Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 22, 1992, Page 12, Image 11

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    University Theatre Productions
1991-1992 Season
The Injustice Done
It's MY Story & I'll Tell It
MY WAY!!!!
an original work by Denise Chuk
May 22,23,28,29,30
Frog Prints
by Timothy Baxter-Ferguson
June 4, 5 and 6
8 p.m. Curtain* Arena Theatre
Reservations (503) 346-4191
UW) rhaatn PiaducMcfn mm tundad r pari from rmr^m c* bck« lain
and tt» ire d ASUO aNc* part* m*mmtum U ol O Wuiloni hoe p«K»»
Health coverage gets new carrier
By Mandy Baucum
Emerald Reporter
Next year's ASIJO Health Insurance program
will sport a few changes. Including a new carrier
for both domestic; and International student poli
SIGNA will underwrite the University's student
insurance program it's a nutlonully known insur
ant* company, which ASUO Health Insurance
Coordinator Cathy Curran said is one of the rea
sons she is comfortable with the new program.
"These people seem very organized and togeth
er." she said. "We'll probably get belter service
for having the sumo carrier (for both international
and domestic students)."
The annual domestic insurance rate for the SIG
NA policy will be between $600 and S620, up
•dightly from the current $593 premium Interna
tional students will pay around $430 (u bit higher
from the current S4fH>),
There uro now two carriers in the ASUO's pro
gram. The current carrier for the domestic insur
ancc program. All American, did not oiler renew
al. Hartford, this year's carrier for the internation
al insurance program, did not want to renew busi
ness with the claims administrator
Curran said oven if Hartford had wanted to re
now business with the claims administrator,
ASUO Health Insurance wasn't planning to con
tinue business with thorn because of delayed
claims and other such Inefficiencies.
She said S1GNA will have a lot more to offer
than the previous holders.
The SIC.NA program will allow domestic part
ners to be included as dependents in the policy,
although some verification forms will have to be
provided, such ns a domestic partnership agree
SIGN A will provide coverage for oral contra
ceptives, but only for medical reasons The com
pany will also include family counseling if the
whole family is insured. Both are now policies
that were not available with this year's carrier
Thu amount allotted for outpatient counseling
will increase to S700 from the current $300
Muftlim Sluckml Auociafiun Committee
will meet today at 2 p m in EMU Caniury
Hoorn K
Spring Musk OkbraHon lor ail (XiUC.
parent* and friend* will be today at » 30
pm in the EMU lk»n Under Room
I hulling the H luntrl. 4 dui um«nUiy about
the effect* of iha Cl ATT and the
environment will ba shown today at 3 30
p m in the EMU Walnut Room
Haby blua ayaa meet* rlpgul brume
QvwnutaUvo genolica of plant interaction*
will be iho topic of a dlacut&ion today at
3 30pm tn Room 112 WtUamott*
Friday* at Four, an informal gathering for
Stay On The Right Side.
If you’re going to drink,
stop and think,
k We’d hate to lose you.
Project Eugene:
A Century Coalition^
Project Eugene: A Century Coalition is dedicated to reducing
alcohol abuse and misuse in the Eugene/Springfield area.
Specifically, our mission is to reduce drunk driving and eliminate
the illegal use of alcohol by minors by raising the level of
community awareness of these problems. Our goal is to attack
these problems by investigating, funding and implementing
innovative solutions and by building alliances with other concerned
organizations in both the public and private sectors. The problems
of drunken driving and underage sales can affect
anyone...Therefore, it is up to everyone to find the solutions.
If you would like to join us in our efforts, call Project Eugene: A
Century Coalition at 345-0076
We would like to thank the following businesses for
participating in the MStay on the Right Side" campaign.
• Coconut Joe’s
• Embers
• Guido’s
• Kowloon
• Mill Camp
• Rennie’s
• Sixth Street Grill
• Taylor’s College Side Inn
• Confetti’s
• The Excelsior
• Harpo’s Blue Note
• Lyon’s
• North Bank
• Rock ‘N’ Rodeo
• Steelhead Brewery
• Oregon Electric Station
The Cooler
Good Times
Marie Callender’s
Red Robin
Tom’s Tapper
The Old Pad
Red Rooster
faculty. ttudent* end *UH. ertil n« tmwy a!
4pm at the Kmnoma Center. Ml4 KlnaKI
"The Fowar of t'ourault" runiinuni
today «Mno and 11am and 2 30 anti 4
pm The symposium conclude* Saturday
With t{vdntt at 0 30 and 11am and 2 30
p m tn th« Ceriingor Lounge
"The Struggling Culture" exhibit ii
today horn 10 to 4 In the KMU Hr Room
Celebrate HuderafUag With CTT
Stfurfto on fto Motet Otago
10nn Dtvkl Q.
«*■ Kid* Perform Revue
noon Robert Pastayssu.
1:30 IMraooMnSnQwtt
3pm Otero Aw Band
local Cnfto • OM FeoO • Urn EmhWmmm
Great Coffee
on Campus
Find the Coffee Comer's
GREAT locally roasted
coffee and espresso
on campus at
EMU Fishbowl
Skylit Cafe
Breezeway Cafe
Willamette Hail Atrium
Allied Arts and
Architecture Cafe