2t0 HELP WANTED Parvises' tnremanon* 'titan crmn Mi TOO fuHpervnme povlor* in retail MkMCueiomer uno I»np peirn-Mrt position* » diet 0-* hr* Surfing pey rale *10 75 No wo f«q. waning p«ovOed Pad etsmanip* «v»i. »cnour*r»p* M>nM. * *M " 2 4 craortt on our kitty accredited work wponenc* program Can worn !u» time Ouring summer break Call 161-077879S17W Can work m Poniard * Sawn Th* Oregon Daily Emerald Ciaaalfiad Department Is Now Hiring For Fall Term . 1 PASTEUP Worn appro* 2 a he? noon hour* (during daily publication) Out** include classified ad layout and proofing . 1 TYPESETTING Won approi 2 4 morning hours (dunng daily publication) Duties include classified line & display order taking over the counter/ phono, input of ads into TEC computer, filing. VISA/MC A learsheel maintenance Some compuier experience desired • 1 SALES Work approi 8 10 hours weekly (flexible) setting classified display ads/speoa! directories Applicant* must be student* enrolled el the U oi O lor Fail, 1092. Stop by the Emerald oftica. Room 300 EMU lor mora information and to pick up an application Applications must ba rtcsivad by May 27. S PM U off O STUDENT RECYCLING PROGRAM IS HIRING STIPEND, $100/110 EACH • Director • CM Promotion Coordinator • Greek Operation* Coordinator • Dorm Coordinator SSHOUR, 5-8 HRS/WK • 3 Dorm Monitor* • 4 Recycling As*i*tant* • 1 F MU 'AAA Studio A*»i*tant 10 MONTH POSITIONS SUMMER '92 POSITIONS • Director. HOOrmonm • Operation*, »SAw. ?0 nr**** 3 MONTHS Job descriptions available in ASUO Suits 4, EMU. Application deadline is Friday, May 22, 5:00 PM. Return completed applications to ASUO. Suite 4. The UolO Student Racy cling Program ■* an Alternate# ActnyvFqual Opportunity i mpioyar Women people ol color lettnan* and gay* peopta ottn o.-wui. it a* and people ol ax age* etnruc rebgiou*. poMcal. manta. Ooaaual. and velar an tlalu* are ait encouraged to apply 215 WORK STUDY "WORK STUDY OUALIFtDY ’ Tha Ottioa o' Research 3 Sponsored Program* need* a Undent a*smart during Sommar Seaaion. 8 10 tvatati 9 (5 ISAr Intar aw ad m devoiopmg general ottce Mu#*’ Can McnaM at *5133_ 7X HOUSES FOR RENT Clot* to campu* 3*4 Mm ftouM* tor nm. oommwnong Jg*y 1 Somm*r ■mm 48387*0 SummM Con*9* Cnamng qum 1 txvrr m ixg jura Wotnory mepuonam 71 * *nd Ag*# A**t myjaun* lo m*J S*0< *373*0 *87 8173 2407 wiHaroatta. 7 Mm notMuooO door*, wood nmb. fridge *475 CM 344 8820 lor mpon-Tun 470 E I4lh 3 OQrm.7 turn *800 "VJ . ItMattAMp 1 f WM C'o'w grad tloOonl or l»mi(y Kan. 937 31 74 3 Mm ho*it* mg yam doc* oaan •no coiy *630-mo 277* K-ncaO 343 3899 EK3NUS1 No Owp nacaatary' 225 APTS OUPLEXES APARTMENTS FOR RENT low mrniw meat 60 t#*« from campu* 'ItHBt Smranar. *370 Now taming lot autnmar 4 fall ’ * 2 Ddrm apatvnanta noor Muttc Bowfrng *2354295 HOflowood Ajjatimamt. ca«a*ar2pm 688 5 769 _ Center of Campus On® Oedroorr Now C4rp®t* Qua* P*fk.ng Su^rw raf®* now $290 48$7B78 Of 6670621_ 1 bdmt, fum. Oui®« grad txdg Ckaan Cov«^ud parking Olhwa^ §33Vmo Avaa now 1200 F®r>y 343 3318 Prospect Park 2 bdrm apu available now Out®?, country atmosphere w convenient city location Other faaturaa include pool. tenmetoaeAetbeU court a. r®c, room 4 playground. Right paat 23th 4 Chambers Call 484 6S53 Reserving for Fall Low Summer Rates largo. Qu®n. luriwshod 14 2 poofooms. 