Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1992, Page 4, Image 4

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Friday. May 22
Fir R(x>m. EMU
Sponsored by the Muslim Students Association, Arab Student Union. I
International Student Association and the Iranian Student Association, j
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ASUO Pra aidant Jennifer Billa luma ovar tha reina of atudant
govemmant lo Bobby Laa Tuaaday.
Continued from Page 1
with uthlotic department repre
sentatives. in which they
agreed to a five percent cut
That will save students about
$54.(KM) next year.
All in all. Bills said, it's been
more n year to remember than
one she wants to forget.
Funniest moment while in
office: "Watching (Vice Pro
vost) Carry Moseley at an
awards banquet and seeing him
silling up there in front, listen
ing to a speech, and suddenly
his chair fust breaks right under
him "
University President Myles
Brand recently spent a day
swindling roles with a student
Bills thinks that's an idea for
the ASUO as well
"All you really see is what
the ASUO is not doing," Bills
said "But we do so much Ac
tually. the stuff does a lot of the
program work and the presi
dent does a lot ol maintenance.
There's a lot of work done that
you never mm:, bul il we didn't
do it, you'd see u big void."
Dumbest thing she did while
in office: "I was the assistant
getaway cur driver at a ruckus
in u restaurant in L A. during a
meeting of I’AC-10 student
presidents. I was one of two so
ber people there. I cun 'I believe
I did that. “
Dills graduates next month
with a degree in English litera
ture. She plans to work for a
month in Michigan this sum
mer and she’s not sure what
she'll do when she returns.
Although there are things
she'll miss about the job —
getting to work with a lot ol
different people and free food
at meetings" — she’s seems
happy to turn the reins over to
Bobby Lee, who takes office
Her advice to Leo?
“Don't have high expecta
tions about personal projects in
the ASIK), because you'll be
too busy Delegate. And re
member, nothing's ever off-the
Looking Good in the “90’s”
the Healthy Way
This presentation is a two-part series
exploring the issues of health in relation to
personal care products, cosmetics, cosmetic
surgery, tanning and other ways that people use
to “look good."
Tuesday, May 26th 4:00 - 5:30 pm
-What is “looking good"?
-What to watch out for in personal care
-The effects of sun tanning on the skin
-Breast implants and other cosmetic
Wednesday, May 27th 4:00 - 5:30 pm
-What harmful substances are in our
-Does dieting work and the effects of
-A look at the health effects of alcohol
and tobacco
Place: Medical Library, Student Health Center
Register by calling 346-4456 or see the Health
Education office in the Student Health Center.
Limit 20 people.
It’s FREE!!!
•Sponiomt by ibr Ltjettyle Planning P mg ram. Student Health Centre