Oregon Daily Emerald 1992 GRADUATION EDITION: JUNE 5! DEADLINE: JUNE 1,1PM! C I.ASSIMKI) l»()LI( IKS Placement Ad* may he jiiaced at Room VO, I*MU (mam office) or IX) flookitorc. Mam Root Payment • All ad* muU be prepaid unless hilling ha* hern established Call 346-4343 fo* billing arrangement* • VISA/MC arc accepted • A purchase order molt accompany all University departmental ad* Deadlines Line Ada: l pm, ! r**om# w* vc* f ^ t#&4*pt ON CAMPUS’ EACH EVE TYPING CDITiNG By *mt*r PtvO Cj^MPlaPO* sS^Oftnf. Anonla04» adatom msuttutr*.* t rngm NP^tg 404 rsw. :m»> /?v __ _ fl VINO riNGt RS typing Mrctta f • *!. accural* p * fttft-' T Mt WORO SPtCIAl 1ST S Wom PrgnwuMng f Owbop G»ad Senoof Appn>*ad l aw prinMd wtW.ng gr*pFucft. d»«.4*RA5»on?l. IhtttWi rotuma* !t«mp*f*nc«** A nw#1 CINOY_444 S4M T ypmg Quick 4 Accuraia f * OCT** pag* and up f »«ncn f German 344 7IQ3 SlMiry a Typing San? teat lAtaraott*. u*w punted SABClactaort guemmeed >43 3?W___ TYPING UNLIMITED Biibiii Lind **# 44S4J4J Serving UO vo« f.*nc* 1981 THE WRITE TYPE Word p<0C**vng end nyy* f pi aiki t tea m 667 21 ST Matalbca litkata 4 WM*" t4*j VB? Terrific Rad lav* t amp. $25 Call 342 443f T wtn bad Hw Onry 1 year o« Bml o'w* Ce* 343-4060 Erpnone_ VW fUblxt roof rack, cttvdf 4 net. 4 *tvt cfu*r%. la uAcn &emo cetenot. $'i> v*«. 120 34 3 81 75 WHO Graduating Seniors WHAT Graduation Edition •• WHEN Friday, June 5 WHERE ODE Classifieds WHY Friends are worth It! i» FOR SALE WSC Doubt* full futon '' «v-» *0* * a e*f+'t -MB! *’*#<*» C* ^ kidsu h ^ J \ 7'** Q0utmm Of cft*kfri*n i '*».»«» sine# \97B t votyfhtng baby will nood and otdor chlidron, loo A Colton CWNM • Woodo-r. Toy* Nu'inng S^pp^o* • F Car Sooti, Sbtjftofi BUY • SELL • TRADE #? W tllh *»• . tug*n« 4*4 44M M Sal . 1t-». Sun 17-S ms CARSTRUCKS GOVTRNMf.NT Sfl/fO V*u ~fc < iW#*. Cbovyt B y**'% GuKto (1) ftO'j 962 80GC 1 i: :> spm*i pood codddiorv a ' *10*00 PS. PU 13000^or Ho t*m '772 ^>CAR WASH 5 Minutes From Campus Corner ol 1st & Jefferson Coin Operated Self Service New Ownership New Equipment Alwayi Clean « Alwayt Wott I imMOTORCYO.es scooters Momte Pa»«fK>rl ?0 cc wu «ow ftlWM* TOO «■»*** p«* QiV’Ql\ $300 JttoOn 343 3812 iss BICYCLES rot Mi* Urwtt^a 10 ftpftad Portae* cord!**’ $ ’*> Ci»’ _ WANTtO 18 C«rv»onaiM<» Mount*** (Vm» f •»r*'«cv *r*ym t>M» 342 ,KKW 10 ap**d btcvci* win mm!. f*C**«Hr lufVWJ up l LX* $tO oho Ca'i 344> 9/39 30" racing bAl, ftc«w«*KH concW*on. •v^rwifl wor** prutii k* ’.as man Mu4J sm> !0 appreciate $?9 344 4914 170 SOUND SYSTEMS CASM111 Wa twy w* .vxl uwv.au VMS VCH"» ana sio'eas tnompson EMoronic*. 117J Oa» 541-9873 two ConvantaM location* IUE l*h 525 Wittamana (campus! {OownlOwnj 545-1551 545-4717 BUYING HOURS HMF SMS. ME *2. Sal Smith Family Bookstore i9i TRAVEL Australia New Zealand Adventure Travel Program WVij«** I>r*n I !WJ *#t ihr Kun**u*w> Korn . »>iirt||r f mill ihrrn^fti iKm Mk tnno '»«* oflm'y #v*.^»om #«\t+*t*\**'* « xJtUttmJ#*«»4/i^ *nrn<«/ nb«tfr' Wa'‘ to Atm a no*«* 'OCxt.'* f (Qr* J 20 2 ’ C«i Ad a™ '206? 78? ’ ’99 _____ Dimmit Ti#v*l? Appty {o* a cf«3'i CAft) f *f *r>fwhwu *f' t**» USA to# Ca TODAY" 48*> «fll9 200 ROES i RIDERS N#*d f#*pon»»Wa ditv»r »ntM tvkt**tx:m 10 transport tM Tto-toa Jo Toronto. Canada *n Jun« 6060728. 205 OPPORTUNITIES DID YOU * KNOW? f though yOj ewoNad apring iMfrr, you r>#«d IO III# • Rag taxation l ItgitxUty Card if yOu»» (>>arvvng K> dllWXl If* Si. *MMf R SI SStON T f*#« * *l»# !'