Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1992, Page 9, Image 8

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Hyatt hopes to make her mark
By Jake Berg
Emerald Sports Editor
The women's javelin field for
the Pacific-10 Conference Track
and Field Championships
looked so barren that the league
lowered its standard to allow
more competitors.
But don't tell that to Oregon's
Kim Hyatt, who is foot and
inches above the rosl of the on
tries in the ovont — the first
women's competition — begin
ning at 3:30 p.m. today at Hay
ward Field. Tho men's portion
starts this afternoon at 3 with
tho hummer throw.
Tho senior's season best
throw of 173-06 is a distant first
to USC's Allison Franke's
160-00, second in tho Pac-10.
Only three other athletes met
tho Pac-10 qualifying standard
in the javelin.
Hyatt said she realizes tho
competition doesn’t look like
much, but she sure knows one
"I've still got to show up,"
she said.
Oregon throws coach Sally
Hurmon said that ns long as Hy
atl concentrate* on her tech
nique ami has no distractions,
iho three-time All-American
should have little trouble in
earning her first Pac-10 title.
"The only person that Kim
really has to wutry about is
Kim Hyatt," Harmon said.
Ironically, Hyatt’s toughest
opponent should have been
Ashley Selmnn. who placed
third in a l!SC uniform last sea
son ut Poc-IOs behind Paula
Berry and Hyatt, respectively.
But Selman will not lie compet
ing if she's at Hayward this
"The crazy thing is that Ash
ley Selman is transferring here
next year, and she was the big
gest nemesis," Harmon said of
her latest pupil, who was the
1990 NCAA champion
Hyatt has had time to learn
from other NCAA champs ut
Oregon )ill Smith was the top
collegian in 1989 and Berry
took first ut the NCAAs last
"It's kind of great because
I've had Paula to model after."
Hyatt said
One thing that very few ath
letos are modeling after flnrrv
on is an NCAA automatic quali
fying throw. Hyatt's best this
year is still five inches short of
tho NCAA automatic, and not
many competitors havo thrown
better than that this season.
"I'm looking forward to her
gelling an automatic," Harmon
said "Kight now we're looking
for consistency."
Throwing a personal record
this weekend wouldn't be loo
bad, either, said Hyatt, whose
PR came last veor when she fin
ished second at the conference
"I'd like to throw a PR. but
I'd be satisfied just scoring
points for the team," Hyatt
said "I'm anxious "
The future of the Oregon
women's Javelin program has
more than Selmun in store Or
egon used two of its wild card
entries to get Kelsey Stollick
and Ken h’sterbrook into the
Poc-ll) moot.
Harmon said she'll lie look
ing for her two freshmen jave
lin throwers to get experience
with the top com|x>tition in the
Frisbee team to defend top ranking
By Erick Studentcka
Emerald Contributor
Oregon finally has a No. 1 ranked team In the
No. the ranking is not Truck and Hold Maga
zine's latest dual meat rankings, and it's surely
not the Associated Press preseason football poll.
Instead, the claim to the top spot in the nation
by a team hoi ling from Oregon belongs to the
men’s ultimate frisbeo team.
The No 1 ranking will he put to serious test
this weekend as the squad travels to Ft. Collins,
Colo., for the College National Ultimate Cham
pionships. Other teams competing in the cham
pionships include third-runkod Cornell und No. 5
The women's ultimate team, ranked ninth in
the country, will also travel to Coloratio for the
women's championships. Top-ranked North Car
ollna. Wilmington will Ixi at thu region a Is
In other national news, one wrestler who will
not Ihi participating in this weekend's Olympic
wrestling trials is Oregon's Don Vidtak The three
time l'ucific-10 (inference champ is still ruhahlll
toting from surgery to repair a herniated disc in
his neck.
"It's real frustrating not being able to go,"
Vidlak said, "especially since I wasn't able to go
to the 1988 trials either."
A broken arm kept Vidlak out of the 19H8 trials
Vidlak said be will continue rehabilitation for
another two months and then begin wrestling
again He anticipates becoming u graduate assis
tant wrestling coach for a collegiate team next fall
and Itinn entering physical therapy school next
Vidlak said he has no intention of quitting the
sport and fully expects to participate in the 19'Mi
Pftsotur Wtatw
Layla Lawton (right) of a Univartity Shoto-Kan laam practical
with taammata Lori Oman. Lawton took two first placaa at tha
rational karata toumamant last waak.
Team kicks way to win .
A Shoto-Kon karate loom from the University was the sur
prise of (he regional tournamenl May 10 in Vancouver,
Wash., taking in a number of awards against individuals from
Oregon, Washington, Idaho and Alaska.
Leyla Lawson was first In women's Kumite (sparring) and
first in womon's intermediate Knta. Teammates Jennifer
Hirons and Vtbokka Gulbrandsen were second and third, re
spectively, in the intermediate Kata. All three look third in
the women's teem Kata.
In men’s events for the team. Ole Sondresen wus’first in the
intermediate semi-fret; Kumite, uud Asai Yoshi was first in
tht; Kata Sondresen, Chad Stewart and Tyler Evans wort;
third in the men's team Kata.
The intermediate division Is below brown twit, and other
divisions are those past black belt.
The teem, which is taught by Instructors Bob Craves and
Sue Doyle, qualified to go to nationals with the wins.
May 12
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SAE/Pt Phi d Kul * Phil 14*3/0
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IUw«ain H**t <i Canoa in S/M2
You/ Moth*/ d Rim Job lA-14/M2
Doll* U poll cm d Ju** Sioka It 154/Ml
ttelud UoiOwuim 14-4/M2
Thuui Ou d Kappa Sigma l A-S/M2
UM Tim# d SumniM/ 14 10/0
Solid 0 d Chiclutfi in a Hit/uii 212/0
M<| 14
Th# C.uUni* d SAl 41/Ml
Fiji I d A TO 1*4 in 1' 144/Ml
Tony tknu d Cold Duck 11 A/Ml
Fredi«»d iUil* 1 j WMl
AH)/K»|>p4 Alpha Theta d (i*|*yUon
KM/C l
May IS
!Mu Tau [tell* d Theta Oil H U JU/M2
Delta Upetlon d Your Mother 7 1/M2
Ou Pw ‘2‘ d Hawaiian Meat 1VI1/M2
Hail Banger* d Sigma Nu 21 <VM2
Solid D d Net: CIS 2/0
May IS
ATO/Chl Omega d Chi Hti/fcappa
Delta tail DwiU d Ch. Pu ‘2 4 2/M2
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May 14
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May 14
The Swing d Kaya MM
Big Fun 4 Kiendei* — loifeit
May It
Flying Skunk % «1 F tender* 11 1
Mi ik’ii'd Key 4 forfeit
lltll, Fun d Ihu.hergD Md
The Swing d Oh t S>49
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M«v Id
SAfc d S»m A • O/MI
H«u Td Dell* Opel ion 2 O/M I
A TO d Young Gun* 4 1/M2
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