Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 04, 1992, Page 7, Image 7

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    Older students organize group for support, aid
By Lisa Millegan
: "'.-m J A’,:..« .lift Cdilc
Kver\ tune one tii her professors .is
signs ,i group prefer t. senior :ulie)ohn
Knoll has to sigh
Students almost always want to meet
■ il night. but tti.it's dibit nil for Knoll be
i ause sfie h.is .1 > year old daughter
Muc.fv of the I uni Kn at : unable '
find .i babysitter .-and h.is t'o briny: b
daughter with her AI th . ". the
usual!) don't mind, Knott wishes ..she
bad other options
Site steals tile show and m e';;; .; vs ’
done. Knott, .'H. said with a mgl. vli
money < ould be (bund and I’m wilLr-g
to p.I\ up Is vv I lilld be : . >o i
chili! r are on s ampus alter In e
Child are .is- oniy ■-one- .i! da problems
oilier student-. b K'1 fa. " I er V
have trouble balancing 1 l.ii-i.r M udtes w 11 lr
l.unilv and work, responsibilities <) :.
feel isolated on a i ampus that ■ ere.-.
tic duminati d bv (In- vntmger set
This tail, i >up if men and women
Sounded the Returning Students Associa
! 11;n v11 meet the needs of students that
!.i., nut d tfie trt to sear old age
Sir.ii ke! the 'organization s next meeting
Wednesdas at t .10 |> m in t .-dar Room
'•si addition to working svith linisersits
!'resident VIvies llrand to tight tor return
mg students rumerns. the KS \ will at t
is a resource renter for older students
vs 11■1 wan! io know what ! tm .-rsitv ser
vita**, ire available tor them
Brill e. Lawrence, a to \ ear old student
ml . o i IVairman of KN \ said mother •>!
the group s fi'uit (tons could I»• helping
n;or t ollege transfers make tie; transi
tior.i to tiie t dm ersitv
\ former lane (ommunitv < .of lege
student. I.awrem e reinenils rs feeling a
bit overwhelmed when fie first i aim- ti
tile l -lUV elMt\ to sUldy SOCIOiogV
. v niia We .|(;o!l. a seni e eu. mills!!
student w!iii a!-. ' rt'i -u with K,SA -.an:
entering the I nncr'iiv this tall .1! age 1
was .» in a !< r i h.iju;*' f > >r her Povinush
*»i11■ had worked i.1 1 onsultanl m Hind
l! was .i 1 wllun --h » k .1 nmiiii: hem
.m environment whore i had control tit
mv daily activities .ho said Win",
< amt' to i impus nn agenda was Liu! . ..’
for mu
West, ill w is sur|iti -<‘ii h\ lii • annum'
of homfiv;irk she li.nl tu do Although m
her first term ire'-aliy signed uj. '■■■'
t 7 crediIs; she swan 1 I ruppeiI pile las
Although h< .in a ••t.iirnu ■: •' •.i.-ii:
ilsitii silt. Krt>arid West,
1 an all name advantages to Iwnrvjj older
th us many Ilf then !.\!.ivy si i.li r:,ts
The\ ll! sa 1.1 ’!i. ■ ■" ', •!••!>( I- ol
ton helps thorn loam • mrse material hot
ter. ■ . ,
"You lain SOO till! J)l ' as.:
older student U: •' :'! 1 at Ynnr till'
dor*. niit in",: i ,ini: '’ini w ith sin A
1 hr Ihll-r ’} >»- K.V\ Will hr ,1 pi.II r
wllrrr nldrr vtudrlitv ( .inpoint mil Mil h
■.Irmpth*. in r u h ulhci ilul rm mirnpr
r.li h i illn i lu • ■ \i rl
\ltltoupll l!r iTiiiip' ll.is nil innliri
!,ir, it ll.is lisrii (Jri'pun H.illA M'fvm> tu
•.ritd m.dlinp. hit Irrr In othrr roturnillp
-laitfiit.s tin , .nnpiis In |ul\. thr primp
will hr .tblii to .ipplv tor !und> from thr
! nriiirnl.ll I or C Inmmlttrr
K.SA l i hit • wuni.in M,ir\ \nn I ,ibr\
wild thr primp \ lortp trrm pn.il is to hmr
I pr I III.Kirn! I At 1 lit, r p,|: r wllrrr
Students i mill! troll tr in rr!.i\ nr I ud V
hut tui iimi thr 1«■.1111•; • ! K.SA .irr < on
i rntr.itinp un p/ thnp uip.mt/nl
VS W III! In i;.ivr ■'•) n.i; •’;H1IU 1,1
Puli .til limit ’.u m thr Pill nrlurniiip slu
|rnt>. Will h' .ihlr tu dor tdr wind tSMJO*
in !ipiil lor. •.in- ",itil VS ' w.int tu hr ,i
poll tic ill lull r hr.lid on thr i .llllpui
Chemistry protessor says
ozone depletion must stop
By Anne Scott
Emerald Coniftbutof
Oralhs from skin cam er will
iik risisi' unless chemicals
harmful to the ozone layer arc
banned, chemistry Professor
Paul Kngelking said in a speei b
Krid.n night
"The bottom line is that we
have gut to sto|i stir nianutat
luring ot i.hlorofluoriK utbons.
