Oregon Daily Emerald 1992 GRADUATION EDITION: JUNE 5! DEADLINE: JUNE 1, 1PM! 100 BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Happy 21st Birthday TIGER! Lov. Jarrwa iOJ GREEK HAPPENINGS GREEK MATH TUTOR 7 JO lo » 00 pm Tum A 115 CHtwfl 105 PERSONALS AXU Alien A Tom Cang?a5ui*i von p*rv*.'ig h's i*kM i*h* Wo wT$h fCK.- if** txrJ leva. You* 5**iata 4»vn _AX 11 r«wi Btcly My he*** a Bui to/, im ttwimg to vtuttor. I Know you w*o hurt©/ You b rtev«K bo ton#»y. You to my otto ft'tj Ony. YOU Ktwj*, I fcfcO tMiVXXry _», YS9 i 441 B«tiy* You rvavo no o I am ot % « too h/*/ti to iawi0 Snutday * if** b*g day so got »ot* ot m*t because t rf S»s. you m the bosi* jr. vbs liti KRtSYCN* Soon you ww my nmrm. tfM»n you w>:< tuxtw tho Jama o! CMtong a part of my Utm4y at Gamma *. YBS t05 PERSONALS Pi Phi Pie Throw Friday. May ?Sth. 1-4 pm ft? »*- ■ HOuft* P«> yp*? M>vO*3Q Pv fhv f* 4 ***** S»ry. demur* mode* type *«•*-* ?? ye«r o>«3 meet*) guy Ca£ WO Kftt t t*e «r. the r»n eng >x» so»per«ena»d w***** f*n 0 Or&MVTaiiOn Wudont AKordOhJ# ma*vw oMiftionco 1*0* *yJ*htt* 44M /SOS' 14S-27S7 JCTHf i YPING PRO l7yr% e>p I0M compete At = unMrel H*0l(PidlM> Co* W» J-6C68 ortyamo Typing A word proceeeing <»*> CdfttvdCH&te HWttnd tMMtf p»»gu ?4 hr turn .vounu f nw pc* up 4 Punted leti to computer I lies oEnzazoan 7jf JSQO . (>.< * 344-4510 (JliAl If Y WOKI) r«IM f.VSIMi .DAMiAtk m imhm «rmm>n nmi 605 E. 13th Over 10,000 served daily! Graduation is just around the corner While you and your graduating Inends have been at the University ot Oregon, The Oregon Daily Emerald has been a part of every morning, giving information and news to keep you up to date on what's going on in and around the campus area This year. The Oregon Daily Emerald Classified Department will publish a GRADUATION EDITION on June 5. 1992 This special supplement will feature personal messages with or without photos placed by parents, family members, university organizations and friends of U of O graduates to offer congratulations and recognition of their achievements. Placing an ad will give you a unique opportunity to make graduation even more special, and makes this edition a keepsake1 Hurry1 The deadline is June 1, at 1 PM* DETAILS! CALL 346-4343 115 TYPING SERVICES THE WOHD SPECIALISTS Won) Procosung 0 DoMooe Pu**n)ng Grad School Approwd I 4 *” 4M J34J Syw^j UO »f«Mi tone* i fl>t DIAL-A-TYRST 64) 7777 THC WRITE TYPE Word pfOC4WA«nQ »n jwii unc* 19 ’0 Evorylhmg bo by will no»d and old»f children, loo M Conon CkxoM • Woooon I oy» Nurfcng Suppfaot • f urrutmo Cor Seals, StfoMre BUY * SELL » TRADE 17 w I lib *«• . Eugono 404-4401 40Sot . II S. Son 12 i I >15 BUY OR THADE GENTLEMEN'S ENCORE _ . lit V- CASH FOR | 501 LEVIS 1111 WM«n*t1* MM17»| 145 CARS TRUCKS t<5 CARS TRUCKS COVL PNMI. NT SClZEO !»or* 1100 f CKT« C <000 t»i S964? 77 JtEP Ci-5 GoOUK C*ii» 004. 