220 HOUSES FOR RENT Clou lo cam put 3 4 4 ttt'm nouut lo< font oommononj July 1 Sumnw ■fan 48’>C*9C NEAR CAMPUS 4 BOHM HOUSE 6500 _ 343-9011 3 bdrm. i bath CMan bouu w in Owe* anfl y«a No doO( 4900-mo. tummar Cam Rnonoa. 4»4 w_ ] bdrm 2 balh houta. (11 E 1?th 1774 4*7-791* Availabla Juno 16 225 APTS DUPLEXES APARTMENTS FOR RENT low luffliw rates 60 (Ml from campus M14 AidOf Summer $370 Apt. 1 bdrm. near campus OuXM. good maintenance MtiJuna. renewable tor f a» $405 -nciude* ear. CAtXA 465 6267, Manager 464 7441 Apt. in house 1 bdrm. very ctoan. private qu«t basement to# aura storage. parking Avert June t« $395 Pets ok 1441 Fairy S:. Apt 1 683 2380 Blackstone Manor 1750 Alder St. 687-0684 Reserve for FiH Tarm, $565. mo ♦ dap tease Undercover parking Near Mus»c ScfKxX/Tonrvs Courts/ltorary Campus-1, 2 4 4 bdrm dupie*es and town ho uses Low summer fates Drive by 771 779 E 16th and caH 344 8920 Campus Apartments Furnished 142 Bedrooms. Summer rates $275*425 485-2623 CLASSIC Histone remodeled tike now house, studio $350. 1 bdrm $400. 2 bdrm $475 Summer rates, avail June iSlh 244 E 16th & 1605 Pearl Chuck. 683 9242 Htlysrd Apartments, studio clean new carpel, laundry, parking. 4 blocks to campus No pots Manager. 973 Hityard, apt i 342 2303 LARGE. CLEAN. QUIET EMERALD APARTMENTS Furnished 2 bdrm. 1 btk U of O Reserving for summerrtaH Summer rates •Dishwasher • Disposal •Lrg kitchen and cabinets •Covered parking -Sundeck • Laundry New, efficient Management 683-6910 Large studio apartment tor rent Close to campus 344 7265 Maple Arms 1345 Ferry St. Noe. dean, i bdrm. Indry facilities, off S! p#kg. $32&/mo CaiUPM. 485 8252 Now renting for summer 4 fell 1 4 2 bdrm apanments near Mus*c Building $235*295 Ridgewood Apartments, cai! after 2pm 688 5769 t bdrm, furn. Quiet grad b»dg Dean Covered parking Dishwash $33Vmo Aval June t«h 1200 Ferry 343 3318 Center of Campus One bedroom New carpels Quat. »urn->j>r\ed t 4 ? Bedrooms. 1 Mock from campus t44? I 18 Mg' ft 9 or car 344 4 .’60 Share nice ? Ddrm unit large :*v»ng room Pa/tung t Oik to campus W4Vmp Rod, 4aS-034SO4fr t t»t S Vary small daylight basement studio for t persa* i2in and M*» S?6S UWWajndry »nct Mope~ 2 »i to Okmpu* 53'Vrno 343-4133. SUPER SUMMER RATES now reserving for summer i f all log*. claan, quiet I bdrm i t* UO New ISOON W»rk 41 OOUWF. W»0 Hr:t» end Pain, CW»« parking 484 4tQ3 Unbeatable turmehed 1 bdrm 4 etudio deal 733 I 1 Tib. laundry parking Av« Jun* 1 Sth lex wmw Raeervng tor M Saa today or cal! 343-?!! 4 Walk lo data ! OOm api ava-aow Jur» tsn No pat* 4333 Ca* t 44. 