Decathlete champ O’Brien settles it at Hayward By Jake Berg Emefata Sports Editor livery Superman has his kryptonlte. but Dan O'Brien’s may lie a bit more sub tle. As he sat back with his arms out stretched against the second row of seats in a Hayward Field grundstand last week, O'Brien scoffed at tho recurring downpour of rain as If ho were the Wick ed Witch of the West Instead of the world's best decathlete. "We were hoping to get out of here without getting rained on again," said O'Brien, extending his finger toward a long, wrapped polo near the vault “That's mine out there.” It is the human side ono often doesn't see beyond the medals and Roebok com mercials of O'Brien. Eugone got a taste of the world champion's wide smile and full-day workouts in each event at Hay ward last week while ho prepared for the Oregon International track and field meet last Saturday in Portland. O'Brien said he doesn't really mind the rain; after all, the 19B4 Henley High School graduate Is a native Oregonian. "This is Oregon weather." he laughed, "and rain's not an oddity in track and field.” And O'Brien is not really a new face at Hayward, either. He competed in several events at the Oregon Invitotional last month and will bo at the Profontaino Classic June 6 at Hayward. 7 always wanted to be a Duck.' Dan O'Brien, American decathlon record-holder O'Brien said he's always liked working out in Eugene tinea use it is similar to his home of Moscow. Idaho, and of Pullman, Wash., where his coach. Kick Sloan. Is an assistant under Washington State men's coach John Chaplin Oregon was his first choice of colleges, too, when he came out of Klamath Falls, but the school wasn't offering scholar ships to freshman then, he said "I always wanted to be a Duck." said O'Brien, who attended Idaho instead Along with the Oregon International and Prefontaine. O'Brien will compete in the Bruce Jennor meet the following weekend All three meets are in'prepara tion for the June 1U-2B Olympic Trials in New Orleans. O'Brien, the favorite to win the gold in the Olympic decathlon, said lie is fix us ing on the Trials more than looking ahead to the Summer Olympics in Barce lona. "That's n long way off." said O'Brien, who set the American record of H.H12 points in the decathlon lust year But O'Brien will likely bo right near the lop, rain or no rain. by ** »’***«* Decalhlele Dan O’Brian clears a hurdle at Hayward hold as he prepares lor the June 19-20 Olympic Trials in New Orleans. BASEBALL Continued from Page 8 as and Philadelphia as a utility man. He never became the out standing player he was supposed to be due to a hourt murmur that robbed him of his endurance. The last team to win tho Northern Division was because of 1974 dub that featured Don Reynolds, tho older brother of Seattle Mari ner second baseman Harold Reynolds. In tho late 1970s tho Ducks foil on some lough limes. Going into its final season In the spring of 1981, Oregon had a streak of four straight losing seasons. At the samo timo, the athletic department was also having prob lems It had a deficit of about $375,000 In 1981 and was on a pace to go further into debt by about $1 million tho next year. The deficit was attributed to inflation, loss In revenue arid the University's struggle to meet the Title IX requirements Title IX was a ruling adopted in 1972 by the Department of Health, Education and Welfare that required athletic departments it) divide their resources equally between men and women s pro grams. The State Board of Higher Education ordered the athletic depart ment to do whatever necessary to balance its budget for the next year. In the spring of 1981. athletic Director John Caine resigned under pressure from the administration, leaving University President Paul Olum and Vico President for Administration Kay Hawk with the decision of what sports to cut. Hawk said baseball was cut because it was not widely followed in tho Northwest and brought in no significant revenue A week later, the baseball team played its lost game, the second game of u duubleheader with Washington I he Ducks lost the first game 5-4 and the second 5-1, finishing the season with a lfi-21-1 record. Crum said the feeling in the dugout that day was positive despite the fact it was the last Oregon game "I think we all felt like we would be buck the next seuson, Crum said. "We really didn't believe that it was over Oregon baseball fans tried to bring buck the loam the next sea son. The Save Oregon Baseball Committee raised more than $100,000 in 1981, but it was not enough for athletic director Kick Bay to reinstate the program. “Wo would have to have had at least $500,000 to think about bringing baseball back." Bay said "We needed enough money to run tho program for more than a year ” Coach Krause and some of his former players said they still hurt when they think about Oregon baseball. "It is a tragedy that kids don't have the chance to come to Ore gon and play baseball," Krause said. "This is a great baseball slate, and for Oregon not to have a program is wrong. Mike Ritchey, an All-Northern Division outfielder for Oregon In 1979 and 1980. said he has good memories of his time at Oregon, but It pains him to think about the University not having a pro gram. , . ... ... Given the current athletic department’s situation, baseball will probably remain Just a memory at Oregon. Sports information director Steve Hellyor said the department is working to fund the programs it already has and would not think about adding programs anytime soon. Don't give up the search! Try LOST AMD POUMD in the classified section. \jJiA Player’s relief will cost him money BILBAO, Spain (A!*) - A player who urinolod on (ho goalpost at a Spanish first division soccer match will bo fined for his "luck of ro spoct for funs," nows reports said Wednesday Officials of Athletic do Bilbao, one of 20 teams in iho first division, announced tho flno In u statement but di() not specify the amount, in addition to a luck of fun respect, the statement suit) the act ulso disgraced the game Team officials said they learned of the incident only after a photograph was pub lished Monday in a Spanish nnwspapor showing T1 yoar oh) David OillulNinu urinat ing on thti 11 prig’llt la-twoon halve* ol iho mate!) The Inoldnnt ot:ourrod Sunday in Ihn southwestern Spanish city of Cadi/. In a game between Athletic do Bilbao and Cadi/ Cnrii/. won 10. Weasel’s World Kraig Norris WHA! A, JAEJ1TNG! AlLtHCflE ANGKT PtCPi SHOCKS AT ... i*ohausied! WEU.ATLEASHOiGOBA* 10 TF£ Cff ICE AMD n*f fCft A FEWHOfS! ftNA'. “JL Oscar the Freshman Neal Skorpen THAT WAS FOOLISH, s OSCAR ONCALlft) FOP V' y~ WILL, WHAT PO >00' IKCCoMtW I PO? o~T CAL* P0W^ SWALLOW YoOR E*0 TIOHS, AfJO HAv/fr fMTH |M rMt -1 [Mey P/p you MfcAP. WWAtJ l jusr 5AlPff> )