GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “29 years of Quality Service Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugana, Oragon 97403 r EUROPEAN BODY 81 PAINT DOMESTIC & FOREIGN COLLISION REPAIR CENTER • ) a lONAt B 11 WUN N •H AH 5NTM- N' V - ' -Al(y TI.‘ -* M ‘ HAM • M tO* ! • ' :•T ;f l s? 4 i a- u TY TmM MAY 3? '{W/ 485-0370 1156 RAILROAD RLVD, ROGEIR At tH* PW^mnin^ oI Rsrer RoaJ Ci/e&c (?rz SCHKDUI.K MONDAY 5/4 • 11 on J O*' FMl W*M*k !*2" 1 uh!«* '.Sr,- K k A info un thf man Wh , lu»np'< i hi*!-r> • <* top m “Stump tin- Pr«*m h«*r" I’rm Inn Sj» i o i n> ('.unjmi ('ni* » |. r (’hn^t An j j-rlunitv Kt tin a . i . n. < l *« • it th« v , .in iiik i<>n* n hard n-r hot' Ki .» Khndian hun i.< < 'all M * ‘M4* t ! m i >• in! n TIJKSDAY 5/5 • 1 i ' *• ; 'HI K M l Wnk 1*2" luhl**. • «*p n Sr*ittim*r« at M» Kr-niH’ Study ( «*nl«,» ' A}- ! ►: i« ‘ “ K »I ••> - P«. tuif.i «-t t hr < ’hn*t i.» n “ I) > i - % ? • t Sj>u iloaiily." and t hn * Kp»»n - mi h> MSP Ka . 4*’. 4*" i : ? info * • •* '5 l: I •! Of. I i • i a » “Sc lent if it Y \ If i »• III »• f«»I tin K » 1st fin «’ of Cod," ( ’nkmii.l ISO ^ l • !• ! V « .f , . Vi .« ! K r Ch11•• t < 'all 4*'» Ut7r> I r m- ?»* m! • s {!»}, !!, F ■ .* \i| Q A A . nt IV II - , K • l.mdfi lu-rn Spar t» !, *=0(1 hy !!.i{ 1 ' : - * * J i‘ ‘IV '»"> it'* t !■ r n\>11 »• inl< • Noon Holly for < hi i*»t KNK • »• \ t ‘hi rl Thr rail) *ill I- atvirv a (»< j*-l Kn -< ij.Mi t* stmi'«mr* an 1 a l-rn-i I*l.m -n U in# th*•n* • ittp r . I i Of H ia - k “.It-KtUfc uiui tin* l^urun • I top m I)? « 1 11 * ! *s i k' **H» -11»ng Almost <. **t 1. I’uvitl's (irt'ut WagiT " Sp!-- il \ h nth (M nttv • ;"p in 1 1 Of 1 !■ V* • >* “A (ioml (»t»tl in u 11ml \Norlil." < 'ulutnhiA 1 r»o Sj^nsfif i hy (' ■ Christian I-■ ^•‘lup ('.» i4S o \ \ 1 f r nion' ud • s top m “Pruy *'r Kori *• On«*H im* 11 :f .o ..•. ! V •' atnpu* f i pi ,ni r and pi ai-> Irv» • -1 at l4t h an i t** ik Sp- -i n- i I > Faith Kt til*’! Kail, '».’ l \ It r tn- t «• nd THURSDAY 57 • It l 1 *> a p. l>t 1 • 11V vs „• “ I lit- My th «*f M or til Ni-ut r ulity In AnitltMiuii." H. in. K :!,pS= i IVi .t t'i'TdtT' ii.1’. at, >|- :■- ’ - .! K\ I'.ini} U-. (Mai* »d<’ f a ('hn*l (“all 4Hr> 4 K’S !« t ltd - • i.Vv’o 1i i'vs ■ i- **Prny«*r for Kuifi’iu*," !• - ! \ Ha • ' top in Conm’t of Prtiyrr 1 “a* - I i H Sp-'Hs--tvd 1a till A1 p ’ a \ InlrrVafMt y (a. isi j'.’s a tit l'*a» !- T llti'iv into • to “Slump tin* Prrm hi*r," l''Ink \* . ► • n Sj« ;; '■ 1 hv (’atnpa?* (’rusa !«• f t ('hrist FRIDAY 5H • .