343KH81 _ I bdrm near campu* Takeover ««« June 13-Juty 3! ’at ween trao No aapotut 3*4 965? IV, BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Stud» on vie laundry laoiitaa 483 0790 2 bdrm apt Groat apace iota o' windows close to campu*. Satoway 4 laundry 53B3/mo Avail June !4. Km. 343 ?6i0_ 2bdm tumAmiurn apis Nt Wooes overlooking M -.kii N£ W counter!oca windows. rmmbtinds. paint carpel NICE1 4350 summer rata* 483 6187 _ 2 bdrm (nan to Bubba a) t Btk U ol O 4400 summer 4300 June 1« Fry 344 3735 Call Now Far MOVE IN SPECIAL Naw 4 Saautdul 1 42 BEDROOM FROM 4495 A 1/2 MONTH RENT FREE! a WASHERORYEH HOOKUPS * COVEREO PARKING * FITNESS ROOM a SUMMERTIME POOL * PATIOS-BAICONIES a ON SITE SECURITY P II B AG POVI 3127 Kinarow (KfMl Iforn Autivn Sl»4»um) 666-2465 NORRIS 4 STEVENS Man*g«m«nt Co GwCm Call Now For "VACATION PACKAGE" Now 4 Boauttlu! 14 2 BEDROOM FROM 4505 a 1/2 OFF 1ST MONTH S RENT a COVEREO PARKING a WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS a EUROPEAN KITCHENS a FITNESS ROOM a CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1811 Ktngaley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS 4 STEVENS Martagomom Co Good Cents Forest villagI Apartment* rh >»«; At, Ju»l minuUt Irom aownto«n BUS TO CAMPUS ♦ WEIGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNA S « SWIMMING POOL RENTING NOW 2 Bdrm. t v> Ba, *475 * H»Vmo 687-1318 st. GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1*93 Cardan Larg# 2 ctaaa 10 campy* and hO! !uD* Ca»i Paul »o* »now>ng, 344 1 7?i *395 Jtnntftflt * Co_ Si^4?U 225 APTS DUPLEXES WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS*’ EUGENE MANOR 5tutX» A 2 bdrm Greet view UW me* Sitrttng a? I3AS ICSC Si. 102A. 4®4 7441 1STH A OLIVE l igw. ©ngb* and tparkiwig ioh apartment |3SC rr'C mCMM* mo*l UM Cavarsd parsing 95Waat I5«h 4*4 5633 Studio and 2 bedroom apartments Poo» umno^y 'aa**s* weeiheruad five bonding* 151ft A Mtfyard oca:or 4»4 9022 GRCCNWOOO APARTMENTS 19S5 Patterson RARE opportunity 10 five m !h.» •iCOptorW compel Lai'S* i. 2 and ?• bedroom umts avertable toon Now carpet* floor* count an op* laundry parking gorgaOu* courtyard to **>fOy th# Aur" Cwa Jelf tor more information or to v*ew 342 21 S3 Jennings • CoSA3-42U PRIME LOCATION ON CAMPUS Bright, cheery. unique i bdrm dupiai. nawar paint and vinyl, hardwood Boon., definitely dvwnw a special too* by you Only $405 • dap 359 E '7th VERY SPACIOUS 2 Bdrm. 1 V» pa. tunny country kitchen M o» charm. near campus $525 ♦ dap 1049 Mril St No Pais, No Smoking Real Estate Northwest 343-4109 Redwood Park Apt*. Quirt. Country Living With City Convenience Unlurnlihad 1A2 Bdmi $370 to $465 Low UtiUties-On Busline Equipped Weight Room Spa Wood Part A Playground laundry Facilities Alio Fumlihad tuttaa Studio. 1 A 2 B. H $600 to $6 75 individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to l inent For Bed. Beth A Kachan On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 5775 Would you l*e a really nice room all lo your sell wah a private bathroom, close to campus, in s new bur!dmg where your meals art prepared (or you? Cad the Collegian, 343-1255 ! $400 BONUS » University Manor So 745 E 15th Av# 2 bud loom w*h den or 3 bedroom unit. your choice1 PA/IKING A LAUNDRY Caa 6030729 Greystone Townhouses Mcary rpnoyaied 2 bedroom townhou*** Nawar carpet d»ape* v*ny. large w*wn ama* $075 CaB 609 0645 -’ Jennings ♦ CoASS-421 % $$$ ?2S'235 $$$. 