Oregon Daily Emerald 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS GREEK MATH TUTOR 7 10 to 9 00 p m Tuss 4 Thurs ilAGtfbart 105 PERSONALS Af Cang#«UaJ>on* io M«Ai and McWo On fOot p*nna\Q lh* Gsnllsmsn of Chi Pst K.\ Mssthsr Lmficotl Writ you many lovs. Cfwts 110 LOST 4 FOUND Buck tssthsr day J#««r on campu% nro.-fxj noon i‘«m-m o»h 14V47BS? m TYPING SERVICES A! 344 0734. ROBIN • GRAD SCHOOl APPROVED 70 y«« thMWWJtss boo* ground form pMpartuf ui< i«.umo Mr **« Id’ '- IBM aynpaH*** A- /su«r«ii*Ospiiv4A^(i Cw (Jty GOtS anyitm* UttWOHD SPECIAL ISIS Word A {.NisMop PuWrtAey) Glad Scfnooi Approved t am* pnniad MdUtfiQ, graphics dttSMttobon*. iNsai. rotumoa. tr*r**p«r«nc*» A mo##1 CtHDV444-3434 Typing Ouch 4 Accurst* %' 00 %.*.» pogw and up AfAO f ranch A Carman >44 7813_ Word Procsssmg f«»: protaswonal MKvvto Wonlptrloci. Or aw parted. drPJ Sen#*M 605 E. 13th ns TYPING SERVICES THE WHITE TYPE Word pfOOMhatng ant) mor* Fv *n»0 CA- K#r»r» *1 fig/ IHS? i JO FOR SALE MSC Bun o« a htdt ibf'J Pwtef.1 k* mow unatpoaod at you# M^art Ca« ma ta* Srf. 4^4 ??03 _ D«%k walnut formica top ?4 * $$' 6 Omm*’. idO W(x>' fog -ro 8 » « *7 B»owr>tYOft^ St ?S4>0O f4i? ?0g9 Doubt# full fufon !»<*** M *>a® j-iOrt $1 VSAOtoO C» K.rA «{ 343 *4**:. kMtvo maitMgo Im graduating. »o I'm moving, fto I'm fc#B»r>g my afufl p*-** Mon Y«m« |*/> oovc«o cotton Mon * ■* i ov»r and p-« or «i*< 1*00. /0 Wy*» d*ytWU v«4d ({Mil \\? C*a f fCM »! :U3.f4?»> VW Rabbit roof rack, covor A not. $’.?> 4 wbl dwv %H O&Cb S?wr«0 CAfen* VAO 120 34>ftl7S i« CARS TRUCKS GOVERNMENT SttfEO Wlhcia* from fiOC f onit MofcaKkaa Conran®* Cbovy* Sorptu* Buy®** Gudfca (1) bc*j as?aoooc«t w? Moving abroad MuM m*> HWG tty unci* I »«# 346 5636 or >4? 5543 i ww*a.o* v *». j 8t Mazda 4 door ffcr* outer vm*«o rofcato*© 'ww fun* up $3 390*01)0 CaS 344 3?0ft__ • 3 ttoixla Accord LX HO ** vpaod. good tunMon a*» uiwio PS. TO. taOOMdir Rb 660-722? flCAR WASH S Minute* From Campu* Comer ol 1st & Jefferson Coin Operated Sell Service New Ownership New Equipment Afwoyr Oean <■ Alwayt Woi*t IOM SAll VW Hui MuBu* ortQ*oe 1 ow m.***y« Body in g*<*Mn 100 mtJeei l** ton 1300 Otto 341 361? „ ___ bb Mod Honda l tit a 01X 1 SO K h&imat Only 4SOO m««» atcoftont COdKlO! 114*000 144 148.' §6 Mad Honda Sptaa l •** f»» N»m tMW«ry h»«rr>»»< on*y 630 m* twt*x«* VXXVotxi 4ttS8U4fv m*g 1. .. ..- """.I “Who is this graduate?” WINNERS C-ois^ra t u 1 a t ions go to... Casey Scholz Sc Kael Kelly for amvctly identifying the University of Oregon gr*du'»lc, Alberto SiUur Winners receive a tree 1 ■ 2 *d ($12 value) In (he upcoming ODE Graduation Edition to appear June S. 1W2 In thtt special edition lamily members, triends and university organizations are given the opportunity to congratulate U ot 0 graduates 1SS BICYCLES K*nc $00 iDspeaC W** n/yptonao K>c* IftVoOO Kart*. 346- »4?4. * _ 30 r»c»ng b*», £«OMr* ContMWi, #&*.% $•*# '*# la# 'nr M.A! 1«B 'O flWJ'W rtt $ 79 344-4Q14 Over 10,000 served daily! 170 SOUND SYSTEMS Boom bot. Pftnaftorwc CTiOO (Xia* chhkw oorwaon i/O'odo 607 rm __ CASH!!! Wo buy %m» *f« Mkvkji VMS VCR % one? u#fix>* Thompson f «K3W«t& ?!7?Oak 343 9273 Gotng to Ntw Orfeom Kir in© Oympc irum’ Wan? io fchoro ft hoto? room’ from Jun© ?0?? CftJ* Adorn (?06) ?