L_. Lisa Bedwell helps fellow Oregon after a grueling race. Pfvoto 0y Pmiaf runner Camara Jones to her feel Women’s track team makes good showing FROM THE SIDELINES BY JAKE BERG They didn't compute in tho multi-events, but at Satur day’s close, they might have felt as tirod as a hoptathlete after a day's work. By the end of the Pacific-10 Conference Track and Field Championships during the weekend at Hayward Field, more than a handful of the 24 athletes from the first-place Or egon women's track team had done their part to help the Ducks repeat. Camara Jones. Nicole Wood ward. LaReina Woods. Lucy Nusrala. Erika Klein. Lisa Bed well. Jenna Carlson. Julie Bock. Lots of names Lots more events. “We've got quality and quan tity both." said Oregon head coach Tom Heinonen. “We were able to utilize it in this moot." Jones' hot feet torched her competition in the 400-meter run. Bedwell ran to third in the same race. Follow sprinter Woods finished third in the 100 and the 200. And all three ran the 4x100 relay for the Ducks in a school record time and second place in the conference. "We had a lot of unity." Jones said. “This time 1 felt like we wore all on." Jones and Bedwell were also on in the 4x400 relay — the last event of the meet — and Woods, who usually runs the relay, declined, still trying to catch her breuth from trying to catch lnger Miller and Chryste Caines in the 200. Following the 100, Woods said she wasn't tired. Not yet, at least, she said. “I should be after tho 200," Woods said. Erika Klein was more than happy to fill in for Woods, little more than an hour after taking second in the BOO. While Jones, Bedwell, Woods and Klein found themselves an swering questions between breaths and drinks of water. Woodward and Nusrala made doubling look easy Nusrala beat out her running partner Friday night for first in the 3,000, but Woodward re turned the favor Saturday by taking Jop honors ahead of Nusrala in the 5.000 Following the two rucus, the interview area found Wood ward and Nusrolu to lie quite polite guests In their business as-usual-type manner — as tf winning Pac-10 championships was an everyday occurrence. The Ducks certainly couldn’t have done it without their “doublers.” but some played the role of an exhausted athlete well enough to win a confer ence title bused Just on merit Bedwell said thut she felt the thick air of spring dragging on her lungs and feet right from the start of the 400. But that didn't stop her from getting third-place points for Oregon "I can still feel it," said an out-of-breoth Bedwell, "I don't have any oxygen." Jones wasn't lacking for air, but she did have plenty of but terflies. she said "I've never been that nervous before." Jones said after run ning only her third 400 this season. "It's the first time since high school that anyone expect od anything of mo " Klein anticipated plenty of herself though she only quali fied for the Puc-10s at the Ore gon Twilight the weekond be fore Besides running a leg on the 4x400 relay, the senior fin ished as the H00 runner-up for the second year in a row. "I have to be happy with that." she said, "but I’d like to do more." Could they have done any more. though? Jake Burg is the sports editor of the Emerald. TRACK Continued from Page 8 "I know t had to get away from Pot because ho was the freshest one out there." he said. "Out it hurt doing it that way." The meet turned into a two-tram rare .liter Washington State got off to a horrendous start In the the very first event of the moot. Malt Shaffer fouled his way to a sixth-place finish in the hummer In the steeplechase, Samuel Kibiri lost points for Washington State by finishing fifth in the race After the first day. Washington State had only H.!S points, more than 40 [minis behind UCLA One of the individual highlights of the meet was u l’tic-10 record set by California's Ramon |i mono/ r>uona in the discus His throw of 210-11 crushed the old record by three feet Oregon's Art Skipper won his first I’m: 10 title in four attempts in the Javelin with a sub-par throw of 2:15-11 Skipper, who has a season best of 251 feet, has been trying to heal a torn stomach muscle and was just happy to lie able to throw. "I didn't feel good ut all. but I didn't want to moan and cry about it.” he said "All I wanted was to help the team out ” USt'.'s third-place finish could be attributed to the running of Quint y Watts Walts won the -loo and ran the anchor legs of the Trojans' relays teams, which both finished first Watts finished second at the NCAA Champion ships last year and came Into this season as the top collegiate runner In the nation .e-'T JK ...we re moving soon to our new larger store and we're having a sale to celebrate! coming June 1 5th: A new larger store 2 doors west of our present location. The largest selection of art and school supplies in Oregon. Professional, friendly staff. Vf UOW IAS Iff MS (XCUJOCD. SALf UMITfO tO STOCK ON KANO 1*00. CANNOT M COMNMO WITH ANY OfMO SAU 0* COCO 'u Weasel’s World Kraig Norris 30.S*£TEA,A«e KX1 f£Kff FOft GWXMTION? / GMAT.NCW torvi cent rr! I NO!.. NO! KftQtTlT! YOU WONT G£T ore CXM£ OUTTA M£. TCU BUtD THIftSrr !! \ M/ l / DAMN AUJMNI TfXEruMA ! 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