441 E 17th QUADS Pirvate rooms. AU UTILITIES PAID On M« l aundry CS» now lor yOu>* Movo In Bor^v t’46 $480 Jenmng* * Co _AS3-421$ 7451 IMMAVt You can 1 beat the prices on those 2 A3 bedroom unit* Only $495 arid $M5’ ’ Blocs from U Of Q l ibrary Co?’ to vow a! 343 990? Jenmngs ♦ Co_ $43-421$ 2 Blocks to U of O RESERVE NOW! NO RENT TIL SEPTEMBER (landed • available) Caa Don at 344 5695. to see • immacuMBO 2 Horm. 2 Story Api* • *tim tor 3 or 4 l»eopw • Private pafro* ovwroo^ng the M race tperk»ct for BBQ %) • PeaceM won w and safe • Great Summer rater. Mill RACE APTS (ben-*no Tiecklown Pine) C+ S4U4J»» Ml APTS DUPLEXES WALK TO CAMPUS titri »(MC«u» * txJrm, fcacony. oh it'wet paring. u^/txjry 1235 ♦ dep 96 ’ Pamon [>>v« by then cast litt.1 («’-«• Norths*!. )43 4109__ SPYGLASS You if* Mkomi to com* to our oflice for a I'f# Hit of ave*4ahie rentals Dove by any locations that interest you. than call for an appointment to *•« the m*«9« The following «• a partial Hat of eOdreeeee details at a on our Bet APARTMENTS SMiotO BMfOomi 190 tm\ 24th 30? 1/J F*»t ’4tn 315 Fan '<9»h 36i ( mx i9»h •tec { as.' IN* 534 Iasi 14th *ee t «u 19th 914 ( ml i«*h 945 (mi l*h 973 Wyatt) 9?9 Feny l ana 1359 Pearl 1360 Paflarfon 1370 Ugh i m» f aery 1 /i 5 Mgh 1944 KocAWd 1911 Kmc aid 1949 (torn* 279SOM 3501 Ifctyard DUPLEXES 2 4 0*droom« 631 1 7 t Ml 14th 1 t*S2 KftOM 2fl40 Harm 3635 F Am*/©n HOUSE S 15 Bedroom* 425 [ mi i?ih 1825 1? Fairmouni 1855 UnttWftffy 2060 AiC*f No pel® Shown by appointment 145 W 10th 666 1130 A No open SeU.rday 9 to 1 no TOWNHOUSES CONDOS Spacious. 3 bdim i *n Doih dopNi 2 MM to oimpm §725 681 993 3 235 SUBLETS large, 1 bdrm oy PaQMut Pi//a Mont ky tumnw tor §295 F***** parteog Marc. 696 4160 240 QUADS Cedarwood Quads 441 t 1 7th Shared ev*ng tor taanctai utvmga' Room* fort from §??SS235 C«B KJ «l Gl#* 5490 Jennings • Co _ 443-42 tS SUMMIHHAItS -»1fS W*» to cartjKrt hum tf»,« '«w!y ru Mb»Vwd Quad* * Pnvata f niranto ’ ‘ ( ■ carton! I acaton ' • Sham bafMutchan * Qtfvo Dy l /50 HkfyanS (m a»ey Doha*! 1742 (tty art)) Hiwt tv«t» ■>*>*'& SUPER SAVINGS! Summer Rate-$140 * f umifh4Klrutf<4»«4 tXAti a i t*oe* to campu* a On vie laundrycovered paring l>*towni tor toft roftorvatiom 1360 Akfer Street*34 5 5949 245 ROOMS Summer Rates! 