210 HELP WANTED Th* Onfon Daily IniariM Classified Department is Now Hiring For Fall Tsrm • 1 PASTEUP: Work aoproi 2 afternoon noun (during « classified ad layout and proofing . 1 TYPESETTING: Wort approx 2 4 morning hour* (during daily publication) Duties include Classified line i display order takmg over me counter: phone input of ads into TEC computer, fil.rtg. VISA/MC & tearsneet maintenance Some compute' experience des.red • 1 SALES Work appro 1 8 to hours weekly (flexible) setting classified display advspeoat directories Applicant* must b# atudanta • monad at Iha U ol O tor f alt, t fn Slop by tho Emerald oltica, Room >00 EMU lor mora mlormaiion and id pick up an application. Application* moat ba recanrad by May 27. i PSA 215 WORK STUDY "WORK STUOV QUALIFIED? The Office of Research 4 Sponsored Programs needs a student assistant during Summer Session 8 10 hrvwk <£p $5 15/hr Interested m developing general odce skills? Call Mehei*e at ■5133__ WORK STUOY NEEDED SUMMER TERM Office asst, $58/hr Pass Die posit on tor coming school year Deans Office AAA. 10S law»er>ce. 346 3631 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Close to campus 3 & 4 bdrm houses tor rent, commencing July 1 Summer rases 4850/90___ 2407 WiHameitt, 2 bdrm. hardwood floors wood neat, fridge $450 Calf 344 8920 for appointment _ 3 bdrm. 1 bath Clean house with deck and yard No dept $900mo. summer Ca>! Rhonda 484 5699 3 bdrm 2 bath housa, 631 E 17th. $775 687-7916 Available June 16 225 APTS DUPLEXES APARTMENTS FOR RENT Low summer rates 6C feet trom campus 1414 Aider Sum^ner, >37Q Apt. 1 bdrm. near campus Qu«et, good mamtaranc© M . caPe 485 626/ Manager 484 .’441 Blackstone Manor 1750 Atder St 687 0684 Reeerve tor Fall Term, $565 mo ♦ d**p l ease Undercover pacing Near Mus c Ix:r-i>U' I enrvs C Own v l ;pr»ry Campue Apartments Furnished 142 Bedrooms Summer rales $275$425 485:28?:^ CLASSIC MrStOTiC remcn^md iike new house. Studio $350. 1 bdrm $400. 2 bdrm $4 75 Summer rates avast June I5lh 244 L t&h 4 1605 Pear Chuc*. 683 9242 Mdysrd Apartments, s!ud«o. clean, new carpet laundry. parking 4 o*cx;*s 10 campus No pet* Manager. 973 Hayard opt ! 342 2303 LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET EMERALD APARrMi NTS \ ^*>TShed ? bdrm. i ?#* U oi O Reserving for summer.-Un-: Summer rates •D=sreasher »Dispusa • Lrg tutchen and cao*ne!s •Covered parking • Su'kJec* • Laundry New. ehicient Management 683 89^9 Large studio apartment tor rent Cose to campus 344 7265 Maple Arms 1345 Ferry St Nee. C4*ar 1 bdrm -ndry toe oR »t p/*g $32Smo C*» tPM 485 8252 2js APTS DUPLEXES Naar campu*' Ouiat 2 bdrm P' yM* pom. carvo* w-nary and d»nws»itw lo*» o< itocag# No pan luu H'»VU.3 i«3?Hyn i-u 7434 Nic*' Ouiat. I bdrm nan campu*. Carpon. tannery Now enrooting, imomum countartop No don1 !