Oregon Daily TUESDAY, MAY 26. 1992 EUGENE OREGON VOLUME 93. ISSUE 162 Track attack Oregon's Tyrza Hunt (aoove left). Lisa Bed well. Erika Klein and Camara Jones take a victory lap alter their win in the 4x400-meter relay at the Pac- W Championships this weekend at Hayward Field Arizona's Marc Davis (right) repeated as champ m both the steeplechase and the 5.000. shown here over Duck Pat Haller Sophomore Tanya Hughes of Arizona (lower right) broke the collegiate record m winning the high jump Friday Oregon's Kim Hyatt (lower left) added a conference title m the javelin to her impressive list of credentials Friday See stones, pages 7-9 P*c«o* t>y PftftUry Mcfuwt Sb*#** Groups may try stopping Veneta Dead concerts □ It’s not the band, but traffic, fire haz ards and crowds that cause concern By Tim Neff Emerald Associate Editor Opponents of two upcoming (hateful Dead concerts near Veneta are weighing their options to block, the per formances in the wake of Lane County approval of a permit for the events The Fern Kitlge Community Coalition ami the Elmira Community Homeowners Organization may seek an Or egon Circuit Court ruling to reverse the county deci sion The Lane County Board of Commissioners granted a “mass gathering" permit for the concerts by a :t-2 vote at its May 20 public hearing Mike Farthing, a liugono lawyer who represented the Fern Ridge group in the approval process, salt! concert organizers have not adequately addressed health and safety ioncerns. "The area is not hig enough, nor does it have the in frastructure for an event of this size," Farthing said “Aulz.en Stadium would lie a holier location About -hi.(Hit) people are expel led to attend the con curls Aug 22 and 2il at the silo of the Oregon Country Fair Tint fair normally attracts about 20.000 people F'urthiog suid the Crateful Dead concerts will cause traffic snarls and create a fire hazard during what is normally the driest time of the year "It's not the Grateful Dead we're focusing on," l ar thing said "It's the sheer number of people They will create the fourth largest city in the state." Bui Kit Kesey, one of the event organizers, said those health and safety concerns have been adequately ad dressed Concert sponsors will provide toilets, water sources, security, fire suppression equipment and medi cal lacihlies and vehicles Those provisions satisfied the majority of the county commissioners Commissioner Jerry Kust said because the health and safely concerns were addressed, the commission was required by slate stabile to grant the mass gathering per mil. "If a group meets the health and safely i riteria, the counties don't iiave any discretion in the matter," Kust said "We've had a thorough look at it, and .ill the liases Turn to DEAD. Page 6 LAB WORK The University fares well in national rankings of the top research institutions Sm RESEARCH. Page 4 SIGNS OF THE TIMES The new crosswalk signs on Agate Street, installed as part of an experi mental federal program, may provide glimpses of the future for street signs. See CROSSWALK, Page 6 WHAT A YEAR IFC members wrap up a year of budget crunching and unex pected membership changes. See IFC, Page 6