Oregon Daily Emerald l>*ity UmhU it to piftnlt, fMMilf mraitoit iml (ttonrft *4 U ml O |k« opportunity to offer («MtgraruUii*M in a •p*«*ai •uppitwtnl f« furthri mfono mmmi nntMl Ik# CN>C ( l*Mift*«fa 4rp#rt««M at M44M) _ M ii n LOOK OUT! Tha 1992 Graduation Edition la Coming Juna St toj GREEK HAPPENINGS THE HEART BEAT RUN 92 MAY 23rd -MO AM ALTON BAKER PARK pfiMnUd by Sigma Phi Eptllon •H proc«#d* The American Heert Association 10S PERSONALS at *» CanymMc»«a«» and Mara on ymn e^n»'9‘ flood iue* n your p«nrv*ng Wo m%t\ you only too IMNI «n to* K4uf* Gfrww p*rty too' _Tho rur§ KAH NX Congraiu&atton* KiHfen »od on your p«nn*nQ‘ V TN» i Mi«* o> KAH tg__mm no LOST t FOUND Black Ikklhat 44 OT». WO04N ft CHAO SCMOOt APPHOVI 0 30 y«w*/ tfOdk ground T*»m pAp*r%^ o* 'wnumo w* fdfting l«w{» ON CAMPUS' FACIE EYE IV PING-EDITING By aipw«ncad wttimf PftO (pMUPlol H>n &tu0*nf ARokSaMI adttorw i»s.siMAfK» logoi ?yp«og. aim ;soa xs z?S7 FI YINC FINGERS typing miv»c• f »»t, Kcurtlt, polttuonil St 00 p*g«.up 4ft4 00M I Typing ft word proc«ft»lng 65 curwutouD*# spdctttt w«f {Kigt» 3* I h» turn around I '*«*» p*> up & f tihprvgry on canpu* Jtton *d* 0640 Printed fed fo computer hk'i QBomcnnan 7j? J.StiO ■ .iM-j ■ • i*.j » 344-4510 QUALITY WORM IHI'41I W M*KH AirMimi llfttl UlNFrfdlf J i SjWi'xMl 605 E. 13th F 1981 UotO Gradual* 1 t ini: No hint* noodod on this ono! WHO IS THIS GRADUATE?! ♦ ❖ ♦ Be 1 ol the first 3 people to correctly identify this U of O graduate and win one FREE 1 x 2 ad ($12 value) In our 1st annual 1992 GRADUATION EDITION, appearing June 5,1992. Guesses must be made In person at the Emerald Classified Office, Room 300, EMU attar 9 am! The deadline for our 1992 GRADUATION EDITION is June 1st, 1 p.m. us TYPING SERVICES JO TH€ TYPING PRO 17 y<» «ip IBM comppu&tp Acturpwfpp •0*o*ndMy« CD «P«X«I pnylimp P*9VT * Typing S*r*lu E«ppnwwpd iyc»' o*pn«g inna on IBM compuw »y*ipm pn) lauv pnrapr IhawaM'im C»« P»ggy «l U74IM_ PROFESSIONAL TYPING A»o wont proaauing. atM Bourn B3S 1 aw" THE WORD SPECIALISTS Won) ProcMung A OaMcop Pubittlwig Gnu Sciwo Appnwpd l»» pnmod pdsmg. |}<*pn»c*. n»»«. rn/rw. irpmpawtopp A wi< CINDY_AA4-S4SA Typing Ouicfc A Acpuipip At OCTxk page am up Ado Tfpncn A Gmrrtan 34* rn3 Snprryp Typing Sarvlcpp MacmoUt ■•mh p»««0 SaulMV g ja'AntOPd tit .w Word Proc«»»mg I au pmlyuoi* hw< WompDad Of»«piKl»ct. Oouvofy «ya,At>i» lamp Ml TWO THE WRITE TYPE Won) pmcMPmg am mor* f pt into cut Kanin m 687 ?t S7 i JO FOR SALE MtSC Baaai of a htdaa-bad IV«i 'ex those on*tp*cl*0 frtm'r's a you* fcoggMXtv C«n mo «N)H So* 4W »03____ Do ft*, walnut formica top ?* * b*\ 6 O'awu'T. iaO> Woo* rug |m BV a 1? 6fswot*) _ DoubfotuH Mon from# lor aaw Barmy uMKf f i ‘jO-fUbo C«a Km as M3 1490, 4MTV0 moMOQO draftinctabIT fom“salY a* wood adiiAJao* nmgN and l» M0 CnH Sharon >44 99M_. I'm graduating, ao I'm moving, ao I'm Mlkng my atuft OouCm pmo Mon tram*. %&*>. doufitm codon Mon mailrew mn cover and pAowt, $%*> o# wx $100. 70 *ry»a dayOad $?V *m*i <***. >12 Cafl CfcM « 343 14?S vW HabfcN roof rack, aw $ not $i$ 4 «rtot cfta*r%. $a oacn Storva uifrnal.. M& V*a. $20 343*1/5 IIS BUY OR TRADE (GENTLEMEN’S ENCORE CASH FOR Jfi.'