Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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l ilt BAR A I I HI
• I . tr AI; t * *»j Krf*
(,»r»t diiiik»( *rr*l K»«J ill innB
♦*¥****¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥ ♦
2 HRS *+
ALL DAY *10°°
NlX/fSC W s
•-»- •• •*!•
199 W. Blh Eugen« • 484 7344
For Textbooks
Mon. • Sat.
Smith Family
768 E. 13th
1 Block From Campus
mu anlmm m
961 E 18th Ave
#' UO Ensemble
Mon., May 4 8 p m.
$4 Genera! Admission
$2 Students Seniors
New works by UO
y composition students
Tues.. May 5 8pm
F REE Admission
• Faculty Artist Senes
Frl, May 8 8 pm.
$5 General Admission
$3 Students Seniors
♦ UO Chamber Ensembles
Sun., May 10 3 00 p m.
$4 Genera! Admission
$2 Students Se' o's
For more information. c.FI
346-3761 (Music School)
Ward 3 candidates tout their experience
By Hope No a son
A!i fmir (.1:.Ani.ai's ninnin^, for :t.• Ward
I Ktigene (.11> ( 1 >um mmI say exponent e is
wh.il d isllngu 1 siics them from <•;« ir other
( andidate I.Iron Dobson said Ins it) years
of civn experience coup I id will) pract Icing
conservation p; 1 .vuii d him with unnpie ex
perieric e
Living on Ins farm near (.ranis Pass,
tending his organic gardens and fighting She
lhireu.i of hand Management and h rest Si r
vice gave him a strong sense of conserva
I ism, 1 )ohson said
l.nnh M r ‘,er •.I ,)p> years d experu :a e
vs or king let idv governmmif gives him a
real edge aim ,1 hoys lhe system vs i rks and
la >vs t i an lie i hangi d
Mortler sal i tile ■ mphasis stiilli III la- oil
providing essen11 a I i s ly sery ices sm h as po
III e', lire, puhlir works, -education and park
and recrention
I,yi n the ye,ingest c andidate. !■ : i
y i ; ; y student Hole Slermgef \sta hasn't
hern alive for tr> years said experience
ys as fils asset ; ? j In,-, rac e
• ys x' . i ■- u i c. • '. y ■■
; ! : ' i. I : : yy ,e. . ' ' . ! : .
gem i Ji £ isjons in ’.'overnt* r Hi iiso a
I : I fie y\ • ■ • i '. y '. ■ . r
hood As--,,, latloll
fm tin only i andidate in the r.u < ys ;!h a
ret iird of slate and lot al politic a! • spin
l ine Steringer said
1 ‘ ■ ! .: 11 i.md late Kevin 1 i ■ ' ' c ■
said lie vs .is the only ialidldiite ss ■ th any
ll|s|icry ol at tiy isli, HI i.ugene
fm running Imc anse somehody has to
stand up for peal e and soi nil justlc e.
Hi irnhut k le said
liurnhllt kie said (fiat as a 1 mini I i 111.111 lie
ysould stand up for students rights espe
i i.illy regarding high rent rates
I,and lords gouge students and other
people ol poor or moderate Income for
rent, lie said The edv could encourage
tin- lm i:li i d r*-.s! ;s-rs t;. r r orit
Dublin said besides maintaining respec t
bit .i<■ ri;s .!>■ < unlrii-i.ting i omn,unity
' r s ' * ‘ * ss : . I. i s ! o .on 'd ten
!' ' .!•!• W li.'ll it's going It hike
Dobson s.n ! If i\ i■ don't compensate lor
Measure . wi n ,1 lose (,ur !»•!!■■; prides
sorvand start losing our students
Whim asked idxiut !ns root;dm!ion to
sl,.,:• • • ■ M :: .or ,i !m loril o mi ! Moo to
i'.d.. .it.on is one of tin most important
things. Mortu-r said ITte state is using oil
iK.itii.n is i whipping Ini.ird for Measure
M ri i i .dsi -wild tin- environment tor Mu
dcnt.s.i mid hi- improved through iiiuro
imnimtinitv jobs and more < its programs
that would Strengthen their orientation to
11 -1 i i •: 111 .-its
Slermger ant that hoi ,him- ho attended
the University tip until last term ami lias
til ell I inner led to the t in IS ers Its . lie would
addles- staib ill issi. such as ; Irking,
housing .mil more put i i< safety
SlermgiT also is as a tai liltator oi ilugene
Dei istotts in November, but said he was not
happv about tin process Stormger criti
( i/e.t the i its t nuiit d for not partit ij'atmg
more in the proi ess
i :.. j:. ; ■ ns S' i n ' I e ► •!. :
go! the belief;: , I eilii. ati. II about the hlllig
etirig process. In said flu! the imfonna
;. n t!i gets * ' t !11 11 ' t.11s ( t’ -'.: rs is
nasi, .bis nuititHT ■ rum ties and statist!! s
i lie other I alididiltes agreed on till- mis
!I„i:mgon;i r:! i i *f11• 1 ng.i-ri!- ! ter pro
i ess
Or. the issue id revitalizing (f. wnlown
M, rl il r .i • i tin i -■) -e ! : . rig it ( 11 ; \ I' M!iil
another esampie : I !!•.•• t oum il not feeling
they re ''let led
Morten- said tl ' ids stiould In- the re
spomli r, not tin initiator in tin- develop
ment of downtown He saiii thi- property
owners and meri hauls should t inn i-ntr.it!
