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Choose from over 30 menu items including: ♦ NACHOS SUPREME ❖ ONION RINGS ♦ CALAMARI ♦ BARBECUED PORK ❖ QUESAD1LLAS ♦ SALADS ♦ FRENCH DIP ❖ HSH & CHIPS ❖ BABY BACK RIBS ♦ FETTUCIN1 ❖PRIME RIB ❖ FRESH SEAFOOD ❖ SANDWICHES ❖ DESSERTS ❖ BEVERAGES B* sure lo j&K >c\it jbout th# bsp^oah ELECTRIC STATION 2' E 5th Eogenv 485 4444 t t >1 IS )N 1 Photo by Sot Nootmon •mputo Uarybath KwiaMo (top) took* at ona of Canta Jack ton • acutpturaa (cloaa-up, bottom) in an ax hi bit that wiH eontinua at tha Univariaity Cottiar Houaa/facuity Club throughout tha month of Hay. Art’s many aces Story by Ming Rodrigues "Images of Women," sculptures by artist Carole Jackson and Polaroid photo-ma nipulations by Steve La Kiccia are on display at the University's Collier House/Faculty Club until the end of the month. Women are a common theme in Jackson's work. “As a woman in this time, I find it important to use female forms in art in a way that shows diversity, strength and vulnerabil ity in women." explained Jackson, who has a B.A. in sculpture from the University. "My sculptures do not objectify women but, rather, they reveal them as entities with creative power.” Jackson’s bronze and clay sculptures cel ebrate the female form in all the different shapes and sizes that women come in. Each piece opens an emotional window on women, revealing them in states of anguish, despera tion, tranquility or joy - “all the emotions we women experience,” Jackson said. The sculp tures of different female forms were inspired because “there is a lot of body image stuff that women am still working on." The response to her work has been unex pected. "I've had women look at my sculptures and go 'Oh my god. it's beautiful. It's not perfect, but it looks like me.' ” Jackson said. "I didn't start out expecting anything. I was do ing it for myself But now I'm glad I could make a positive impact" Jackson, who lives in Eugene, has also re cently completed new work on mythological dream images of women in clay. "These mythologies are important in what 1 do because they are a real part of our beginning as a culture." she said. As a child growing up in Coos Bay. Jackson had always been fascinated with clay and color, ami painting was what she started out doing It was only at Portland Stale University that a painting and sculpture course got her interested in sculpture "! enjoy the feeling of making form," she said. "Describing things in form is my lan guage, my way of communicating There's some sort of consciousness I get into when I’m modeling clay that I don’t get from anything else." The satisfaction she gets from sculpting is as much of an intellectual one as it is emo tional. The more she sculpts. Jackson said, the more she discovers things about the art she never knew before. "I like the way lines and forms work to gether and communicate to creatts patterns anil designs that draw a person in." she said "! try to create something that intrigues them and makes them curious I'm happiest when I can tie it all together." The second exhibit features the work of La Kiccia, an Elmira artist who manipulates Polaroid SX-70 photographs to make them look like impressionistic paintings. His latest work includes nudes copied in the style of 19th century French impressionist painters Dogas. Renoir and Monet. Here is a guy who can take a Polaroid snap shot and turn out picture paintings like some kind of Van Gogh. This is art and chemistry at work What he can do is take a Polaroid snapshot of. say. your basic '54 Chrysler and manipulate the photo chemicals with the kind of dental tool a hy gienist uses. By pressing, stroking and brushing the sur face of the developing snapshot. La Riccia causes colors and lines to blur in the soft, shimmering style of impressionist painters "The Polaroid picture is made of thick emul sion. and you're able to press down without ripping the picture.” said La Riccia. who took up photography 16 years ago. "As soon as you press down on the chemicals it becomes very fluid down there.” He's been experimenting with the process since 1979 but didn't take it up seriously until three years ago when he began giving photo paintings to friends and exhibiting his work Borrowing a friend's SX-70 camera, he gave it a try and then developed bis 'painting' tech nique over the next few years "Back then. I’d take maybe four pictures of a particular scene, then I'd take one at a time and manipulate it." said the artist, whose works have won local acclaim and have been dis played at places like the Eugene Public Li brary. the Alder Gallery and the PhotoZone Gallery. “I'd start off in one corner, with a swirling action, and if it looked like it would work. I'd continue.” Though it became difficult to manipulate film when Polaroid altered the chemistry of their SX-70 film for faster development in the mid 80s. La Riccia's experiments in finding new techniques to revive the process have been successful. The exhibitions can be viewed from 8 a m to 7 p m weekdays. Collier House/The Faculty Club is located on 1170 E 13th Ave.. across from the EMU. 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