ECONOMY SELF STORAGE SAVE MONEY & SHARE WITH A FRIEND THIS SUMMER! • versatile storage units all sizes • for your personal & business use • easy 7 days access • protective storage supplies • resident storage counselors ECONOMY SELF STORAGE -1366 S. Bertleson LOW RATES! Professionally Managed by ULI Management YOUR ONE STOP MOVING & STORAGE CENH-R f^kOftCTfW* ikwm< CHMiltV IOU> FRtfc n i i i <'except small cones) Campus SUBSHOP 1225 folder 345-2434 NtH v.*Ih! on 2 Months^ only $09°° Oregon West fitness 485-1624 We've given die same Graduation gift to students dace 1920. This year It totals $365,000 —the amount graduates saved buying textbooks here in the last 4 years. Happy Graduation! from your non-profit bookstore. ymvEMin Ol O«tC0W One of approximately 20 college bookatorea la the conatry giving textbook diaeoanta at parchaae. REVIEW Continued from Pag® 5 with ruby ring," they sing Southern rock has rarely sounded so good. The album was to have lawn tilled. The Southern Harmony and Musical Companion Featuring a Choice Collection of Tomes. Songs, Odes and Anthems From The Most Eminent Authors in The tInitedStates A hearty thanks is surely extended to whomever talked the band into the abbreviated version. Critics who call The Black Crowes unoriginal and charge them with rehashing 70srock should remember that, after all. it’s only rock and roll. In a Melody Maker interview. Robinson said. 'There is no new music ever Period." In "My Morning Song," he sings. "If music got to freeyourmind/ Just let it go...." Robinson, unfortunately, remains more than a little fascinated by his own voice. His nasty habit of stretching syllables and kneading them with a head-bobbing drone has not subsided. The music here is just as solid as on the first disk, but don't look for the string of hit singles seen before. Live Mental Jewelry Radioactive 1991 Live's Mental Jewelry sparkles brilliantly, but among the rubies and emeralds arc a few diamels and rhinestones. Live, as in "live and in concert," shows the markings of a band that will be more than average. They skip shallow analysis of issues and examine ideas, ways of thinking and beliefs. lerry Harrison, of Talking Heads fame, produced the album, and his touch is apparent And the vocals by Ed Kowalczyk are loaded with passion. He sounds like an angry cross between .Simply Red's Mick Hucknall and Living Colour's Corey Glover. The best track on Mental Jewelry is "Mother Earth is a Vicious Crowd." Synthesizers drift in the background and carve a perfect space for this song and its impassioned plea for communication. If you "let it go." as Live insists, and believe that rock and roll can change the world, then Mental Jewelry becomes a battle-cry. RADIO Continued from 5 McKay hopes to expand it even further in the future. "With this type of thing, there's not a high amount of rejection, it's a lot less intimidating, there's loss of a threat and it gives people a chance to get to know each other first." McKay explained. “They can take their time and do a lot of phone messaging if they want." As of now, after three months on the air. the system already has "a couple thousand ads." McKay said, and she predicts that close to 25 percent of those are college students. “lust recently we had a student on the air who was an education major." "The college kids are just looking to date.” she said. "They're not out to find someone to settle down with. They re just dati ng around." But does the Affection Connection really work? "We just had a guy who had to get off the system because he got too many dates," McKay said. "He had six women, the poor guy.” And better yet - the show has also prompted a couple of engagements. "1 had one woman call me back and she said, ‘1 met the guy! We're gonna get With this type of thing, there’s not a high amount of rejection, it’s less intimi dating, there’s less of a threat and it gives people a chance to get to know each other first.' J.J. McKay. -Affection Connection DJ married.’" McKay recalled, "and l was like. 'No way.’" McKay also said that the last time she did the show, which was a couple years ago in Portland, it led to six marriages. “It does work." she said. “The people that call in are just regular folks." she said. 'They’re just busy, and they don’t have the time or the desire to face the dating scene. This is a safe way to meet people, in the comfort of one's own home, and the people seem to really like it." jKr CUHt*A. • Th mu *U *rf *4 • MAT U • Tu Wt MVl Mrtl • Ml u 40 • ion 13 50 X* 21on Mil *>» > wntt m %' y.w. >p K* MB. 0000 K> tM_A rNgrty 5 as (Ml. 7 MS • Sun Ual 3 JS'l THE MOST CELEBRATED 1 FOREIGN FILM OF THE YEAR I '* >UIHM| fcllim it—tM WWWI • I ■ 1PM ' ■ i I — I 14* i1' -■ - ^ rocoKneros A fllH tv JACO VAN • 0 A M A I 1 V AfATfBOAUCA MOMCrTAK A WJOU l ATE NiU ■ l*?r N-.C Aa™ T* Tw, SuWtUU BiJOU L Alt NIT E • B4JOU LATE NlT| ■I Mi . . y S T K I* M K N K I N (. LXWNMOWKR . Man A pataat c»«plUti«a la vkUk an (mii t* («nu vttk tk« rtak ia4 vUil Mw* »un ttan • baraiat d*ad Tni monkiya* All Sick & Twisted Animation Festival baUMMBaHBMHJ