1 otock from campus t44? fc i B Mtf* 41 tt or call 344 4/60 Small but co/y dayfcgni bae«m®nt Slucko 1 ?lh and Mai $265 U!.i4*undry rfvdud®d Mopofufiy arvauUiDHo Jun® 1 Noo wnow, no P®>s R»f 687 2360 SOUTHGATE Largs. 900 *quwe tool, 1 bdrm api • Pool an] Mona • On *i'e laundry LaoM*a • Hoar campus • On bu»una 2M5 P»n»i*onMS Aim Studio and 2 badiooro apartmanla Pool laundry laciMan wiwinariiod Frva building*. 'Sin A Hiiyard locaiton 484 9022 SUPER SUMMER RATES NOW RESERVING FOR SUMMER A FALL L*rga, claan, quial 1 bdrm ' bik UO Haw floor*. walk m cloaat tap vanty and bain cowW parking 484 410} Unbaaiabta turnlahad I bdrm daal 234 E 12W. laundry, parking Avan Juno 'Sin lor mmmar Haaarvmg tor lak Stra today or call 343-2' 14 Walt to claaa 1 bdrm apt. avaiiaua Juno ism No patt S33S Cal' 14a. 3458281 1V, BLOCKS FROM CAMPUS Studio, on ana laundry lactMaa _ 485 0290 2 bdrm ftjrrvunlurn apit NEW Hack ovartookmg Mmaca HE W count an opt Window* minband*. paint, carpal MCE' $350 turn mar rata* 485 8182 Call Now Far MOVE IN SPECIAL Nam A Baauiilui 1 4 2 BEDROOM FROM $495 a 12 MONTH RENT FREE! a WASH! ffORVER HOOKUPS a COVERED PARKING a FITNESS ROOM a SutAMEHIIME POOL * PATIOS BALCONItS • ON SITE SECURITY P II P H0 DOVl 3127 Klnsrom (•Croat I ram Autian Stadium) 686-2465 NORRIS 6 STEVENS Managamanl Co GbcdGentJ 225 APTS DUPLEXES C«H Nov Fo» "VACATION PACKAGE" Nn 4 B«»ut^ui t 4 2 BEDROOM FROM ISO) * 12 Of f 1ST MONTH S RENT * COVEREO PARKING * WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS * EUROPEAN KITCHENS A FfTNESS ROOM * CONVENIENT TO VALLEY RIVER CENTER 1ST I Kingtfoy Rd 343-4543 NORRIS 4 STEVENS M*n*g*m*m Co Cttod Cents Blackstone Manor ITSOAIdoiSl MT0444 R«Mfv« tor Fail Tarro. $SA5 mo • dap laoaa U*ximrtavw paring No* Muk ScftooL7»nnia Court vt bfATj Campus Aparlmsma Fumtshad lA?Badrooma Summar cataa >?/V»42* 4W.2IM LARGE. CLEAN, OU*T EMERALD APARTMENTS Furn**h*d 2 Ddrm. 1 tMfc U 0* 0 Rasarvng Jo# lumma Summer •D'Vxwsarw •Osposa* •l#g lujcfwx and cafrnsi •CQvtwod p«/tunQ •Sundsck •laund#> Naw. atticAant Managamant 6A3«t8 larga studio apartmont »o# twu Ctoas !0 campus 344 7?65_ Mapia Arms 1J4S Fairy St N<». eioan. 1 Dd#m. fntiry iac.’-1*** o« H p#kg S32Smo Call IMM 4SS 82V Nasr campus1 Ou»at 2 bdrm Pnvata p*i»o. car poet, laundry anti d**m*asjw Lois o' sio#sgo No puts t oasa S41&S469 143* Hon 344 ,'434 Nice! OuMf. 1 bdrm near carnpua. Carport laundry Now car pot mg. itnoamm. counueiop No pat*1 t mu >3 issues us; Hgn344 )«• COREST VILLAGl * Apartment* Quiel MflfUly Juat mtnutee from downtown BUS TO CAMPUS ♦ WEIGHT ROOM • SAUNA S a SWIMMING POOL RENTING NOW 2 Bdrm, I v, Ba 4473 4 MSSmo 687-1318 fti Eugene GAROEN TERRACE APTS I M3 Garden largo 2 Odrm. do» lo tempo* and noi tub* Can Paul tor Mowing. 