Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 26, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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Oregon sears Pac-10 at meet
By Jake Berg
Emerald Sports Editor
The Oregon sun was just too
hot for Arizona State.
The Sun Devils were picked
to finish second in the Pacific*
10 Conference Track Field
Championships behind the
Ducks over the weekend at
Hayward Field, hut they didn't
quite do thut.
Oregon, on the other hand,
did just what was predicted.
And more.
The Duck women's team won
its second-straight Pac-10 team
title Saturday with 122 points,
far bettor than second-place Ar
izona with 90. USC in third at
87, and Arizona State's 69.
Oregon head coach Tom
Heinonen was obviously happy
altout his team's championship,
hut he was more pleased with
the overall dominance his team
showed during the weekend
He saiti the difference between
this and Inst year's Pac-10
champions wus that the Ducks
wore confident they could win.
"Last year, we hadn't won
before, and we didn't know tf
wo could," he said "This year,
we knew that an Oregon team
could win."
And the Ducks let everyone
else know, too.
"We lost a little hut got a
lot," Heinonen said.
A whole lot.
Things started off on the right
webbed foot when the first
event of the weekend went to
Oregon - us expected. Senior
Kim Hyatt, a three-lime All
American javelin thrower, won
her first Pac-10 title, keeping
the championship in Duck
hands after Paula Derry won
last year
"It's great to keep the Pac-10
championship here at Oregon,"
said Hyutt, who won by more
than six feel, "and I think it
will stay here for a long time."
The reasoning behind Hyatt's
prediction was her two fresh
men teammates. Kelsey Stellick
and Keri Esterbrook Doth wore
entered us wild cards into the
Pac-10 meet but performed im
pressively, especially Stellick.
Stellick, who competed in
the conference heptathlon the
week before, set a personal re
cord with a 155-06 throw, good
for fourth place.
"1 would've been mad if I
didn't throw somewhere
around there," said Stellick.
who had been throwing consis
tently In practice all week. “I
just wanted to keep going."
The meet went on for the rest
of the Oregon squad, however,
as tho distance events began to
put space between the Ducks
and their competitors.
Froshman Jill Callero run the
first 10,000-meter run of hor
life Friday night and got third
place points for her team.
"1 didn't know what to ex
pect," Callero said. "I was just
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Oregon teemmates Nicole Woodward (right) and Lucy Nusrala were
1-2 in the 3,000- and the 5.000-meter rune in the Pacific-10 Confer
ence Track Field Championships this weekend.
excited for tho opportunity to
try this distance. As for scoring,
I thought that would come my
sophomore or junior year.”
Teammates Nicole Wood
ward and Lucy Nusrala fol
lowed with a brilliant perfor
mance in the 3.000-meter run,
an act they nearly duplicated
Saturday in tho 5.0(H) Nusrala
ran to first in the 3.0(H), with
Woodward second, and then
the two pulled a switch in (he
5,000 the next night.
"Nicole and I had 1-2 pretty
much in the honk," Nusrala
said after the 3,000
The 5.0(H) saw the Duck run
ners make a final-lap surge to
race by the rest of tho (Mick. Or
egon made some major ground
in tho event, as Woodward's
first-place points, Nusrala's sec
ond and Jenna Carlson's fourth
place gave the Ducks a boost.
“Coming off the final turn, I
thought Lucy was going to
win," Woodward said "It was
kind of neat that we got to flip
flop today."
Oregon perhaps got its quick
est shot in the arm with its
sprinters, though.
Camara Jones run like the fu
vorito she was in the 400. The
sophomore finished just u hun
dredth of a second off of her PR
in the race.
Lisa Bedwull finished a
strong third in tho race, und tho
two combined with iuammutos
LaKoina Woods and Regina
Warren to finish second in tho
4x100 relay in a school record
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"Wo should hiivo dono lhal u
Ion}; time ago," said Woods,
who also finished third in tho
too and 200 “Wo worn looking
for that tlmo."
Anchor leg Warren said that
by tho limn (he baton hud
reached hnr. the rar:o between
tho Ducks and USC was equal
But a ()ud handoff prevented
Oregon from finishing closer to
the First-place Trojans, she said.
Bed well and Jones returned
for the 4x400 relay the final
event The group won the race
mostly on Jones' final leg, unof
ficially clocked in at 51.3.
In the H00. fcrika Klein took
runner-up honors for tire sec
ond-straight year to Arizona
Mate's Kim Toney
”1 kind of feel like I'm always
a bridesmaid and never a
bride." Klein said
The Ducks got other points in
the triple jump with Kim Car
lisle's fourth place, Molly Dug
gan's surprising sixth in the
shot put and Karen
Wiedmunn's fifth in the 400
For other schools. Arizona's
Tanya Hughes broke the colle
giate record in the high jump,
clearing 6-5'/i on hnr first at
UCLA sophomore Dawn
Dumble repeated os l’ac-10
winner In tho discus and the
shot put.
Stanford's Chryste Gaines
won her third-straight PaC-10
title in the 100
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