncl «/<»;!«* arid lute han UM Monsmo»»» Wo p«4% SPYGLASS ASSOCIATI S646-1130 255 ROOMMATES V/ANTED f any going. ',trtpon%*« 29 ya«v o*d m.ao uOteng kjf roommaio to ^wi/f Cttisin BMpvwig /h Juno % rrun Dy Du% to tampu-* ft %0 P*J» UN Juo H? 9*3? __ Room mat* for lummu la/g« 2 Ddrm MrW'dHJ parking pot* laundry 1 tk» to c.-impui, 42/ 7 SO 3*S 003<> Moommali wantad Won tmokmg. go** to thara 2 burnt? bath apt at Chaao V «iy* 4317 %0 ♦ u*.-* Summar anchor 92 93 kcftool yarn 343 4S35 Wa naad our 344 92S2 275 ELECTIONS SINGAPORE STUDENT ASSOC. GENERAL ELECTIONS for 1992-93 DATE Sat. May 30,1992 TIME 2 P.M. PLACE Ben Linder, EMU All Singaporean, arc urged to attend thi. meeting. 295 ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT CLUB M S IHOUSTRtAl EVOLUTION M Po**ttT10nt PrOfaa »pOn*On CJATXtt ky gay ar*l 0* m#r\ CM op*n 10 •vfVyone Sa! M.iy 30tn. 30 l Broadway 9 30p ?a t MU f ood Sarvtca and Cultural Forum praaanta BEER GARDENS wiih JOLLY MON F MU Otnmg Room 4-7 PM F raa chtpa and salaa 4 5 PM 10 Haqutrad Pocket Playhouae Praaanta The Stonewater Rapture May ?•. 29 4 VS S p m Room 10?. Vltlard Hall ii QanHian gladly accapMd LOOK OUT! Tha IM2 Grjcluitiori Edition la Coming Juno SI <*!*. CHJMT am>W* K> IttlBli-Ml W T> ^*•4* •»#»• »••***• * » %* !\ M'?* CASABLANC' ^ra** »«*? \ *■ >ih *»* * ^ **■ > Ltoto le heros^ [FATHER of the BRIDE BIJOU LATE NITE Nrivt MMT*»oW HAAttVMAAMTM « [FATHER Of the BRIDEJ •*/-W i * o SS »OUM K fOA 440*# *4*0 S|f f'«* flWjOV 40 CL »rt»Niai M rn» UMMtOf WOW HALL #f/i & Lincoln TONIGHT Snmc Velvet Sidewalk Tun Jones Oswald 5-0 Chesnutt All Af*es Welcome 687-2746 wo FOOD 4 DRINK KEGS TO GO! Iavarn A H*« Garden 2tA T Wiitamaita >44 OH 16 3** Puo<*nor%«*hu»**B*fl Scnmn TV 2*t ».nd* aI and tffpofl t*** Bud Henry > A Min> Blear on tap 320 SERVICES Concerned about pray nancy? W« can r*»'p f '*»*> prugrvemey i©*t* B*wgN &Af Planned Parenthood ♦or Pop aminw mfac;tfon CfWCWL D«rth COhlfO* COurnwsng D*y* #nd *v*n>hg* M4 941! PHIGNANT A Nf t D HUM? *'«« conic!** f ty couriering and prog^rtney :«*! Ca Iamt at Hoa iSt ?20? Wt DOING PHOTOGMAPHY ALBUMS PRINTS NlGAT I VIS 44 30 LOST CONTACT If NS? We c«n ?*»lp Ovik 3 000 contacts *n *loc*. temporary «w rf noettad No cborg* lo car you# doctor lor pr»M* ption Crtii HAW80W OPTICS 141 3313 &m\m Beceute Tima la Pasting t nvd-onmpnitM Portrait An my*. Pontobo*. and A*t 0_caA«on PHOTOGRAPHY Call Guy. 937 795? Studant Ditcounta /,1k. t Newman /' center CATHOtlC NEWMAN CENTER 1140 EMERALD MJ 7021 SPECIAL JAZZ MASS S-j'Ooy 11 00 • m O' t CoI N*)«' 9"XO OTHER MASSES S« 400 p m iWfiday 9 00 « m A / 30 p >*i Storage $25/month and up Free boxes! 342-5383 DOWNTOWN MINI STORAGE Chambers & River Rd