3 IMS to aimpu*. sfwkfwJ Ittcharvtotfh Lftd ■tychjtUi^ 7*> and up 345-415$ STUO€.NTS‘ looiung to* a homo tor 1990-93? W(w« you tx* avmwMmi «n tr*vo whata 4b mar and mromon coma togtfher to crista a ckMU' &4t« and reuthtfoiy *M»* Mows# may bo tor you You can anjoy good toad. comnOuta to a caotn anwormont and moot »ots 0t cannQ p«o(»o trioMiMitwd7 Cat* Gano at 343 26/4 tor mora »ntorm*t.on or stop Oy IBM Onyi _ _ Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watferson rtouD ir. lets figu«e this OJT. m 10U M t » ME W B 30 NEWER OF US DtD TUE HOMEWORK I R16MT A/t/ ' vNl# TMJkT MEMtS TTfc HOMEWORK SHOVUYE BEEN W*4t BETWEEN MT T»Mt KNp T008 time R\<3MT WE SEED© TO DO IT kT 7 » BUT m 7 JO CALMIN CLEARvi DtONT DO IT. OR KWT) HAVE it NCW . AT 8 30 ^ TEW TW> \ \ US BOTH j SCt HIM' / IN TtKNBUt * _ 245 ROOMS ?!40 NAftfllS ST room «n rwcurvy f»i!OHd Do'«tnQ 1900 »** SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES*** UX? ?s> ROOMMATES WANTED • «y going 29 »*a* Oto "'#« laundry vs J loommata wan tad Mo#’ amoAing, »k*t«c ‘o v^4/o 2 txJTH' ? twin apt * ;N»« ViUTQO *117 30 • Utrf Surtvnw# MXtto* t? *3 Kttoix ywr*# 14 3 4 VIS f roomm«t«« rwadad »ot %uww Hg Hxnua at i Tin ana M*tya#d 0#wy ites*no 4494113 270 CHILD CARE :r«4d ctit loi 4 mo old n ir-f h*ynw *3 rw* Wttw* Maed r*t*waa* rareporuson SUM DNX* U4 ifc>V 275 ELECTIONS SINGAPORE STUDENT ASSOC. GENERAL ELECTIONS for 1992-93 DATE Sat. May 30,1992 TIME 2 P.M. PLACE Bon I inder, t MU All Ninjfaprtrcan* arc uryi'J In annul lhi» imvltnu. 280 MEETINGS rh* Stodant ttaafth Inaurartca ^ommittM will -t*** tutoy at 4pm >o ; of'tury Room D (>* I MU to d«*4 u*& t m \ 9*42 91 pkXtoiaa ♦ o# mor® n format on. can 149 3702 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT TK^. * ,'d M I 9 *•.*•*»*»•• \ I * 99 l.AWNMOW I U M \N jmuiMM w*ii n tiw nuia " MkKMIiij ^ Th.AH Sick & Twitted] ^Animation FettlvtlJ LOOK OUT! Th. 1*92 Graduation Edition it Coming Juno 5! aua ms tiovsTRut ivolution M Powe I0V..‘* 19th 5up(Mir 4n.,3 pruyjm ( eoryona ««« 68*9972 lO!il CONTACT LINS? We can help' Over J 000 contact! m ftiocfc temporary toan#r! «t needed ?A> charge 10 cast your doctor tor pf«*.cftp<-on Cat RMl8OW0PfiCS 141-3333_ CROSSWORD By Eugene anejjer ACROSS 1 St.u8 loam 5 Sjm&Jown 8 VMS ,i8»m4hv« 12 OtKOurt* OU* 13 ttd*> in.ikm.j kid 14 Cuiti«i » partrwf 15' c*n I y®t up1 16 Anhui oi (tanadar «»l 17 W*nn«r\ o Sup•# [\awi III 18 Snoopy. I(>f •* ample 20 In due Urn 22 Doreplivo statement 26 Unhealth iJy pallid 29 Prototype cal trans plant7 30 Doctor s 31 Wan 32 All % cour tnrpart 33 100 percent 34 fta.t&on lot doath > 35 Gf#«k X 36 IraHc com 37 ft tuaturdi. Jf K 40 f bnM % 41 □•rounds* 45 Marun, **0 47 Wn 53 M ui and t 54 CMolu* 55 Conudd DOWN 1 QfQUCh 2 A#h toot .lijih.itHH 3 §cmr*iu\‘\ vww 'AoitH't 4 Pomtofoui $ Sc*n«i ol coniu^on 0 I .uni tornm* 7 HoMlwnt 8 Com 9 Mom on tou* 10 Vietnam J Solution llm» 73 mm* Y«st*rd«y • •n*w#f 5 28 tiotaday I I Donkey >9 Ballad M Ball ?3 Phy*« .liy wr*». »fc ?4 l ong lunch? ?5 WH»w**.«kI Mi I abynnth siMoclon 17 l UfOpe % neighbor 1$ f;lag4»#•*. ® 0 J2 CanlmaK 13 | gyphan structure IS Alternative to l P* 36 Peace l aim 10 Disappears gi virtually 19 Martin % okj partner • 2 System of laws 13 Sycamore k># OH# 44 I asb«on Une? 45 Incensed 46 Yea#, in Uruguay 40 PrarseM I~T?» I" 1