on !hf problem ot rev itali/mg ini' area
Sicnnger said hr doesn't favor opening
OtHc Sln-i-l unless it is part uf .1 (ompre
bensive plan
1 .! :i ! think 1 street opening is gums: !.
nsviliih/i! tiir area itself,'. Stermger -. ini I:
vs 1 1 ri ase 1 !i■ w ; 1 ; . 1 ■ tv . .. . n
without addressing the j. r ■ > 111 * * r 11 of 111* ■ i ...
fii’ss 1 innate
.Slcringcr untied tor tree parking. moving
tin1 ! ! !) transfer st.itinn ami i overing it dur
mg " a w ;t 1 ti*r tn.tki- till' iirr.i 111! re hospi
Dobson said hr favors a lung range plan
of phasing out tits occupied ami owned
spat 1 iih! pi 1 'grams ' vk e urhat: • • -v I
letting entrepreneurs into tin '1 .!% !!..
"Let It n enterpt it
alld see vvllat happelts.' 1 lulls! ill said
Dolison said in also lav oret!.! hr opening
ill ()l IV e .Street, ami building the on; a; V 1;
downtown at the Sears site
( ailing himself a 1 unset vat fun 1 st. 1 tubs! in
said .1 IS Vital to protei t the deli ale haianre
of the environment in and around rje
su( h as the v\ etlarids
Dobson also emphasi/.rd tin importance
■ I keep, ear a h ii me hel ecu ] ■ ' 'mm 'is
ern iriinment and maintaining jobs
On the issue ul tire Hull ( enter s i aistarit
budget lieln it (in the 1 itv Dobson said In
vs 1 ..ill fiiv or inviting easinesses 1 ,n . gr.ida
al basis to ( rente endowments tor the mi
ter s !u ruling
Murlifir said tin Hull t enn ; . i m
maintained efiiriently through more ei o
nomit solutions, such as more ii.mmnnig
inv olv ement and v ulutiteer s
Star mu s.ini he vvoiii.l t a gi.ai
of eliminating SI million of the Hull ( en
11 : ■ m ■ ! !. i.gi iie and ... S elsewhere I 1
revenue to support the 1 enter
Hornbm kle said the poor sh .Id have
better a: 1 ess to the 1 r i 11 -r t a 111 r:. * • 111. su Hs.lt
t enter tu kets si. .1! In made more alfoni
aide thruugh trimming the budget.
^ °Susan
A Book Signing
No Pictures in My Grave
Susan Capema Lloyd
has a Bf>. degree m art educaturri and
English, and an M F A in photugra
ptrv. both from the University of Or
egucv, and lives bi Ucksonville. Or
egort with her tam»H Ikr dmiinvn
Urv film about the Procession of tfx
Mystifies in Trapani, Sxifv has won
nuimTcus a wants
So Picture* m My Crave is the
stors of a woman s jounw to sett
rvdhzabori by mtsms ot the rituals
and legends of Sicily TWnmemevi
with the authi>rs photographs it is
an inspirational tale of personal
growth enriched with folklore, mv th
and observations ot Scolv's spiritual
hrsnes and modem culture
Paperback 12.95.
May 6th • 1-2:00
No Pictures
in My Grave
13th & Kincaid* 346-4331