Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 13, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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I imttrvf fc.> m nk hu« a T '4
la- ■ ttM f <t fwirrtr r«a na i i»f • • fw ■ 1
(>pcn 'til fipm
Crew gets OK for
historic spacewalk
( AIM; ( ANAVfclRAL. f I.. Ai')
NASA -<-<i I .s ' m : if
dent mi ;i<i: • .valk by Uirv ir naut.s n,
I all ii a siij.jHTV salrilllu that p.'uvtti Ion
myt h fur un«? man lo handli?
liii- ihird and final atinrnpt bv
!,nili>aviMir s cii'w in i aplure the -Intelsat o '.iti-iiite is
! iiavt inv tf.«-s mv fingers ••r■<i my i‘v •- erosM-ii w tiling
(or ihf mission iiimwrmv night. NASA Administrator Dan
till s (inldin iitlt) ihf crew .n .1 telephone cull j>ij1 *i up b\
Mission Control I hf one thing I ask > at all ! ■ ■; ' .111!
is crew safely h.is gut to tw our first nbiective
iimifiivnui s commander. Daniel Brandepsti-.n. it A argued
,1 I h ini crew man vs.is needed l. : tl I-- *■
prove they could ( urrv mil ihf Iirsl threi nun space
» ; t, three of Kmlf.iv! if's astronauts pul tin spm esuds ' .tru
er Tuesday .mil m|ui*f/.fii into the shuttle s .urloi k
Oddly. .i mniuf concern had been whether three j.i-t:pli
could hi ill unii- in the airlock, winch is the burner between
tin- cabin iinii tin- vat uum nf spat e They did
Ufitndi iisiein s.iid lie wanted in send out three men the
ihre. who 1 rmvdcd nr . the airlock rather than two men
and kathrvn Thornton. the only woman aboard They are Pi
erre Thuol and Kit hard Hieb. vsliu went out Sunday ami
Monday lo try to capture the satellite, and Thotnatt Akers
Those four id Hudeavuur's seven astronauts have trained
lor months to walk in spat e and each has a spat t suit aboard
"(The a if lot k) wtirkeii with the three biggest folks, so !
think situ e we’re going to he mon-handling tin- satellite we ll
go with lorn. Kif k and Pierre,' Krainlenstein told Mission
I imtrol
The airiot k is only 7 by *> led. .1 tight fit even (or two astro
nuuts in bulky spat esuits In weightlessness with no up or
dow n, they t an (ill all 1 tint eivabie space
Hrondensleln had urged flight diret tors, apprehensive
about sending three astronauts into open space, to pursue the
idea with great vigor " He said two could grab the satellite
by hand and hold it steady while the third t lamps a bar onto
the Imtlom of the 1 raft to am bur it
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Bush says he's going to Rio
U \SH!\(.T<)\ \P) IT- ■
ufent Bush will attend tin
I' N sponsored Barth Summit
next tu<>uth in Ura/.ii jin ;■ -ifi
to sign a tfeatv that addresses
gluh.il .vanning hut .! •< ■ n !
ContS)it the tinted Stains to
s|m : .fit pollution redut tu ns
Bush said Tuesday ho is eon
vim cd that en v i m n me nt a i
[irofilttms. including global
warming, can be confronted
without > ,ii r i fit mg |ohs anti
nconotnii growth, and added,
" I Will iM taking ithat i ::.• sage
to Kiu
Protecting the environment
and encouraging economic
grow iii in fad must gi hand
in i..j11■ t. s.inl Bush He ■ ."d
tij.t,is s environmental prole
lems gloiiai and said 'every n.i
tion m u sl h uIp in solving
them "
The president s decision to
attend the t onferent e III Kio de
Janeiro failed to blunt ( ritu ism
[ruin environmentalists and
stunt members of (longress
who have at ( used Bush ol
iat hestr.itmg a treaty that falls
sill It 1,1 the steps net essarv ttl
stern gi dial w arming
Sen AI t lore. 1) I t • nn . *it -
t used Bush o| riding on syrn
! i ils and m it substance
Thu president, emeu again,
has m.ult .m imsv decision look
lough .mil worked onl\ to cam
mifiiigu the wuuk. c vilii .il np
(iro.ii li id his administration In
protecting the environmunt."
s.iul (lore who will lend .1 dele
gallon of 1 ! S lawmakers ,il the
K.irlh ‘summit
burlier this week (lore mini
timed legislation in the Sen,lie
di,i'. w imill require the United
Stnles It, st.thl I i/e t.irhim dlox
it), emissions, which at count
!.,r mote than half of all green
house gases, at f'l'lt) levels h\
tie etui f tile del ade
Hush lias refused to make
mii t; a i ominitiiifiil on grounds
11 w tm I d It arm ei o n u m 11
flush’s det ision was also r uii
cull'd hs Kejiuhlican jiresidun
Ii.i eIniati I’atrii s Jim hat)
Mr Hush rei enllv pH dgi d a
new ii i ra n .
illations Now he's heading to
‘Protecting the
environment and
economic growth
in fact... must go
hand in hand. ’
• t Gif". rQ0 f.3u:'’
the Sand it Is md Beads Interna
tional for tne purpose of impos
inew stringent global regula
linns on American business.
Bur ban.in said in a statement
t he l N cofl ference J u lie
t-'-t will attract representatives
I mm ! (t() < mi nines inti the
heads of state from ulxiut fiO na
tions Its aim is to deal with a
range of global environmental
issues from the so-called
greenhouse effec I" to popula
tion growth and the berth s sus
tainable dev elopment
The president announced his
dec ision to attend the 12-da\
c onfereru e during a meeting .d
tin White House with l \ Set
ret-icv (amoral Boutros Boutros
(- a h 11 of l.gy pt a rid Maurice
Strong of ( anaiia, the confer
ence's chief organizer
The trip hut) been .1 suhjet t of
debate within the White House
lor weeks ,is some uities feureti
Hush might )>e put in .1 position
of having to oppose a treaty
that would require specific
greenhouse gas reductions
Other aides worried that not go
mg would depict Hush as trying
to s. utile the t outer, nee
The decision was made eas
' .III: .u rn iC. ie . I. Is,
rope,in negotiators capitulated
to I S pressures anil agreed to
.1 draft treaty that does not 1 . an
11111 am country to specifit pol
lution reductions, but only stig
ges's general goals tor curbing
greenhouse gases The Europe
.ins also had wanted a commit
ment to stabilize carbon diox
ule emissions to lliftO lew is hv
the \ear good
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