•»>• Kt»%J69 1437 Mgn. 344 7434 Now ranting lor aummat k 1*11 1 k 1 bdrm apAnmania near Muuc Budding 323SV93 Nogewood Apart manta, g»i alar ? p m 68BV69 I Mmt. turn Ouwt gy 343331* Center of Campus One bedroom New carpers Qu>«< Parking Summer rafet now 1290 ■•as wap* w-oepi_ Prospect Park 2 bdrm apta availabi* now Ouiat, country atmoaptiara w convaniant effy location* Othar laaturaa includ* pool. lannia-baaliatbal! court*, rac. room k playground. Right paal 7Sth * Chamt>ara Call 4*4«»I Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates Large. qu*et. fumtsfrxf i A 2 bedrooms. 1 woe* from CRmpu* 144? £ 16, Mgr §y 9 or cafl 344 4760 _ oniif ntcw c uu'”' ww’iiy room Parking 1 pis !o campus $24Vmo Rob 445 0345*046 ’515 1 bdrrn near campus fauwvw ■■■.. Jun# 15 July 31 1st wee* trae No do pew 344 9652 1V, 01OCKS FROM CAMPUS Studio. on-s*ta laundry factlittfK 465 0790 2 bdrrn apt. Gr«m space*, lots 0’ wm Oowa. ck*s« to campus. Satoway 4 laundry 5395-mo Avail Juna 14. Kim. 345 ?610 2 bdrm lunvunfum apis NEW owe* overlooking Miisntca Nt W countonopfe. windows. mmsblKYfi, paint, carpet NICE1 $350 summer rates 4858167 2 bdrrn (r»*! to BuOOa ») l b** U oi O $400 summer. $300 June 1st Sty. 344 5755 C«H Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL N»w 4 Beautiful 1 4 2 BEDROOM FROM $495 * 1 2 MONTH RENT FREE? * WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS * COVERED PARKING * FITNESS ROOM * SUMMERTIME POOL * PA TIOS-BAl. CONIES * ON SITE SECURITY p A 0 H 0 DOVt 3127 Kinsrow (K>M> Irom Autltn SlAdtwm) 686-2465 NORRIS 4 STEVENS Mjn*g«m*n1 Co [Ctnb C*fi Now Fat "VACATION PACKAGE" Now 4 Booutitul 1 6 2 BEDROOM FROM 4505 1/2 OFF 1ST MONTH S RENT COVtREO PARKING WASHER ORVER HOOKUPS EUROPEAN KITCHENS FITNESS ROOM CONVENIENT TO VALIEV RIVER CENTER l.nkBKiyl 1811 Kingtloy Rd 343-4549 NORRIS 4 STEVENS M*n*gom*nt Co GdodCcnb Vary until daykgni MMKnarM U.«Jio Hx t ponor 'Jtft ana mb u*5 Utnlawrtjcy inc* Hapaiu*y *»•( Juna 1 Non vno**' no port Mol 6*’ 2M0 SOUTHGATE lug* moo wiuor* toot 1 PO'"' apt • Poo and umo . On M* tK.nct> laciM** • Mao/ campon • On eutiino 7144 Pattarnon34544T1 Studio and 7 badcoom apartmanla Poo aundvy I«C ■ *> wnatnanjad fiva bo-w-ng*. t5m I M-iyacd location «WW7 SUMMER RATES Taiga ' Dd>m 7 WK» to campon. SJtVmo 145 4154 SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW Al SERVING TOR SUNNI R 4 TALI larga, claan. qulat t bdrm < Wk UO Haw toon walk m cloaat Mp vaniy and pain covacad panong 4S4 4101 UnbaatatNa lu>mahad I bdim k aludio daal T35 E t ?ftv aondcy pacWng Avail Juna 15tn inc kiaima Raancwig tof tan Saa o> can 343^1 14 pOREST VILLAGE ■ Ap«Mm«nt» ” T Outtt aararxty Juat mtnulti from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS ♦ WEIGHT ROOM ♦ SAUNA'S ♦ SWIMMING POOL RENTING NOW 2 Bdrm. 1 Vi Ba $475 & $49Smo 687-1318 si lujjw# GAROEN TERRACE APTS 1693 Cardan largo 2 burrr cknm to campus and hot !u04 Coi: Paul lor showing. 344 1721 $395 iannmga ♦ Co._M3-421 i GREENWOOO APARTMENTS 1965 Pattaraon RARE opportunity lo fcv* n ih*» oacoptonai compioi largo 1, 2 And ?