«M*99____ Tr«v»fcng Soon 7 Appty *o» ft c*ftdmo to do * w> atop by 333 Oregon Hat! pr trio Reg»tf»r » Qflce « DUCK CALL REGISTER BY PHONE ?<* surnr*** um»u>'^ To o-^gtwo »ty Duck Can. your Heg*u ration t tQ*tM£y Card no* Stop by 333 Oregon p» the HaQ^raf ft Qfftoa PLANNING TO REGISTER TOR SUMMER SESSION? Don ! foig«i lo lit* you tUginmion EltgCtlMy Cti* Slop By 333 Olopun Had at in* H»omiW» Qitat FORGET ANYTHING? LIKE HUNG YOUR REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITY CARO FOR SUMMER TERM? Slop by 333 Oregon HtfI or tb# Magrat^a Q*«:e IT’S NOT TOO LATE To your Hagai/ation f ug.&My Card for aummar saaa*oo Slop by 333 Oegon lias or ibe Repairar*t Oflce 70S OPPORTUNITIES Aro yg your commun*c#tk>n tfciltt? • * paraproftationai •iptrtonco thJit can anhanca your raauma • rwj if*C '•«*• you* amptoyaiMbfy? • doing aN lht» wht»a aarning c rad it? BE A PEER ADVISOR C*ll ytxw m»fOt d*p*run*nt o( 146 J2I1 loi in'unli«.i c«mp ctwnutfoM Vo)..—n© & display Order taking ov©< lh© counter phone input of adt mto TEC compute'. Ning. Y5A/MC A tear sheet mamtenanc© Some computer ©ipenenc© desired . 1 SALES Work appro* 8 to hours weekly (tie*.-Of©) seeing classified display advspeoai directories Applicants must b# atudants •nrousd at the U ol O for Fait. 1992 Stop by ths Enwiil oftic©. Room 300 EMU for mors information an© to ©Kb up an sppwcaiion Appiicstiona must b» rsciva© by May 27. » PM INSTRUCTORS WANTEO Th© EMU Cran Center net openings to# instructors o» Ftmo Clay, Paper Marbfcng. Oae-ng and Caftgrapny to begun Summer Appwcaton floadi na 14% ?t*n For more into, contact Res lAuranc*. 346 4361 2i0 HELP WANTED Camp eounNiori, ntx*a ax*. #%~ guard* arw rm^m a-'acor Jno Summar utldpKt ca^p naed* aninuv «»!<, response poop* to w©rs Win cfttOren 6*p*r*nc*d {K**«^*d t MU ?<$<__ Cwt(f»*d Ufa saving Itfeguerd* need m3 to* Camp Fae resowi camp CM >4? 6336 lor appacattion Cruise Line Entry *<•*•! onward land-aide avail., y«ar rrvd *umm*r 61? 641-4333 EARN MONEY Reading Book*! S30.000 yr income potential Oataila. (1) 105 062 6000 Ej1 Y0642 GRAPHIC ARTIST The Oegcw Oarty Emm aw m seeking tmagmahve siudern w«n Maonioan eipmawca ?o create m*o grapnws a'xi «Nx design »*®m*ni* kx content and appearance P'C* up appfccwon* arxi o* wo** to OOE OWwa, Su4» 30GEMU Deadline Tuesday, May 26?n Contact JeM P«siay « 346-6911 for more information G.T.F position* open m Academe Adv»*?ng and Student Services Student Coordinators m General Science advising (closes June 3), CMipus Wide Peer Adviswg (doses June 3). freshman tnteflKt Group program (coses June 10J. and Assuan! 10 Counselor to* Studonis win D»sa&«M.es {ck»es June 30) Applications af Room 1C4 Oregon Mali LOOK OUT! Th« 1992 Gr»du»tion Edition i* Coming Juno St ATTN BUSINESS MAJORS SUMMER SALES AND MARKETING MAKE $5324 TRAVEL EXPERIENCE COLLEGE CREDIT THIS SUMMER INFORMATIONAL INTERVIEWS TODAY WALNUT RM 4PM & 6PM PLEASE BE PROMPT ftOUTHWC f»«M Pirt Om#1 IntarnabOftftl r©>a-i cNurx rue* ?00 MPparl tuna po*sa nn Suiting pay rtla H025 No **p f«q tratmng p*t>v«3«5 Pa«J mumthtp* ava». ftchoiarthip* awarded ft earn ? 