3 &po Rur* C'*4* N«** pan* $?90C O-K/Q 34S a&i •3 Honda Accord LX MO 5 «pcwd. qockJ common, §,« ttoroo. PS. PB l-toooipfw* ru» em _ M VW GTl WNo OuttQftt c.«a*n *w~* Maw port*. (J»fKr«3 window* IA*S4 *#£' 1?850. hr *n*g M3 012' 1W MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS Honda Patapori 70 oc wo*’ m*nfi*** pot gaOon S300>OdO J»*on. 343 301? _ YAMAHA 1A0 Good condflton 2 <300 4BS 5S83 TMMONOA ISO ELITE I3S0 €.89 3S4i 8* Black Honda Sprat low rmk» |t?!> G'tra; (Nmm Mum mki Cara. 344 *44fl 155 BICYCLES 81ANCMI ROA08IKE 17 J” t loMn eonsaion ITOOO&Q am 683 6069 For **1* ««C Un>vag* 10 syoud Purtad tonoaon 175 COW 71B5 L*dw* Mu* 1? sp**d Gimi conoitton $'00 34S Sa»? h> mtg I0»p**d Mcycl* **^*7* n»* *«« lun»d Up l «XMW 160 ot» c«i. 346 9739 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASH"' W* 6uy. mn) mwi»c* VMS VCR'» and u.wi Thompson EtaCVOmCt. 343 9?73 Australia New Zealand Adventure Travel Program .Nfir-mt Wit liter Term JWU.t »r» the »u#t ehtrm #.«'*> « tniinje i ret Jit thnnugh this r*> uufj « USA for fUHMasa Cg4 TODAY 4«f> aaw BtNO COUNTRY CABIN ~fcv*rym»ng tumtshad Vary ctaan and W» *3Vmgnt. 1-382-3050 200 RIMS & RIDERS Naad raapocunbla dcivar w*tn ’*i*anc«i to 1'anspon W Honda to Toronto Canada «n Jon# G86G728. •VM 205 OPPORTUNITIES Would you Olio lo bo your own boot? f «i*ovvo bunnou oppoflixwy or ponding fnto CuQono Lowntk incwMWO pOtWMuli f viUpon tun* OPOorlvnKioo ovonocxo For mom rtlo COO Joton. >t« «'«« PSYCMOIOGY STUOtKTS Am you groduotmg m<* spring or tutnmor? ThO PoyCboAWy Dopt i» roving so own Orplomt Commony on Sunddy. Juno nin 01 2 30 pm For ■noro mto coniod Psycnotogy F?oor Advmng___ ••PICTURE" TOUR FRIEND INTHC 1ST ANNUAL 1*92 GRADUATION EDITION DID YOU KNOW? I wn tngugn yoo a>« vnro*>«u J*frp> you naod to fit* • Registration eligibility Card if you '• piarmang io «!eno tn« SUMMC R SE SSlON T rw» « sun i«mo to do ^ to woo by 333 Oregon Mtn» o* ;rx» HoflfUffrf t Qftco REGISTER BY PHONE K* wmmor class*** To bo eligible for Duck CaM. No your Regel ra£»on E kg*b*Jtty Cona now Stop by 333 Oregon h»h or me Racafrars Qtfco TO REGSTf R FOR SUMMER SESSION? Don't forgat to fit# you Registration Eligibility Card Slop by 333 Oregon lias* or tno Regal raft Qttae LIKE FILING YOUR REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITY CARO FOR SUMMER TERM? Stop by 333 Oregon Man or the _ Registrar yQtfice PLANNING FORGET ANYTHING? IT S NOT TOO LATE To fri* yoo' fWg«Vf*5.g.&.iity C«n31 or wrmw ****oot car#a< ;oo pro*p*ct« lor gradual *0© t«*vor» INicivi cafl fi»an at 34 3 6840 tfvM 210 HELP WANTED ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT fancy mt Earn J5.QQC .