♦ bodroom unt|» «vauiC*» koon Now car pot*. floor*, countertop* laundry, parking, gorgeou* courtyard to er\soy the »unf» Cats 3m" for mo>« information or to maw 34? 2183 Jtflntnflt ♦ Co_ 883-421 fl Redwood Park Apts. guirl, Country Living With Clfy tornwntrmr UnlurnUhad 182 Bdrm 83/0 10 8485 low Utiiitiea-On Busltna Equipped Waight Room, Spa Wood Part 8 Playground laundry Factffttas Also Furnlihad tullaa Studio, 1 A ?B M 8600 to 88/5 individually Oacoratad Complafaty Furnnfivd Evarything From CaPla TV to imana for Bad. Bath A Kitchan On Sita Managamant Taam 4103 W. 18th 4845775 WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS'! EUGENE MANOR StuJ.o A 2 Odrm Groat ««w Utu mci Starling at 8385 »050 ferry Si. 102A. 4*4 7441 1STH A OUVE Isgnt Dr>ghi and sparidfang ioR apartment $380*no mefudi* mow utf. Cawrad partung 95 WeW ififlt 484 5633 Him WALK TO CAMPUS fc*1f» spaoou* kght i Odrm balcony oft *:><*»; par* rg. taundry 8235 ♦ dap 96/ Pattwton Ornra by then can Rua f*taie Northw**t. 343 4109_ 22S APTS DUPLEXES WM 10 ci*M 1 Dd"* api *v«uu>w Juno t*6 No pan m*> cm u«. J4S62#' us nwis su 041 f 1 nh QUADS Pinal* ioo*n». All UTILITIES PA10 On *t« laurtjny Cos now to you' Mova In ikmuo’ 606 MA JanmnQ* « Co_MKill r«t 11TMAVE Too cam boa) 16a pncaa on nau 2 6) BoO'OOO' una» Only |4S>5 anl 6S4V 1 ()**> >om u o» 0 t>0 i«m • ImmacutB* Barm, ? Story Apt*. • UM «0< 3 Oi 4 • Pnv«c p«!•//*) ***•.«• • C* *AJ 4*1« SPYGLASS You irt Ntkoma lo com# lo out offKto for a »»aa hot of avaUabta rant*!* Drtva by any location* that mtaraat you. than coil tot an appointmant lo IM tha matda Tha following it a partial bat of addraaaat dataita tra on our hat APARTMfNTS Slud«oa«3 Badtocma ’UC Iasi ?4in TO/* ’ 7 T4m 3t5t 4*1 t®h 36' f a*1 10th 460 i aw fifth 534 i a*t 145ft 766 E a&i 19th 914 Id*! 101*' 045 I mi 19m 9?3 HtfyAfd 9?9 forry ltW’« * I5« PttAfi ’ 360 1370 tftgh 1060 Tarry 1/IS Ifcg' 1044 KlitUMj ’911 Krfvawi 11MS Harm ??05 Oft* 3501 MrfyanJ DUPLEXES 2-0 lladiooma 631 i?f«sl 14th 1400 Ngh i90? Kfnomi 2640 Nana. 3635 f Amazon MOUSES I bBadroontt 3l?t*W t«h 4?Sf ast 1?lh 895t 18m i e?5 i *2 t wmoutn 1855 Un450036 Wantad. room or cottage no* through Juno ?? Campus a'tm protorrod Pticm nogotac^o Pai nqa. 34? 2004_ 1 bdrm in iarga 4 bdrrn houaa rmv Mondncfc'*. WD. Oust**® rout#*, &ropt*c®. n«c® yard lOOtong tor CMMW *®m. qua# A r»*pon*ifc*> puopio Want. 1190 mo • qop nagoMUMo Atmi Juno 15/Sopt 15 Tanya. 404 1041 or 404 2404 2« QUADS SUPER SAVINGS! Summer Rate*$140 * Fum«tfrBdA/t to campus a On %.’.o laundry‘covarau pa/^ng OscOunt lor tan r«K«*v«fens 1360 Aidar Slraat*34S-5949 1 Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson DO TOJ MEAN tO SKi ITS TIME FOR BED AND tOJ SHU. UWENT WRITTEN OUR stoRn toe sowql*' I FiGURtD THE STOW WAS MREKrt DONE 1 -_ CCWlO IT WEE IF DlONT T IT5".' C*N«MSU IF IMP TO BE DONE SEE08E NCM. BECAUSE (TS 8 » W*D l‘*A SUPPOSED to BE IK BED' WAIT A MiKUTE ' IE M \ STOtt WAD BEEH WRITTEN IK ] you* past. that wcuiD / MEAN [ SWOOLDVE / WRITTEN IT* ^-^ YfcU. WH1 DiOnt lour*' BECAUSE I CAME TO TMt FUTURE TO PICK \T uP WWW \T NAS OOWF / __ x-y- 17* And up >41-4151 2140 KAURIS SI l (j«wy room m 'eoentty f«rUo/«l DuiUinQ 1200 rx» ut^tAte Af*t luKtteO !