«• to Oo a vo swop Oy 333 Oagtx' t to= ty if* NqqeMw » Qfaca ,m x DUCK CALL REGISTER BY PHONE >CX MMUrfO* OftMM TO BO ®4«3.Mo ! Carcl lo» lumw MU«r Slop 6y 133 Oagor Mail of ma Haanmart Qihai 205 OPPORTUNITIES SC WOWS Hava you a" va»o»!«ng (Ob numvig *»p*«»ne*1 I n •« 8'*ija;on tantn •'««*• call f nan a' >0 a<» own Op1®™# Cafamony on Sunday, Juna 1 atn a! 7 30 p m fo* n>»* •nib comaa IHyenotosy >*»»> aownfl_ •PICTURE" YOUR FRIEND IN THE 1ST ANNUAL 1SS2 GRADUATION EDITION 2io HELP WANTED Al ASXA SUMMtR EMPLOYMENT fe*h«re«i far" 000*.month free transportation' Room A Board' Over 6. OOC opening* No experience f*we*sary Mae or Femate for employment program caff Sludent E mpioymeni Services al 1 ?0A 5454155 e*1 2097 Aquatic position. WSl l I’ogua/d Finn Ad CPR Rf QUIRE D Team p‘«>ur f !ty dev red 1S?5 hrvwee*t Send resume and cover Ktfter JO faster Sears Aquatic Centor 3575 Donald, Eugena. 97405. Attention Personnel Assistant Puertor Oregon Student Lobby The Oeqon Student Lobby, a pubic truerest. non proifl otgar»/at*on that advocates betore stale policy makera abckjt is sues that aftea students at pubic tour yea/ cottages and uruversrt«»s «s seeing an assistant direct or to he*p stah and support the activities o' the OSL board and it* e*ecufeve director MopeM apptcants shouC have legislative andw grassroots Orgenunng etperence and good written and oral cofhmunjcaton stufts St 8 000 to $20 000 a yea/ pto* benefits and pad vac at on Caff the OS4. otkee at 588 !5?T and 85* tor Robed 0/ M K A A t Of_ GTE positrons open m Academic /W3v*smg and Studeni Service* Stu dent Coordinators «n Genera* Sconce advtfrng *cx»ses June 3), Campos Won Peer Advising i ciose* June 3). f r ashman interest Group program it tow** June 10). a/s) Assistant to Counselor tor Students w*h D«*ab«fetas (coses June 30) Appboaiions at Room iW Oagon HaU INSTRUCTORS WANTEO T he t MU Craft Center has openings tor mtfrucsort ot Fimo Clay. Paper Marpkng Drawing and Cepigraphy to oegm Summer Application deaden# May 2E?h for more *nto. contact Rick Laurence. 346-4 Mi Messenger office assistant Pan feme. neiibe hour* typ*ng 45 WPM tight typing fang, errand* in compare vehcie Va«J driver* uceme needed pieese Bring return# to 3C*. Monroe St Monday thru f ndey i 5 p m 210 HELP WANTED Camp counsetors, nurse. cook. Me guarm and 'Mfur* director needed Summer '(mto".; camp need* ra»pona*b4e pttOD* 10 wrti w«h chidten Eipenenced preferred i 56^ 2451 Certified Ufa saving Irteguarda need ad tor Camp I--.re resident camp Cal? 342 6336 lor application _ Cruise Line F.ntry-I*v«l ont»*r<4l*nOS*ng data May ?9tn Take your next step and apply! J Tne Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Alliance is now hiring co-directors for the '92-’93 school year. Applications available at the LGBA Office, 319 EMU or for more information call 346-3360. Deadline: June 4, 1992. EOE/AA. 1 University Mousing invites Current UO students to reserve for next year, any available room, singles & multiples on Thursday, May 28th Bean West Conference Room. 3-10pm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU VNf TfsriMCNY • Pt semens r&OUSTWH&Vl . urn Tt€& any omen SPtOFiC COMW&THAJ YOUmXJOF* r'if6,CLAR&C£TWMAS 1AUGV ABOUT UOmKAMTWN WHFNHF TAiXtVfiSOn THFtJNO OF WOMEN ON HfSSRFF, Ht OFTEN SWP,rvBGOT90MOF*€liO*N. ..ANPHB WOUOSAY JHW5& ABOUT INCmUJALIWUS ANATOMY. I/WHBMm 9t CJHCAUY HIM SAYJN6 WTOt WOMAN HAPA Sib A--.’ x