< TRACK & FIELD PREVIEW Oregon may duck Sun Devils □ Ducks seem to be favorites after ASU's Malone drops out By Jake Berg Emerald Sports Editor A week ago. someone knowl edgeable about Pucific-10 Con ference track and field would have mimed Arizona State as the favorite to win the women's championship this weekend at Hayward Field. Ask that same person today, and the answer would 'ikely be different: Oregon. The solution to that change in favorites can tic found in two words: Maicel Malone. The Arizona Stale sprinter, a five-time NCAA champion and 10-time l’uc-10 titlist. was forced to drop out of the con ference meet because of a back injury Malone would have been the difference between the possibility of winning or con ceding the conference title, said Tom Jones, the Sun Devil head coach. ' You can't replace Mulone,” Jones said. "You've got to be kidding." In all seriousness, though. Jones suid that with the loss of Malone and Tricla Melfy. who wus the leading contender in the heptathlon until she with drew because of an injury, his team is short at least 30 points that he had counted on previ ously. Jones said Oregon should definitely be the favorite now, but he felt that a meet with the high-profile image of the l'uc-10 Championships would bring out the best in all competitors "Cream rises to the top In this kind of meet," he said. “Oregon will probably win.” The women's meet begins Friday at 3 15 p m . and the second half starts up at 2:10 Saturday. Oregon seems to have a num ber of things going Tor it this weekend. Not only will the de fending conference champs be hosting their first conference meet ever, they also have what looks to be the most solid team from top to bottom. "Oregon would be the clear cut favorites," said Washington coach Orin Kichburg. "There aren't any easy points against Oregon." Duck couch Tom Heinonen said he entered the maximum amount of 24 athletes, the only school with that many competi tors. in the sprints, Camara Jones has the top time In the 400-mo ter race, and LaKeina Woods should contend in tho 100 and 200 and Lisa Bedwoll in the 400. All throe are also part of the two relay teams, which are near the best In the conference. Oregon's strengths, though, have traditionally rested in the distance events, and this week end should be no different. Seniors Nicole Woodward and Lucy Nusrala will both double in tho 3,000 und the 5,000. and both own the top two times in each event. Only five runners will compete in Turn to OREGON. Page 7B Cou*«*y pftttfO Dawn Dumbla aaaka to daland har Pac-10 ahol pul and diacua titles at Hayward Raid thia waakand. KZEL & Guido's Presents: Join the tournament of velcro jumping. Weekly winners will receive a $25 gift certificate and will return to compete in the finals, May 28, for the Grand Prize a. of a Mountain llikg. Contest Starts at ^ Midnight every Thursday Guido's Bth & Alder Graduation is coming up! Don't miss the Graduation %ipplement on June 3rd. w AFTER THE TRACK MEET, MAKE TRACKS TO EUGENE’S BEST PIZZA! FEATURING: DECATHLON pizza Salami, Canadian bacon, peppcroni, sausage, bell peppers, ground beef, black olives, mushrooms, red onions, and fresh tomatoes. 100 YARD DASH pizza Canadian bacon, pepperoni, black olives, ground beef, pineapple and sausage. We deliver anytime we arc with $7 minimum order TOWN PIZZA 484-2799 1809 Franklin Blvd. Open 1 lam-lam