Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1992, Page 9, Image 9

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Ducks run for pride in relay win
By Dave Charbonneau
. ~ , r,i }• ;• RoP'.vtpr
By w i!i Bing one ey rut • >t Sat
irti.i\ s tr.u k nur! txVtWc-e.n ()r
it !, 1 Uishuigtnri Stiiti?, it
yv.is r isy In 11♦ 11 ili.it till".!' teams
don't . ki each i>l11*• t tiin mui h
'Hu t ill go rs .de feated till' Or
i go:. n n tt.ii k ’ .ill! itt>
hut thf surprising!v small
i i .\. 1 ! t : i. 1 \ ts. i r: i. ill'll! ss 11
iu ■! , . .liiiw.-' which
. i wild 4X400
relay : .u f ,
1 ( :t.i.a i.r i'.kI v
l i'ltl! St1'.! till' tl'.ll!, viilotv. so
;; ■ . i, :iit n .thing as tar as
: ' w ■ ■■ ■' ■ .' : I’hii'i! lrk.tr
I!;. ' ::. i ■. at.ml .-V ■ * tit u( till'
c lav
(lu tin1 .uti hnr leg ol tlir .rat e,
V\ a s 111 ngton Stare's Michael
Ji. .’let t held a slight 11si.I over
K ;.:.U' Harris \s the runners
p e.- , ;i ; In ( a .agars' < liver mg
set t ;. I! l, |i ill her! he hi 1 111! Il'ltoll
high, .uni saluted tin'' i roWil
s.. . v, - i\, in itlier Hams
nut ! it e Or I go 11 I .III s w vri'
,1(1111 sell
Harris jiassvil Jouhert on the
final turn ami hold on lor the
w m Tin i tow i i heeri'd and
thi! team i vlebniied as it it had
won the entire mill'!
Jouhert and the res! of the
U ash,i ngton Stall relay team
■veri I isqua fled I
during the race Jouhert had
tried to i ut off Harris
After the ran e. t ouga: i . i.u It
|ohn (lliajilin lei '■ .iihert know
In- didn't ajijirei i.ite his ante s
i he Oregon crowd let t liiapltn
know til'"-, didn't appro I.ite
A ■- ( 'h.ipHn W'l: Iked il eig ! i;i
I 111 i k tans yelled ,
meriting on what they iw as
{lha|iliii's I n k , .I class and his
inability to i oar ii
(! h it u 11 n , w Ii o has been
known to have quite a temper,
1 ,!!e, | h i k at one fan. "(lltei k
the score, a
Oregon coat h Bill Dellinger
t>y So*
Steeplechaser Tye Van Schoiack heads lor victory in Saturday's
meet against Washington State Schoiack * time qualified him tor the
NCAA Championships
. lit I he in !it;v i ll Jouliert aia
111! I<' too ( (« k V
I think in- thought In1 was
going 'ii s\;:i 1 J«-i 11ri>;t;r said
It ill i If lum look l little silly
m tlie end
; In !) .. k•. look' ! dead m
the IS efw itil ses el: ey ents re
. I ivs - .11}>11 mores
Hrath Hnsvmgturi and 1 odd
liaslklieV se! pel sOM.ll llests
1 ' gis e Oreg. : a shot at the s it:
Howlru’don used his second
to last attempt in the discus to
pass Washington Stale s Jason
Haskett In three m< hes and win
the i ompetition
Moss mgtnn said he knew he
had the throw in him
I knew it vs as there," he
said I threw it that lar last
vs eek. till! I foil led
Seconds after Howington set
his m,irk. the crowd erupted
again as illiMkni'v. on the final
jump nf the triple ]ItIII[> cOUlpe
titlon. oulleujKid Ic,lifer (dins
(liu ik by nearly two Ifel
Hle.ikncv tlien went into ,i
victory celebration tli.it l.isted .1
gtKhi .10 SfCUIliis
It's nice to Mie <Hi .ilhletc get
th.it evi itisl " Dellinger s.iid
1 he exi ilmnent for Oregon
died liovs ii 111 .1 tiurry c. W.isfi
ington St.ite ctninifil victories
in tile 'i.dOO .111 ! ill tin too hut
dif. to put (Jrei;.in .1 vs uv
llofi (<r,n , (tregim's top hur
tiler, plat . ,1 m mul fiehirui the
(unigiiis M.ok M.11 1 )onahi in
the rail , fill! fie set a personal
best It! the rai e (.luite .1 Ie.it.
! u'" ’o TRACK, f’.iijh 1 0
track wins
N.M. meet
By Jake Berg
Orrgofvs yI glory t aittr as
last as (Umrs sprint
Hi tlir HHI mrtrrx
.1:.; k A ■:! i.'ll's t! ,i k
anil fti-l.i team it >k fitsl In
nine ill thi1 lit ryrnU S.itnr
lay at tin' Don korl-iv Mvniii
rial livvlt aUonal m AI l>ti(|ui*r
.jur S' \t !. i ,i win at the
tour-tram itiisi
Orrgi in's first j i!.u i- si urn
til I ‘HI toppril San Diego
stain ( tun: 1'i'vas hi I*.iso
I HU mil \i-w Mr \ 11 11 ! n|
\\ . g. il a imrnl" r n( ri al
l y good p r r I ii r in a ni r '
i >ui k 11 v.ii h Turn Hr nn mini
saul ami rvuryhodv got thr
rsprrirrur Hr nrrilril out
Milr nf the llavvs aril I litlil
yvi mil i
Jones thr si Inn il rri i ini
Iniliirr in tin- too mrlrr run,
ran ihr thinl lastrst 1(H) tirnr
III si IhioI history at thr Itirrt
Ihi snplinmt Hr s 11 'I ss as
only sn tirirl in thr rvrut.
hut it iliil rarn hrr a spot on
tin- ( A A [irt • isii.ti.il list
"( amara (orirs ran a grral
100. H r I 1111 n r n sal il
Dial's ys ay tastrr than shir's
rvrr run hrtorr
Along with traminatrs
l.aKr Itia W i mil s 1.1 sa Ill'll
well and Hriglmi VVurrnn,
|oilrs also tall a Irg on the
vs inning I X 100 rrlay tram
W ... i. Is 11 iv. ill thr 11(H)
Hrmonrn salt! thr high,
.iry ami hot Nryv M.-xiio
ys rathrr ys as rspn (ally i on
Jin tvr to grr.it prrlormatii rs
jrr ' MEET r’.»■)« 10
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Send Mother
[ “Flowers”
Mother’s Day is
May 10
r i 1' >imn| i<»r<wn afi‘I Mother • I» vr IWuijual
‘Eugeni's flowr Horn
The University Florist ItsOitasyas
*>10 K 13th at PaUtorson 4H5 3H55
• I he ( olorguard is a fun, exciting, energetic group that
performs artistic flag dance routines with the UO
Marching Band <it all home football games!
• Come anti see what the program is ail about- 1 \ EN 11
WHEN: Saturday, M*y 9th; 10:00 3:00
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WHERE: U0 School of Huiio; Room 17*
If interested but cannot attend, or have questions-call the l (>
Man tune band ollu e at
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Neal Skorpen
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