4 credits on ou* !uty eoaedried moni •*pe'»e«ce prog'*™ Can wo#* *ui> l*m# du«ng MJfnmii braak Call 363 0776796-1 7W Can wcyH mi Portland ft Sale#* 210 HELP WANTED Wnungn ottica attlatant Par rms '«< !>» hourt lyo-ng 45 WPU hgtv lypmg. !,1'”0- •"«'*•» *' OOtrpary owncm va« O'w* low p««mi Bnng ’aiuma 10 30' Mo'-'o* s<. Monday tfwti F'Oay 13 pm_ TRAVEfjOBS Atfi.no*. Una* A national parnt rving to* mww foot m Honrtwn’. For » uu 0< opanmgt. tana SASC win $ 15 enactan o to Trava Cwm>’ Noiwo't !yJ4 Solo 70S. Sf .CA94H7 Wn up to $1500 cash m pruat. Swingors fagnieluti. 535 Main Si. Spnngtaid it looting tync cona&iantt Sign yp row tor mlormalion Call 747-030? SUMMER JOBS' Gtx a head tlart on a perfect tummar )O0 Training Mttiont lor tummar ampioymant ttanmg toon Apply now o! U Of O Taa»und 346 3433_ 2i5 WORK STUDY WORK STUDY QUALIFIED?” The 0»f»ca o> Research & Sponsored Programs needs a student assistant during Summ«f Session. 6-10 hrsnwk $> $6 1 Stir Interested r» developing general office skulls7 Can Mcneiie at <5133 WORK STUDY NEEDED SUMMER TERM Ofice asst. $5-6/hr Poodle pos/l»on tor coming school yea/ Dean's OHce AAA. 105 Lawrence. 346-3631 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Close to campus 3 & 4 bdrm houses tor root, commencing JU,Y ' Summer 'ales 485-0/90__ 2407 Willamette, ? bdrm. hardwood floors, wood neat, fridge $4/5 CaH 344 8920 Hy appointment 470 E 14th .3 Ddrm/2 balh $800 mo . 1 sHast-tjep i yf lease Prefer grad student or family Ken, 93/ 31/4 3 bdrm, 1 bath Dean house with dec* and yard No debt $900*no. summer C«* Rhonda 484 5699 225 APTS DUPLEXES Blackstone Manor 1750 Aider St 887-0684 Reserve for Fail farm. $565 mo ♦ dep itMSti Under cover pruning Near Music School Tenrss Courts! tprary Campus Apart manta Furnished 14? Bedrooms. Summer rataa $375*425. 48S-2823 CLASSIC Histone iwmcxioied ii*es new house, studio $350. 1 Odrm $400 , 2 bdrm $475 Summer rate* avail June 15th ?44 E i6ih 4 1605 Pear! Chuck. 683 934?__ LARGE. CLEAN. QUIET EMERALD APARTMENTS F urmshed 2 bdrm. 1 t>* U of O Reserving !o# summer/lafl Summer fA!*S •Dishwasher • Cksposa-' •Lrg kitchen and cabinets *Cpeered parsing • Sunoec* • laundry New, efficient Management 683 69* 9 Large studio apartment tor rani Close to campus 344-7266 Maple Arms 1345 Ferry St. Nee cieen t bdrm. indry tec>M Qua* P*fmng Summ»r rant* now 1290 485 ;8^8o> 68’0021_ Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU •CLAKNCt THOMAS PIP \UHUSmN6T)] \MSWTtMWfr oaemniLT I an6acahk6ht, a Pm6UKMPWfa»tKTH0MA6 mm mac I cou&wwim | \arrHBMVsnrf INbLAGT FALL.. •at one uncKpauPTHts POINT, DKAOfUL THOMAS ClAKtNCe BUSWBS6 AGAIN* THOM** HJtU,TOMANYYOm*S Met COM- ITS AN ABOMINATION MOOS THAT MUST SB AN ABOUT MY SuatS? FOR. THIS ANAX3MY-' NOmm'. /-^ / ——. \ J--> XlA/tNCZ THOMAS MA£fCOM-\ Mem ABOUT UCMtttS AMKJMf cum 5, IN FACT, OUT WBIHATTHD 1 sewecoMMiT | m RAN OUT TUB CLOCK ON A mm* cxHmiuny&b \ UHOSHAA&AWTA . Hios&j&neNce' 'ffTONBPWl CLARENCE IWMflbCMt STMYAHm mehtone NIGHT...' FORGIVE ME, TM CHATTER ING. L£T£ LtSTEN.