*'><• FMl Work lul>lr i • ‘ ttip m (“hiirlu* P«uiro< k Out of tin* (tri’y roncrrt, l-.Ml Kas! i awn. T: k»-ti* $'•’7'2 Or rt>*rv nd > 8T8SB9 says: “Come to me, all of you who are weary and burdened by life, and I will give you rest for your souls.” Twinkle, twinkle giant star ■, «./• CnUnnn A > /};>' : ■, -uipture ' ■il . • ‘ : .1 r£? ' ,i,S r .'/man ■ it!’?'< :.l;r /xi those on f*’f • ,h; /s 3 ' . • / '/i'f, !') :' • ’ .V . i, < ■ ■ • ’ - • ■i .i-- i ' ..■'v r Elementary schoolers hit campus B> H Tin -.iii! .-l;[ .mb tin' smiles were shining A l'im r: ■ :!v student-run program called Pre S U'SS JiHtti. . i i ignrij as I i • • i * gt* plevhHS 11 If I'll' rsj*■ / : 11s ' ■ ' .’.i'-nts i,it: >ili i iv S.iiuniuv The wimIIh : vs .is beautiful ftni) the atmosphere tr-: . : : i and third graders (rol s ! a : ! : ; s i ’ ■ Hr . ■. \\ i si itourlyard ami the surrounding an a Nuss .is tilth \ is uainiii after thr projected vrar tor second-graders t' i dents Tat !. resident was i .. :. ..: . , t , . ! . t. !:; nI t. t. : 111 a tug bud dv 11III.- buddy (•■■ml I "f the rest n! Ihr ii.iv IB til Vrr Ah!"‘!l Wat, ill'll hrf lllitltlv . K ■. K . r. pi .y s .\ .th, itir-r t hi.drcn i> ' ' •: 1 . ' 'i:1. ! ka.srr ri !.\o !'■ i : : >- ■ : .• " ;:.r:; : glit 11;|.j11*.i uv rr the hall! laughed as slit* Watt hrii kaiser s loot s This is just shr salt! "it s ll a beau 11luI dav lor tins Ot : ■ at si . a ■ I up i n., .tail ! lli"i!i s.iiil thrv v\ * rr nr ir than happy to hr here At ihr start ot tin (lav. children played and met " " " : ; Ig inti il'S Taler of. the ill llvitlrs hr in nro:r o:gai;!/rd as students participated in events they ha I signed up lor earlier t is ,:es range.t frtitn tar k\s .>n iju .in.) has S’ " 1 ll. d . ■■■ : at titig t hnstiiphrr {.ornett. a Ireshiriatl political s( i 1 ’■ " ■ r. ‘ s',-.: Mi.r S h.g is: !.iV. said the ». . vs .. s vs .:: . s s is Seven-year old tiffany linden from Yolanda Elo •nentary School m Spnngtield and kris Taniguchi. i sophomore majoring m Business Administration, orepare a T shirt tor tye-dyeing at Preview ?0O6 i>! \ Oil sim w fs then age it ;strr? •i i i i:ts t! irtu tu thti !■ . ■. , i V :;I’irr 111 in'r sis nnd year ■mill Ua .touii sanl tla lirst thing she arriving this year was her buddy from t •.%. ■ > t»tg.mi/iT Mew i eoersen a senior majoring in ; •••. ii,... ,,ij;t Sot 10:. ig\ . s.nil ia was pleased with lilt- event 1 w-i-rit ready Weil lie sai.i We re; idled a : nis|iliini;nu from students saving they had Ion i iii'v reailv enjoyed it