SPORTS Pass highway has much to offer i—> I-SHMa-!-!-1 I INTO THE OUTDOORS BY JAYSON JACOBY Few state roads arc as de manding on drivers as the McKenzie Pass highway. Thankfully, motorists can choose from a myriad of off highway pursuits when they get tired, ranging from forest campgrounds to a unique ob servatory constructed of the area's most abundant natural building material: craggy basalt lava. To gel to the pass, drive east of Eugone on Highway 126 past the hamlet of McKenzie Bridge. Two miles past the McKenzie ranger station turn right at a woll-marked junction with Highway 242. The McKenzie Pass summit is 22 miles farther. The first driving break — Limberlost campground — is loss than two miles from the junction (and about 60 miles from Eugene). Limberlost is nn ideal rotreat on hot summer days — set in the shade of huge old-growth Douglas Fir trees. Beyond the campground the road begins to climb through serpentine curves, a pattern that continues most of the way to the summit. About four miles past Limberlost is the turn-off for the White Branch Youth Camp, a popular snow-play area dur ing the winter. The first of two snow gates is also located here, and from about November through June the road is closed beyond this point. 'I'wo miles past the snow gate — with a postcard view of the Three Sisters on the way — is the half-mile truil to Proxy Falls, a pair of 100-foot cas cades thut pour off lava cliffs. The easy path crosses a lava flow before splitting near the falls. The right fork leads to the lower cataract and the left branch to the upper. Just a mile past the Proxy Falls trailhead is u second, smaller campground — Alder .Springs. There are uctually two separate sites; the second and largest is a few hundred yards past the first If you have more than a few minutes to spend, consider the almost level, one mile trail to jewel-like Linton Lake that sturts from the first camping site. This scenic body of water was formod when a lava flow dammed a creek. Beyond the upper camp ground — whore the second snow gate is located — the road climbs Dead horse Grade, the steepest and twistiest section of u road alroady short on straightaways. This five-mile strotch — which gains more than 1.200 feet of elevation — was named hack in the pioneer days. The story goes that a pack horse dropped dead while making the ascent By the time you get to the top of the grade you will probably believe this tall sounding tale Blurry-eyed drivers — not to mention dizzy passengers — can unwind after Doadhorse Grade by stopping at a view point of the Three Sisters These three sibling volcanoes were originally named Faith. Hope and Gharity by 19th-cen tury settlers. Less than two miles past the roadside viewpoint is the turn off for the largest campground along the highway at Scott Lillie Bellknap Crater, with an elevation ot 6,305 leet, ia one ot more than 10 peaks visible from the Dee Wright observatory. Lake. This lake is popular with campers and anglers during the summer and is also a huso camp for hiking trips to lakes located inside the Mount Wash ington wilderness area to the northwest. A few miles past Scott l-ako — after passing through the middle of a beautiful alpine meadow that is dotted with wild flowers in June and July — the highway leaves the forest and enters the summit lava fields. This barren, 65-square-mile prairie of jagged black basalt is desolate enough to have served as a training ground for moon bound astronauts. Only a few hardy, wind-blasted whitebark pine trees have been able to scratch out a living on this in hospitable surface A mile west of the summit is the turn-off for the Pacific Orest Trail, the most developed hik ing/oquestrian trail in the west ern United States The trail loads off to the north through the lava, eventually crossing the Santiam Pass highway on its way to the Canadian border. The highlight of the drive is at the 5.325-foot summit The Dee Wright observatory offers one of the stale's best views of the high Cascade snowpeaks MOTORCYCLE AND SCOOTER INSURANCE • Competitive rates • Renters insurance • Monthly rates Venn Vranas, Inc. 741-2280 (*except small cones) _ ~/y Campus SUBSHOP 1225 ^lder 345-2434 Not v.«1k1 on delivery of wuh any other discount* or coupons One coupon per customer ^ E.pirrs 6/12/92 ^ Built utmost entirely of the lava upon which It sits, the ob servatory is named after a horse packer who also helped build trails in the area Wright also oversaw the observatory’s con struction try Civilian Conserva tion Corps worker* but died tie fore it was completed A unique feature is the en closed mountain-viewing room, whore holes in the lava walls Isolate specific mountains On the observatory’s open-air top. a brass plaque also identi fies the area's landmarks Mount Hood nearly MO miles to the north, the Three Sisters, and lava stretches for miles in all directions. The summit area also fea tures markers explaining the re gion’s unique natural features In addition, a short, paved trail lined with interpretive signs winds through the lava fields near the observatory. There are also restrooms near the obser vatory’s parking area, sure to tie in demand after the drive. A pleasant loop trip can lie made by continuing 20 miles east to Sisters, where Highways 20 ami 120 lead over Sunburn I‘ass and back to Eugene Jayson Jacoby is a sports re porter for the Emerald. BTgerman auto ** SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Btvd. Euq*o», Ofqon 97403 Libre/. Scholastic Discount Prooram Th« Libre* JUSX/20 Ninth,** with 10 Mb ll.rd t>v*i. 4 Mb RAM. 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