Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 28, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Last chance for NCAA meet
By Jake Berg
Emerald Sports Editor
Tonight's George VarofT/Lnst
Chance Open track meet means
very little to the Oregon track
teams in general.
Individually, though, it could
mean much more.
The Ducks' final home moot
starts at (> p.m. at Hayward
Field. providing the Oregon
athletes with their final oppor
tunity to got qualified for the
NCAA meet, which begins next
Wednesday in Austin, Texas.
Duck women's coach Tom
Helnonon said a few events in
the meet will Ixi interesting, but
he expects the meet as a whole
to be "inconsequential."
"With a little 'i,' " ho said.
Three events in particular,
though, should provide the
meat of the meet.
The javelin competition with
12 entries — men and women
— will bring out some well
known names — Oregon's Kim
Hyatt, Kelsey Stollick and Keri
Esterbrook; former NCAA
chumps jill Smith, Ashley
Selman and Paula Derry; Trade
Millett, a former All-American
from UCLA; and Sally Harmon,
the Duck throws coach.
The 1,500-meter run will
showcase Paeific-10 Conference
champ Jennifer Carpenter of
Washington State, most of Ore
gon's distance runners, and for
mer Ducks Liz Wilson, Lisa
Senior Alan Foster will run in the 1,500 tonight at the Last Chance
Karnopp and L'ryn Forbes.
Heinonen said be hopes to
use the run as a "tune-up" for
liis two top distance runners,
Nicole Woodward and Lucy
Nusralu, who will both be run
ning in the 5.000 al Austin
On the men’s side, a fast
paced 1,500 has been put to
gether to try and get senior
Alan Foster and freshman Tra
cy Hollister into the NCA As
Senior Shannon Lem or a.
who is less than a second off
the automatic qualifying mark
in tlie (too. and lirika Klein, the
Hue-10 runner-up in the not),
will bo looking for faster times
in their respective heats
St: ow/fawqg u«
May 12
Cq|Wi Wellman d Theta Chl/Camma
Phi 2-0/Ll
K KCVI* i|» d Cfuthvn 20/1,1
larjje Vibrating hgg* d IjI & Co 20/1,1
Shaking the Tree d Peloponmuan ( lam*
2 0/1.2
The AAK* d 1 ri Delta — for fail/1.2
(Hu Pw/Sigroa Kappa d Alpha Kappa Pw
2 -0/1.2
Po*er» Sinkw Hack d Swwtw 2-0/3D
Wanton Wild Willie* d APA5U —
Thornton d ViKnaiMte Siutfenl* 2-l/M)
May «%*
VnmidfritM) Studen t* d Pawn .Hutke
1W k 2*0/0
Watum Wild Wdlu>* d Swiwiwt i tV(.J
APASU d Thornton — fortott/O
Cht Pu/Sigma kappa d Tfl tfelu —
forfeit t/<at
AAK* d PwU»poinj%»*n Claw* 2 0/1.2
Shaking dm fr«*» d Alpha Kappa P»«
large* Vibrating hgg* d 2*(tfCl
C»mnWFt}i d fheu* Ohi/t
Phi 2-iVM
l uil«» . Wniif«fci*im d Ij- 4 t «.> <»/« |
Ma* 26
KM.'Fiji (1 l.argj' Vibrating Kgg*
KM., Fiji 4 (,»n**.n Wv.im.twi « I/i.l
AAK* d Shaking 0»© Tftw 2 0/1.2
AAki d Chi Pit/.Sigma Kappa/1.2
WadDii W>id Willie* <1 A PA SC
furfttii/l »
Wauoli V\-.d Wiibti* d Viflftiiltio*.'
Students - furi«»t/H
Men’s ultimate team
wins national title
By EncK Studerncka
Emerald Contributor
The Oregon cluh men's ul
timate frtshee team r apped
off an unforgettable season
by capturing the collegiate
national title last weekend
with a 21-15 victory over
Cornell in l-'t Collins Colo
The women's team also
had a successful weekend,
finishing second at the na
t lona I < out petition The
showing was especially
strong, considering the team
was ranked only eighth go
ing into the tourney
The Duck men won the title
by winning six of seven
tournament games during
the Memorial Day weekend
The team's only loss came,
trunk -illy, to Cornell in an
e a r I v - r o u n d qualifying
"It's an ama/.lng achieve
ment." said team captain
Brooke Martin ''It's the high
est level a collegiate ultimate
team can reach."
in order to re.u It the final,
Oregon defeated several na
tionally ranked s< liools such
as Hast Carolina. Oeorgia
Toth and North Carolina
Wilmington The Ducks
pounded California Di li in
the semifinal in order to set
up the remul; h with Cornell
for the national title
Martin said the entire 1 li
man squad played "out ol
their heads" for the entire
The entire team
played *out of
their heads’ for
the entire
Brooke Martin,
ultimate team captain
ilium.inu'iit, luii lu* singled
Doug Welsh mil .in tin* doml
ti.mi player of the tnurnn
"Wullh 111«I H nil thd rnltre •
werkund Hi1 played (loop.
In- handled ilu- fristme. mill
hr played great defense." ho
Oliirr top m hi its lor llir
Dinks in Ilu- tournament in
cluded Mu k Mulnur. |ai k
Mcynnld* mul Jim Savage
riu- championship is thi?
Iirsi in tin- history ul tin- ul
t i in a l«? ti’iiin The squad
reached the (ilials ill 19H5
and IIIHIi. tail tills year's
Irani Is tin- first lu win the
li.itliill.il i halllplotisllip
Wii rrally liavr an experi
rni rd tram that has hren
(■laying together for a long
tmui" Martin said "Nearly
everyone is a senior and will
hr graduating, so it was nice
for everyone to go out as na
tional < hampions "
Although thr i idlrglaln
season is finished, the sipi.id
will make a final appearance
In thr Solstice Tournament
in Corvallis on June 20.
Tar Heel standout to
assist Duck coach
Oregon men’s basketball
coach Jerrv Green completed
his staff Wednesday by hiring
King Kite, the former starting
point guard for North Caroli
na's NCAA Final Four team
this season.
Rice, who was captain of the
Tar Heel team that lost to Kan
sas in the national semifinal
contest, will assume the duties
of assistant coach July 1.
‘‘Rice wus highly recom
mended by (North Carolina)
couch (Doan) Smith, who has
done so much for me,” Green
said. "This position is for a
young guy who is hungry to got
into college basketball. King
has known for many years that
he's wanted to be a couch "
Green said Rice would per
form a number of administra
tive duties to assist the Duck
program, including scouting,
team travel, on-campus recruit
ing, summer camp, and the pre
season conditioning program.
The third assistant is prohibit
ed from recruiting off campus
by NCAA tules.
“He has to bn someone to sta
bilize the office when two of us
urn out recruiting all the time.
Green suit! “He curries himself
excellently ami will work ex
tremely hard."
Rice has been the Tar Heels
starting point guard for the last
two seasons and led the squad
in assists, finishing his career
third on the school's all-time
list and fltli on the Atlantic
Coast Conference chart.
Rice averaged 0.2 points in
140 games at North Carolina,
helping the Tar Heels to a 21-0
record during his senior season
He was volet! the team's most
inspirational player this year
and was named the top defen
sive player after his junior sea
A native of Binghamton,
N.Y., Rice graduated form
North Carolina with a degree in
radio, television and motion
pictures. Hu joins full-time as
sistants Bobby Braswell and
Mark Turgeon on the Oregon
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