-roonih Fmm* trtnapOrtNorv Room A BoanJ Ova' 6 000 Oporvng* No *ip*r<*nci} naoCMbtary Ma« or F«m«ia For #mp*oym*nl program can St oOa»n E mpjoymary S*rv>cw* at t ?Q6 S45 41S5 »«t 2097_ Aquatic potAion. WSl PtogoartJ. Ftfl! A<3, CPR HE QUIRE D Toom p*ay#r Ft*«iW»y ifcrsrwO 15?5 nrv\*oo*i Sana raaum* and cover ■*m*» to la*;*' Son* Aqoaic Cent** 3575 Donato. Eogene 97405. Attention Parson n*-1 210 HELP WANTED kinfco'S th« copy center Sal** Mapratantatlv* K.rkoi * rur ng « vaia* paoon lo promor* our oau pack*; program 10 proiastori and »*>i our wrvica* in ina aduca lonai and Ou«*n**t common.;a*. Mutt aa amnusiauic. mmi monvaiad. organ or ad and prolaaaional m ap paaranca and p(«*antaiion Prior OHM and/or cuHomar serve* pro larrad Salary plu* commiuen and compran*n*iva oanafil* paefcaga Sand retuma and oovar tailor ;o Managar. Kinko.t on campu*. 860 E i3in. Eogana OR 9M01 Closing dai* May ?9in om. _ Assistant Director Oregon Student Lobby The Oegon Student looby, a pubic interest. non-proM orgpnaanon that advocates before stale po>*cy make's about issues that affect students at pubic lour year colleges and univenwtiee is seeking an assistant director to help stall and support the activities ol the OSl board and its execut-ve director Mope tut applicants should hove teg>s>««'ve and/or grassroots organi/ing »*per>©nce and good written and ora! communication skills $18.000 to $20,000 a year plus bene Ms and paid vacation Call the OSl oft tee at 588 1571 and ask tor Robed or M K _am; of._ Camp counselors, nurse! cook. Meguards and nature director needed Sommer resident camp needs enthusiast*, responsible people to work w«h children Experienced preferred 1-561-2451 Cruise Line Enlry-laval onboaed-tand-tida avail., yaae-enriaummae. *12-641-4133. EARN MONEY RaaeKng Books! JJO.OOO yi mcoma polanttal. Oalalia. (1) 90$ 9t2-8000 Eli V9M2. ESCAPE la now hiring loe tha 1907-93 whoex yaae Looking lev an OFFICE MANACEH in cnag« ol oltita oegamyaiievi and puejgai managamaeit and a COMMUNITY CAMPUS LIAISON in criaega Ol aflvannemanij and public eataion* Stipand and ciadit ava>iabM> Coma 10 M-111 lev meva mlevmanevi Of call 3*6 -4351 INSTRUCTORS WANTED T na E MU Ceah Caeitar ha» opan.ng» lev m»iructev» oi Fvno Clay. Pupae Marbling Drawing and Calligraphy lo Bagih Summai Application daadi 'W May 7»h Foe moea into, corn ad H<* Laueaeica. 'M6 <361 Maaaangar 'oriica aaaistanl Pod nrna. naaitva hour*. typing 45 WPM, ugm typing, tiiihg. arraneis in company varnaa Vaito deivar a luansa naaelad Being eaauma to 301 Moevoa Si Monday theu Feipay 1 3 p m_ SUMMER JOBS! Gal a r«a1 turn on a paeleci wmrnar (Ob Trawng teuton* toe wmm»e amptoymarv Hading won Apply now at U ol O Tamtono 34b 3433_ University Housing invites Current UO students to reserve for next year, any available room, singles & multiples on Thursday. May 28th Bean West Conference Room. 3- 10pm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU toczto,*** 2 MSUN6HT tSftCAlUNb AHNOVENT T&THOMA& 'I SffQFlCAUY KtCAU-BUHG AT A SEMINAR. : ' UJHCfi CLAfTHCB THOMAS coMMemeoHTHepassi HAS U&WNGANPASKSPMe HMATUZBMYB-W&£" &cuse*e, peM.ue CAN7f&ZMIT ALiih&e __j ne HYfMNS 91AU.B 5TMCXW FHOMTt€ &COK» TV/