344 1 721 *304 Janwnaa ♦ Co_M3-42I1 GREENWOOD APARTMENTS IMS Paltaraon RARE opportunity to kva m th* *» oapumaf comptai l arga t. 2 and 2« aadroom unat ovaiaow toon Ni tarpat*. Soon ooonionop* laundry, parti mg. gorgeout courtyard to oryoy tha tun‘1 Can Jolt tor morn mtorma lion or to view 34? 21 S3 Jenntnp* « Co443-4? t a Redwood Park Apt*. Quiel. Country Living tfrlth Cltg Conwntoim UnturnltHad 1At Bdrm 4370 to 4443 Low Ultlawa On Butane Equipped Waight Room. Spa Wood Park 4 Playground Laundry Fecildt** Alww Furnlthad Bullae Studio, 1 4 2 B R MOO to >473 Individually Oocoratad Completely Furnlthad Everything From CaPla TV to Lmana For Bad. Bath 4 Kachan On Saa Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484 5773 225 APTS DUPLEXES WALKING DISTANCE TO CAMPUS!' EUGENE MANOR Stucto A 1 DO”" Cirraat «<*w UU oti Slatting *t S3«S 1050 forty Si I02A. 4#4 7«4i I STM AOUVE tight, &ngnr *xi tparung at a«iiwll**Mo«»3 ■•drooma ItO Eaal 24»h 307 1/2 r.a«l Ulh 31ft tool l Oth 361 Foot 16th 460 East 16th ft34 East I4»h 766 East 16th 614 East 16th 64ft East 16th 673 Hllyard 676 Fsrry Laos 13&0 Paarl 1360 Paltar son 1370 High 1666 Fsrry 1716 High 1644 Kincaid 1611 Kincaid 1646 Harris 276ft Oak 3601 Hityard DUPLEXES 2-# iodrooma 631 1/2 East 14th 1460 High 1662 Kincaid 2640 Harris 363ft E. Amaion HOU6E6 t-6 Sodrooma 312 East 16lh 42ft East 12th 66S E 16th 162ft 1/2 Falrroounl 165ft Uni varsity 2060 Aldar 261ft Aldar ft* psto. Skows kp sppalatsMst. 34ft W. IQtk666 1130 »5 SUBLETS Log*. 2 bdna Furru»ri«d SupM lunvw parking, pool, laundry Call 34400*1 _ Studio, turn. FnarxSy nargMwmood. Juna itlOaoOar IMh MSWno. M mi Grad Mudani proI San. 344 3114 ■t Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watferson \F 1CW ASK HE. THESE ASSIGNMENTS 0ONT TEACU XXl MOM TO WRITE nC'T TEACM XW HON TO HATE TO WRITE __ T DEADLINES. ROLES WC*I TO DO IT, GRACES... NON CAN 100 BE CREATIVE WHEN 90MEONES BREATHING DOWN 100ft NECK* t GVJESS **) •5WOJLD NOT TO TUINK. A80JT END RESULT TOO MUO JUST Wft. FUN N\TW PROCESS OF CREATINE SgSS EBHH TIME. I DO W*T, I 0© UP IN THE 9CWOOL PSKUOLOSK^ OFFICE WEIL. MM BE NOT THAT MUCH FUN Subtottlng Urg# «*vxJio 1 v» from campo* fr u'mNad w«tn «r comem «yung Ca« 465 6908 1 txlrm. turn apt to tutM IfWU Ai*g amt! Oi**i o^or. Iqt lj»£ 1 V* !**» from CAmop* AviV Jun# 15 jJCQ tno > pop flS3-61?3 1 bd»m in Ur g# 4 txfrm houaa "#4f Handnctrit wo fomat. n»c» yard looking Ay csowrv i«m qg^x A '«*po»Ms.0*«# p#op<# Mom. | * 90 wa • o#c n#got ■**&<• A*ap Jono lS>$#pt 15 Tanya 404 1041 or 404 ?404 240 QUADS SUPER SAVINGS! Summer Rate-$140 • fum>*n#u yw* 1M0AU« Sir#*-MS 5940 Codarwood Quads 441 E 171ft S#vy«j f/vmg (or firv*v*«i »aving*» IWn '*r« from J/AVli Cal* KJM 808 V40C Jannmflt • C»_• M54?U “ SUMMI M HAM S IlYs Wat* io campo* from that# nwwiy MHwrOrt^ad qm«.H ’ pTfvaui Entrant:# * * tunrtwii location ’ * Snare batMutcfttn ' One# by 1750 M»iyart tm #«:oy Ooforto 1742 tUya/d) Moot t » W# Nprinwwyi 34 j 4«-£> 24b ROOMS Summer Rales! 