Bad guy I'm the bad guy who, at Thursday's rally (May 14), raised my voice and asked, "Does the ASUO plan on spending any more of student s fees to help these people?" (i o those dangerous window-break ing federal fugitives). This was in reference to a conveniently timed ad in last Tuesday’s ODE (May 12) explaining student's legal rights, placed and paid for by the ASUO with approxi mately S1H0 of student inciden tal fees. During the rally, incoming ASUO president Bobby Lee tried to explain (rationalize with had analogies) to me that the ad was for all students, and not for just a select few. As if 17,r>()() University students sud denly needed to know their le gal rights, just in case the beds came knocking on their doors for some mason ("Sir, your dog pooped on federal property, you'll have to come with us ."). Why not use S27.00(1 of our incidental fees to pay for the broken windows, because the Federal Building is for nil students' use, isn't it? My point has nothing to do with how the protesters are fin ing treated or afxiut the protest in general. My point is this: If you all want the ASUO spend ing your incidental fees any way they choose to, then don't go whining afxiut how expen sive it is to go to school in the Cash For Textbooks Mon • Sat. Smith Famil) Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campos 345-1651 future, Al least I raised my voice. Steve Buck Student Didja see it? 1 Aren’t .ill of you proud? "Hey morn. Dld)a sec our should-know-be tier a I-the-age of--7, student-elected (sounds nice) senator? “Yeoh mom. itti-r white one. m the bliick-.ind-while plaisi shirt " Wnv to go Brian; I con appre ciate your intentions of protest ing the sickening, not-gullty verdict handed down to the of ficers responsible for the Rod ney Ring floating I cannot up prei iute the way you chose to "really teach those guys a les son” by helping to instigate, or participate, in the destruction of the Federal Building to the tune of $27,GOO. Unless you know something I don't. I. among many others, will proba bly end up paying for your window-kicking protest as your vamla Ions aits are tried through the legal system not only as students, but as taxpay ers. By the way, who's paying for your court-appointed counsel? What's that? The state? Thank you. Hoop, you are a fine spokesperson for the Uni versity. Martyr? NOT Ritch Graham Student 1111 WltllMIH W# Boy, Trod*, of Conjign By GARY LARSON J |———————— It wasn't until ha got home that Sahib raaliasd tha dang thing had no front and. welss & Patricia Magic j | Come with f4 ’ your kids for great ffunf •Storytelling •Origami •Fabric Painting • Marble Art •Face Painting • Food & Drink •FREE Prizes! •Wishina Well f Vfk Off storewide! 'jJ Sat • May 30th • 114:00 • All Ages! ^^^^^^^^WVWVNl^^W^I»lVS^VW^NV^lW^^yWV,WWWV,VWWWWVWV»i THIS COULD BE YOUR BEST FRIEND! U of O-CLASS OF‘92 mM roNGRATtfflBNS ZACH! C°N We ll ml** V°“ "'iV'®®' Lov*. Your Roomies If you really care about that special graduate, then you probably care enough to embarrass them in front of the whole student body with a choice photo and some de scriptive copy in our first annual GRADUATION EDITION, appearing June 5,1992! Go through their photo album or call their Mom in order to find that one picture that is worth a thousand words. PLACING AN AD IS EASY...AND CHEAP! Just stop by the ODE Classified Office, ROOM 300, EMU, or call 346-4343 for details! GRADUATION EDfTION DEADUNE: JUNE 1,1PM! Looking for a good deal?? Read the Oregon Daily Emerald Classifieds.