hngrlking s.ad. referring to
chem it'a (s many scientists bi
lled' are responsible for depict
trig Kurils s protective o/une
b. eg, ikmg. wli. e., !, , lure u .
pal : o! tile halt!: Week fie lehr.I
lion, has (teen a University fuc
;il\ 11.ernber s.:: e l'l'ii He
lias done ozone-related i onsiilt
ing work iiui ha-, b.-en i piobt
ic sciente writer
products that contain the i hem
icai f : ,-,e,s II ,e. ( d'< .s Included
were a popular water repellent
I c Vi
solution and an insulating seal
er product
l ie- pc lessor also said retrig
orators air conditioners and
blow in insulation contain
ozone depluting chkirtne In re
ecui y i if s, there have been
Mu Wes til ret VI le tile (It s III
disi anted refrigerators
ill Ie, e! years, .titeril.lt IV is
to (,!( have been studied
. te ■ ■ enpuuniis. km wti as
.'non-gen c h lorn fluorocarbons,
n. ::u methyl chloride ill the
ai:;:- ; Methyl t hiortde
. s jir -dui ed by t - v\ s, salt
marshes, termites and rice put
Si- • i:. . at kU destroyed b)
u i Sr a v i ■ t rays before they
■ - . - ■ ,»■
Ihc depletion nl lire boznne
I , : i s I • a , i s - ■ i to
i. . s.i ,.| tJ» tv% i < i;
til Hi i• I HllMHMI SK ,'i i am *
i Uses are reported ill tin- ('oili'il
S t,i Irs i -iii li y uar
i ni;. .> .said tin- world s
! sk-i:- , ii: it
reported m lhr equatorial re
gion. win-rr people regularly
exp s- ! h'-ir -.k;n d. ! f: i sum
A fI** i-tit study i u:;i lull, d
that residents o' northern states
: : : . ,te b -s Id . ■
Hi y\ I -. r-r hngi > .' said < )i
(.•gull lias shown a higher level
uf skin i atif.iT than most north
cm states Hi- said dlls [s dun to
a mild climate tluit prompts
prop In into gutting as much sun
as they i an a-, last as tin y i an
bngeiking said many coon
liirs have begun phasing out
i : r i iilui ! ion \tn a;! 1 Jtl n.i
haii- i,:;- ed 1 < ut ha s
i i ( j■ ■::: by I‘<11 i. hut
many developing nations lind
, d 111 . ' ; » I - : ! s d i - ■,: p •
Alter tin- phase out, the only
< I t. piuilut ts used will in- lor
medical purposes surh as asth
ma inhalants
Hut l.ng- *. .: a. sail! tins may
not in- enough, as there are sev
er i: -del ;s tti.it . ,n be [,1 ki n IIIIVV
to help repair tile ozone
I think tin- major steps are
to u lifiel slat d yvhai da- j, h
lem is and to support ellotis to
red m e (bit: p r Oil u i lion,
i .k mg sari 'Uar luiturt
iiiust learn to live without
products harmful to tin- ozone
sm r:\i.s
Pit ( hi a .. : ,.»Vf j! . • #:.«•> : : «’* : >! '■ ' ’4 S; ’ .
m;s*.iXUnuk '•
| mui Week 1 *Wi • i : it i i' » *< '•+ ’* ' * ' » . ‘ '
I 4UIMI Holland j i. !a!» < ■ 't . * ' * ■,'v . -1
v-vi. • Say at 4 K-u.-n .MIA i -hapma*
Job. Oivr Ihal Vuu I tkr * ■ ‘ r W- M
C am n d* Mav u
• . i i .: • - ' ■ . > a . * • * ' >■ : H t. r., !
• t . • • ’• • '■* ••
She f Mt Maple K :.. -{f?
w : >\
Slump ihv Prt’at fcti . * ’■ •» - ■* ■ ** ■ ' (
. .
Human Srtual I nw I he puwrnr ul lilt* a
' wr, r: ?,’■■■ at 7 at she Ne^maft » *" * *’"» . ! S'
A prater gather imr a ' < - :.»y " " * * ' V\ ■ — ,
. J i*i
.'*■# : ■ K / ■' ’• ■ •• • * ■ “ '
,'ia'1 j, .*.• f ; A. » run l.V •J.jjt i// rh»- • * - '**' h* • • v /* j- •
% ■ *4.;*] J 1 i ill -n f -i ir h «'*«• a:, ' •*» ■»* ‘ 1
. / ‘ v* ». nearntf IP*e />u/ • *•'. iA A *' ■ '
'pv*i >f» /■ijfftf la fdit nut it *« I’ir grammar i i I f .A/* a/*» put-.i -m ■* *(>■#*'
U01 Month Special
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