SCHOOL ? Wtillei rfmluf ioi Heat ? There are a lot of difficult decisions to make about grad school, but which admissions test to take shouldn't be one of them. You can take the Miller Analogies Test at your convenience - the admissions test that only takes about an hour, gives you results in two weeks, and fits your budget. [ A NALOGIES TEST The Practical Choice © I 111 1 K M v \ iH \l I V 'Kl\ K \! !'■ '\ II \Ki v 'i !' I N\ \i i K '\ W '\ h 11 |\i For more information about the Miller Analogies Test, contact your graduate school admissions office or call 1-800-634-0424 Are you taMhg classes this summer? Lot* for great money-saving tteals In the summer Term duck bucks! SE lEBsEflil QUESTION: ~ Did you vote in the May 19 primaiy? •Yes. because rather than remain a non-voter and com plain. at least I can say I tried * -Erika Armsbury sophomore, business •Yes I thought it would be beneficial if I did Personally I don't think (students) nave me Knowieage auuui the best candidates and they don't think it would be helpful if they did vote * —Scott Allen senior, psychology 'No. t'm not a citizen I don't have the right to vote I've seen many people talking about the candidates who visted the campus The students seemed to be interested in the primary * -Jung W« graduate, economics Yes. be cause I think everybody should vote Probably a lot of students who are registered didn't vote, but there are probably a higher percentage o( people voting who are at the I University than in the commu nity * -Diana Hanson senior, psychology •No, because I live in Cottage Grove and I didn't know where to go Access was a problem. I guess ’ -Jill Davidson junior, fine arts "Actually, I didn't. I've been so busy I haven't had time to think about it. I wouldn't even wager a guess about how many students voted, but if they're in the same situation as me they prob ably didn't." -Mike Nichols junior, journalism Cfcvwo W GAMES \\srst] mOAOVBflWI m VAUlYMVOlPUa imXTJLfr ET ALS MEETINGS Organiiailonal meeting 1 at Slodent* k*r Individual I »b*»r1jr \% today II J p iR in EMU (amtury Room B Jafj a »»«-»*' Mud#«*il Organ nation will rrwwi today 4 Mi in EMU (a«ia* Room F )tm t*h Student Union wiil nuw( tonight at % in EMU ( .odar Room A Latin AmttHM ami (-aribbean Student Organisation will moot tonight lor uiacUon* at 4 m> »n EMU Caniury Room A MISCELLANEOUS Russian and Katl Kuiopoan Film Sene* canUlMMl tonight with Ivan ( hung*'* III* PntimtKin. tu be ihown at 630 pm in Yamada l-anguagu Canter. Room 115 Padfo Hall Wave Pool Night is hiring sj*)n»or«d by tho limtftd Methodist tarnpu* FallowtHIp at tiio SprungfiaM Wrtve Pool tonight at 7 Wp've given die same Graduation gift to students since 1920. This year It totals $365,000 —the amount graduates saved buying textbooks here in the last 4 years. Happy Graduation! from your non-profit bookstore. v&tixttan O » OIICOH Oie of approximately 20 college hooka torow la the eouatry glvlag textbook dlocoaats at parchaae.