*• Non molMf No pots SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES 446- n30 ns ROOMMATES WANTED CHEAP SUMMER RENT! Room *n 2 bdfm toemhcuMI open <0» the kummw {Juno IS Sapt tl) enth 1 other roommate 3 tXfct to cempwe. tum*Jted, oW *i p*rking. teuf*Jry |10O*Yto '» dep Com CAJ3 4t*V Aoon _ t eey going, 'iritponvPo ?9 year OM mow ioo*-ng ky roommate 10 there cteen ut>«* Beganrvng *n Jurw S mm !N but »o campo* flSO t>C* t? uW joo 74/-ire?_ Roommate wanted Non emoA-ng. qmte to tharo 2 tfcJrm? tv* n Apr at Ch**e V !?4ge LJ'/ V) ♦ uM Summer 02*10* «? 93 Acnom yOter 34 3 4Vi1) 2 room melee needed tor tummer 0>g hou«* it! iTlh and Mrfyard Only StftSwo 4d*>0M3 2/o Child care Ch»td cere tor 4 mo old m my home ,>*> fVA W«M»e N#0d /€#**>/«»'4-Ofl. trar>«portAf«pn Start S 3 hoo# >44 «*2S2 280 MEETINGS The Student Health Ineurence Committee ws» mete tomorrow its 4 pm rt Century Room l) o* the t MU to H> 370? 290 CAMPUS EVENTS WINDSURFING t earn to wtndAurl thru the GO Outdoor Program Cheep" Room 23. f MU 346 436* tmurtoaWm tup *oow N.lSHt % \% J»l» f »* • «* V l i » If 4 0 4/ « .CASftB^p toto le Sieros BIJOU LATE NITt 100 FOOD i DRINK KEGS TO GO! Tav«m 4 !*♦♦# Cardan Wit WiUamait* M4 CHI It iW»KKu»^»»*H-y ScflMft TV * control cOomwJ.rvg Day* and ovomngs 344 >;w n PfU GNANT 4 NiiO HCIP? f «w cont*d0r,i,4i ccx/'v‘»t>!r'\j und profptgncy Xtti Ca» Tam »** lost CONIAC1 !!*.■.> .-... i fwp1 On* '.I.Gv-O (.ontacl* m bitiCh temporary kKjiH^s if ntjudad No cfwpw to 0*4 yOu* doctor lor prwacrtption Gail MAtAflQ* OPTICS. 343-3133 flacauta Tima m Pasting' f,nvwonm#nlrtt PorVWfl, ArtWor*. PoflfofaO*, arid Ait Ocate-on PHOT OCR A PM Y Call Guy, 937 m? Student Oiacount* CROSSWORD By Eugene Shtjffer ACROSS 1 It** 4 Common 7 Piece ol *li« gossip 8 Home of the l OUV7M 10 Goosea cousin 11 line on a weather map 13 On# tof the money. — 16 New England cape 17 One of a Turkic people 16 Sailor's assent 19 Strong urges 20 Istes off Ireland 21 Beauty and the —‘ 23 Competitor 2$ Set of playing cards 26 Small conlnbu 27 1 irnatatola Mu 28 1 i*,l ol candidalet 30 Dfunnafd 33 Unlucky occur ianca? 38 Mu*«c*l »ludMts 37 Vary angiy 38 l«punye 38 Ac!ex Moslal 40 PnnlM * maaiurai 41 Woirt liom Mom oNan DOWN 1 Drawing room 2 King of Norway 3 Signifies 4 Turkish official 5 Hihtcal rvAffi* 6 Make* fun ol 7 Word with hall or hous« • Aclress /aSu • African d«s*r1 10 RH d««pn( Vaatarday’a answer 5-27 12 !Wi 14 Ta* wtfdly 15 SKm growth 19 WtkJ o* of T d>«t 20 Salutation 21 Go for a swvn 22 I wo handed card gama 23 Gam or Mo/ana 24 Enter separaloty 25 I avoid* 25 Clergy mans homa 28 f amity car 29 Farida loam d0fx»4 30 Initial* 31 Pod or pus lead »n 32 Word ■g nor ad When alphabet*/ mg 34 Rrvar «n F ranca 35 Coda or rug