. Lm 501 LEVIS 1111 WIIumH*_M341T9 ms CARSTRUCKS Moving sbroAd Musi t+ti 1900 My^nd* 1 «C4# 34&5&M c* W2 S543 (WIM*W GOVtHNMi NT SCUTf 0 V*n<«* *om J100 (onW KhHvaOtn CovbSbs Ch*.v-j v So/pius Buyan GiMa (1J 80!. U62 «000 t <■ S9M? .CAR WASH 5 Minutes From Campus Corner ol 1st & Jefferson Coin Operated Self Service New Ownership New Equipment Atwayi C)#on ♦ AJwayt Work* us CARS TRUCKS lltl Chavy MaMu. 2 OCX* ErcMart mn Good braMa. body. iaaa. me $740 firm 344 0043__ II Manta «-door Nw cj 344 4914 170 SOUND SYSTEMS Boom boi. Panaaoruc CT100 Dual oaaaaiia erooUarK oondkon $?0«obo. 68? 2099 CASH"! We buy. kai and kannea VMS VCR t and Maraw Thompaon ( moronic* 112? Oak 343 9273 us INSTRUMENTS ELECTRIC BASS PractcaHy brand no* Paavy '«*» Mane baaa and no* (Saury prachca amp AH K* $300 Can ma at ntgfy Mark. *05 3874_ Paatray Til atacinc guitar and nardvnai: Cana atm mtagral ampfcfiar Strap inciudad $240 WJ at 344 2307 or 346 M1» TTckfraon 330, $324 Amonarp. SB4 3>t2 spkr cabnal. ICS Vamana atacinc gmiar. Mao' fluta onar 683 8283 185 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Conaanianl l oc alio no 7M E 13ih 525 WAIamotta (com put) (downtown) 345 1451 143-4717 BUYING HOURS **.14* 4l.Ji.l4r 4-2, Sal Smith Family Bookstore 195 TRAVEL Trawling Soon7 Apply te> a ami* am Fly anywnora m tfia USA tor IUM1MA Cm TOOAY’I 4*5 4839 205 OPPORTUNITIES Aft you a man who it taking a woman a atudiaa ctaaa? fc*«f«n lucitft I moram roporw * wramg a asory atxxJ mtn'i ptfapoct’vta or. womr-'i s’ jO.os P^&ami caK Kiraion A! 346 3611 If you d Wit 10 a>rif fbL«a you* pottti of VntMr f MLtLAMQtt WXXX^AQtd 10 CAft Are you Interested in.. • halping othtr atudanta? • tocftaamg your communication aktlia? • a paraproltaaional aiptrttnct that can tnhanca your ftaum# and tncraaat your amptoyabttNy? • doing alt thia wfuta tarning crtdft? BE A PEER ADVISOR Cad youi major papartmanl or 344-3211 lor Into mi a I ion 205 OPPORTUNITIES DID YOU KNOW? tnn tvu i«m you nood to Mo a PogtolrotMn CBQlMIKy Cord >< you ro pronnmg 10 onanfl Iho SUMMER SESSION Tnoro » lid tuna io do < 00 nopoy M3 Oogon Hon v ino Roorwrofo OH CO DUCK CALL REGISTER BY PHONE k* tummor sMiKy. nmm To t» kv Duck Cal, !«• you Rng*it«!on itQtbtoy CdW now Slop try 333 Otmr mm or m» Ruauaft QUco PLANNING TO REGISTER FOR SUMMER SESSION! Don't forgot to fllo you Rogiotratlon Eltg*>U«y Cord. Sloe by 333 Oogon Mon or mo HoQuurafo Qlteo 1 FORGET ANYTHING? IKE.HUNG YOUR REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITY CARO TOR SUMMER TERM? Slop »y 133 Oagon HBi o> if» Ragntfart OH-co IT'S NOT TOO LATE To N* your Mog>&!ra!«ar» f fatality Card k> lumffw m Slop Oy 333 Oogon Haa or ihp Ragatwi Qfticaa GRANTS A SCHOLARSHIPS Lveryon* qu*M«*s I'mo into Monoy fot Co *uc* 2ft5? W«i inrwpo'iaio'v Rotxr 1 BobkJ’ Ovw *.000 MXKWV* NO oiponanc* -owVMiry Maw O' (ot •mptoymta! pfogiam can SjjOo** Tmpoymw'M San-iCM ai 1 2C6 M5-41S5, Ail 209/ _ 210 HELP WANTED Meaaanget o«t»s eeeieiani Patt-ttme. neaHSte noun, typing <5 WRM. V typing. Sling. errands m company vaN CM VPW driver's HCOntO needed PMmm Bring resume to XI Monroe SI. Monday thru Friday 1 -5 p m Assistant 0 tractor Oregon Student Lobby Tim Oagon