Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 21, 1992, Page 8B, Image 16

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    Looking Good in the “90’s”
the Healthy Way
This presentation is a two-part series
exploring the issues of health in relation to
personal care products, cosmetics, cosmetic
surgery, tanning and other ways that people use
to “look good.”
Tuesday. May 26th 4:(X) - 5:30 pm
-What is “looking good”?
-What to watch out for in personal care
-The effects of sun tanning on the skin
Breast implants and other cosmetic
Wednesday. May 27th 4:00 - 5:30 pm
What harmful substances are in our
-Does dieting work and the effects of
A look at the health effects of alcohol
and tobacco
Place: Medical Library. Student Health Center
Register by calling 346-4456 or see the Health
Education office in tire Student Health Center.
Limit 20 people.
It’s FREE!!!
hy thr IjfntvU Phmntng Pmgntm, Slwitnl UniJih (Vn/ff
Study Japanese
Culture in
Oregon this Summer!
with the Oregon/Japan
Summer Program
♦ iul> 22 August 2^, 1*^2 (hvc weeks) .it
Lewis <Si i lark C -4*1lege, IWland, C Oregon
♦ Progtam tee of $1,700 v
• Tuition tor 12 tjUiirtcr hour* at credit
• K«*om /hoard .»t l run tSi i lark t ollegr
• IVmk-N ,nul material*
• Field trip'm fWtland. around (Oregon,
and a l-day ( ollcge i’HitvI.H.fs m rkcihl
♦ The program welcomes undetgradu ate
students in any major with an interest in
japan anil its culture. PirvicHn Japanese
language study is preferred, hut ru*i required
♦ The program brings U>gether the ben
academic expertise in Japanese studies from
CVegon and from ^.iMxla l ‘niverxity, one of
japan’s mtut prrsttgKHix institutions of
higher education.
♦ The pntgram titters students a unique
academic *>pportun*ty tor direct inUTiX tton
with Japanese student* in the classroom, on
field tups and cultural activities, and in
interculturai living.
♦ Si.hotarslups ate available; lYadline June
l. m2
For a brochure and an application contact the Oregon Japan Summer
Program international Office. Campus Box 192. Lewis & Clark College
Portland. Oregon 97219 TEL (503) 766-7305. FAX (503) 768-7301
Are you taking classes this summer?::
took for great money-saving deals tn the
summer Term duck bucks!
Continued from Page 6B
Arizona State had seven men
compete at the NCAA moot last
year and could make some
noise at the Fac-10 moot
"Wo hove some good indi
viduals,“ head coach Tom
(ones said
Among those is Shane Col
lins, the favorite in the shot put
and recently returned from a
mini-camp with the Washing
ton Redskins.
Cut*' Beechum Is the favorite
in the high Jump and the Sun
Devils have three of the lop
four long jumpers in the confer
ence - Brian hills, Danny
Simpson and Victor Agbcbuku
lillls is also u favorite in tin- tri
ple jump
1 don’t think we
can win the team
title. UCLA Is the
John Chaplin,
Washington State
men s track coach
Returning this year for Cali
fornia w'll (>e the Poc-10 cham
pions in the pole vault — Brent
Burns and the discus — Ra
mon Jitnennz-Goona — arid the
runner-up in the high jump —
Kevin Keane But the Golden
Bears' strength in the field
events will be offset by their
weakness in the running
USC is the flip side of Cal
The Trojans will score big
points in the relays ond the
sprints with Curtis Conway
(100). Jeff Laynos (100 and
200), Quincy Watts (400) and
Travis Hannah (400), hut they
have virtually no scoring op
portunities in the field and dis
tant:!! events.
Stanford has Dave Popejoy
-- the favorite in the hammer
and one of the favorites in
the 10,000 in Dave Scudamore,
but the Cardinal has no athletes
entered in the sprints and a
scarce amount entered in the
distant:!! races
Continued from Page 3B
Mestlor admits untimely injuries got the best of
him over thu winter. He opened his junior season
with an injury that marred his performance early
in the season, and a knee injury the following
summer didn't help his attitude
"I tweaked my knee over tins summer, and I
didn't (tain much over the winter." he said. "So 1
was starting in January from square one again,
and I was frustrated I wasn't really into it I guess
it was winter depression "
Despite nagging injuries, Mustier has always
been able to perform competitively.
"That's one thing I’ve always respected in
him," Van Schoiaek said. "Hu runs beyond what
he’s maybe physically capable of."
Van Schoiaek has gotten the better of Mustier
this year. but that means nothing to Van
"I may have beaten Kick evurytime we’ve raced
tills year." Van Schoiaek said, "but we could be
running on Friday and, oh, look who’s in the
lead, it’s Kick
"If Tye finishes first and I finish second,"
Mustier said, "that’s fine with me."
That would be line with the fans at Hayward,
too even if it means dealing with a little rain.
Paclfic-10 Conference Track and Field Championships
Friday, May 22
3:00 I Summer (M/I'J
3:15 Javelin (W/F)
3:50 Fong Jump (W/F)
4:15 Shot I'ui (M/F)
4:25 Puli* Vault (M/F)
5:30 Javelin (M/F)
5:50 Look Jump (M/F)
l>:00 High Jump (VV/F)
7:05 Shut Pul (VV/F)
3:45 3,(MM) Steoploehnsc (M/F)
4:05 t ,500 Meters (VV/Q)
4:35 too Meter Ilurdles (VV/Q)
4:50 110-Metor Hurdle* (M/Q)
5:204110 Meters (M/Q)
5:50 I (HI Meters (M/Q)
li:05 10,000 Meters (VV/F)
0:45 HtMl Meters (W/Q)
7:00 hi 10 Motors (M/Q)
7:15 1,000 Motors (VV/F)
7:30 40O-Molor Hurdle* (W/Q)
7:45 400 Motor Murillos (M/Q)
H:(>0 200 Motor* (W/Q)
U: 15 200 Motors (M/Q)
tt::to lo.ooo Motors (M/F)
Saturday, May 23
2:00 Disi us (M/F)
2:10 Triple Jump (W/F)
2:50 I ligli Jump (M/F)
3:45 Triple Jump (M/F)
3:45 Disi us (W/F)
2:35 5,000 Motors (W/F)
3:00 4x100 Relay (W/F)
3:05 4x100 Kolay (M/M
3:15 1,500 Motors (W/K)
3:25 1,500 Motors (M/I*)
3:35 lOO-Mrner llurdlos (VV/F)
3:40 I Hl-Motor Hurdles (M/K)
3:50 too Motors (VV/K)
3:55 4(Ml Motors (M/F)
4:05 ItMt Motors (W/K)
4:10 100 Motors (M/I-)
4:20 900 Motors (YV/K)
4:25 900 Motors (M/K)
4:35 4 00-Mot or llurdlos (W/K)
4:40 400-Molar llurdlos (M/K)
4:50 200 Motors (M/K)
4,55 200 Motors (M/K)
5:05 5,000 Motors (M/K)
5:25 4\400-Meter Relay (W/K)
5:35 4x400-Melor Kolay (M/K)
fit ft. Hmi fatal IttOi < Mar i OuaMyatf
jWf) « mortar I f atal ft* 01 > mornr I QuaMytflf
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