3 C#*» to campuA. vrwuucJ kacftorvtMHft UW inducted $ 1 ?5 and Up J4V41S5 Room U>ov# Escalator Cafe. ava^otw* now $23Grmo mctuifcia uim #« c*i i44 aeag Sharo rue# 3 bdrm houa« Sutturm onty « fl^Ormo Cto»« JO Amazon runntng !'«*’ KmOwiy >413 STUCK NTS' tooMxg tty # norr*« 'or 1SHJG? 917 WoufrJ you t*i m frvmg rfS a W\x)#r*» coopor#t>m» wft#r«» 45 m»n */*j woman com# logutfw 10 orento a CMNin %a*m and r#**i1»v®»y •n*Mp#n*iv# rtom#’5 1 h# Ctxfr* Cafl 683 48*7 soon __ __ Easy QOAng, r«ftpo*is«bta ?9 y«v aU mat* wo*>ng ky roommii to titans dean duptaa ttagtnmng tn Ju>*» 5 mm by bus to campus $150 p*u* i "2 uW J0M/4/9/32 _ GREAT PLACE 2 roctnmaiat naadud hy 3 bdtm. 1 twin OupNu I xapl palo. yatd Qua* (Ml end « m South Hit* It /Vmo . V, util • 1700 dap l>«Uni 667 1670 » 663 5317 Roommate wanted Non wiotung quel to tftare 7 Bdrmi? twin opt at Chat* Vrnge 131 7 SO • unl Summot anaot M2 93 MJioot yeat 34 3 4S33 Shan me* 7 bdtm ufW Clow !o comput Avatiaota Sept in 174Vmo Call Hot) 465 0345 * 346 1515 280 MEETINGS Tha Student Health Intuiance Committee aw meeI Monday at 4 p m «i Century (loom Ool the l MU io dacuttt I9B7 #3 poaewa lot mom wtotmafon. can 346 3707 290 CAMPUS EVENTS SAFERID! PARTY Wp would like to thank all our IripiMli and supporters by throwing I party un Friday, May 22nd, food. Musk . People. Bring a friend. Please pick up a Ikkrt/invitation at the Women's Center, Suite J IMU Welcome! 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT TONITERmI Roek-nRoM! ELECTRIC FLIES WICKED ONES N—i M»» « Pocket PlkyhouM P»»«n» The Curate Shakespeare As You Like It SOOpm May ?t. 22 ft 23 Room 102, VXtard Hall WS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL 8th & Lincoln TONIGHT InkaInka & Roots Renegades SATURDAY Dirty Rhythm & ' Eisenblakk SUNDAY Blazing Redheads All Ages Welcome 687-2746 ART CINEMAS 492 E 13th • 686-2458 VtCQSMl —OW» V/W«t4 VfMrtU * m*%%r » 4 w~ ^EMTtO MUTT «WO »OOW Ml • I* fenftM>«4 h«r if 4 a 4 i m «• L*i (**»***•'ornum t*.mt» mt »%■•»-J toto le herosj BIJOU LATE NITE [ih.AH Slok 4 Twlotod] Animation Festival tOtt LH'**g <*t*Q :I $ I »•! IHjOV AV ii MMnllll i*t fHI» t Ml «AifV 300 FOOD & DRINK KEGS TO GO I T4««rn ft B««r C»*rd*«' 2ftS / WiH«m#u* 144 Oft t ft Moot*F4of«MhOMt*B km** of (kyrmulK 4M3 tw*» Bud Ha**/* ft MA.ro oo Ijp 320 SERVICES Storage $25/month and up Free boxes! 342-5383 DOWNTOWN MINI-STORAGE Chambers & River Rd Hur addition. waaving ana trading, add langm and volums 10 ail lypaa oi hair Aho parmg rtxaiani and hatf ptoduat GttM y»'B Plannad Paianihood luf Pap amman ■niacion cnacu prnn control counaai mg n.yi and avanmga 34«P*H PREGNANT A NEED HELP? Fraa oontdantw coonaaiing and pragnancy laat Call Tam, a Hoa. 8*/ 3702 Xnnad pragnancy? MIGHT a piaca lo ttuna ih.nga gw Somaona lo taw to Panonal. contdantial M/ M5I WE DOING PHOTOGRAPHY ALBUMS-PRWTS-NEGATIVE*** SO 1 2*7-1 M* I OS I CONTACT LENST Wo can haip' Ow 3.000 contact* m dock: lampotary iomnmtt it naadad No cnacga to can you< docioc kx pcaacnpton Can SAiNSOW) OPtics Hi2222 Bacauaa Tima H Paaalng" Enwonmancal Pomait* Actwonc. Poflkwo*. and aji Occaaon PHOTOGHAPHY CaN Guy. 037-7S32 Siudant DiacounU