Student lobby, a pubhc interest. non-profit organisation that advocates bat ora (tala policy makers about asuss mat attact Mutants at pubic tour yaar coaagaa and urwersitias * Making an aaataiant director to tialp slat! and auppon tha activities ot ma OSL board and « aiacutiva director Hopatul applicants snouto nava legislative and or grassroots organising aipananca and good written and oral commumcaiion stubs I'8.000 to 120 000 a yaar plus benefits and pad vacation Can ma OSL otbce at 588 15/1 and ask tor Roban or M K _aa/eoe_ AUOIO'VIOEO SALES' MARKETING Smears. antvsuMtic F T salsa paopto with electronics knowMdga Auto required Sound Invastmams. 747-7100 Camp eounaalori. nurss. cook, iitegoaids and nature director needed Sommer in*, dent camp needs anthusiasiic. raaponsitM people to work with children Eipsnenced preterred t 581 2451 Canitiad IPs saving lifeguards needed lor Camp Firo resident camp Cal! 342-8338 lor apptication _ cruise Line Entryleval on-boardtand-side avail. yeat-md aumroar 617-6434333 EARN MONEY Reading Books! JJO.uOOyt incoma potential Details (1) 605 667-6000 Eli V8647 __ GRAPHIC ARTIST The Oregon Daily Emerald i* seeking imag naiiva sludeni with Macintosh er per once to C'uala into graphics ant) other design owner,!* lor corvent and appearance Pck up applications and SubmV dipt ol work to ODE Otfice. Sum 300 EMU Deadline Tuesday, May 76jri Contact Jett Pasiay at 34* 541 t lor more mlormation G T E positions open in Academe Adveing and Student Services Student Cooronators m General Soenoa advising (dotes June 3). Campus Wide Peer Advising (closes June 3), flesh man interest Group program (closes June 10). aid Assistant to Counselor !o< Students with DisaDtUt.es (doses June 30) Appucatiom a Room 164 Oregon Hail INSTRUCTORS WANTED the EMU Cut It Carver has openings lor instructors ol Faro Ctay. Paper Matiting. Drawing and Calligraphy to bagrt Summer Appucaon deadline May 78th For more mo. contact Res Lauranoa. 34* 4361 TRAVEL JOBS Attunes, hotels 6 national pass hong lor summer |Obe m Nonnwest iHUaiol openings, tend SASE with S15 cneouwi o to Travel Career Network. 664 Mission. Suite 705, SI CA 04117 Win i4» to *1400 cash m prUaa. Swing* * NgrvduO, 435 Ma n Si Spring Sect is looting lor lip sync contestant Sgn up now lor information Cai 747 0307 Instructors needed lor Upward Bound summa program fulliime main instructor (Basic Ihrougn calculus $1700-*7400 lor 6 wk sesson) Pat lime Puplicaton* instructor and Wegnt irairwig ■natrucior (6400 *1000 tor 8 wk. season; Pick up an application and description at 1849 E I4th(aast ol campus oatwaan Moat ana Vlterd Siieats) Paeoune May ??nd I PC University Housing is coming May 28th Bean West Conference Room 3- 10pm Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU PtnK.ALTKX&iP&CT ISMXKJN6F&0VSHI.Y T0fVTT06£T>€RAmCK A6ecrnGmoNS,rrs BY NO MEANS CEXWN THAT HE NEECS ONE. V * f&CT IS600t>aTTKfiK5KXMN6 UABtUVCSNT0A9E£15. JUSTAS JER&BKMN HA6 KCCFINBP HYROCXJSY AS ‘WOUJTKN'ANP 'P&SONAL6KW7H'.,. / . POUT HAS STKMATIZW PC6mONSASSC*eiMN6TWT POUnClANSHM' UP UNTIL HOW. I HtSmNAOe TO MARKET HIS 1 IGNORANCE A6nunCAL-RJRTTT. 30SVNON6 KR.SCM 7HN6CMP OJUX.HG fmumr*.