Speakers to discuss African media By Co-eon Pohl i:r. ;her Keny an neu -paper ’ - i/i'd the gov ' : :;:g the tit.ig:. ,-- .he A I’tir I in.me ml /V;rir> was re-lid.it: the 11Hintrv . i s . ; >■ -- crV pieipleni in many per!s pi At;. - i' I tin ' - r -■ ■ i Af-l :i -ill At nd . :i! s \ ■ e- :>•> ogiu/mg the : 1 .!: ■ I -".l- i I i : :n tl'.-it deals I n. -,y inpoMtini 'insights on (.nr:'. :-.p,,:-.,rv \tr .1 i'ln- Kole ; • .. 11 , j 1* in ! *. •• 1) r!! H 1 < f. \! 1 ■ f! A t r ; - • 1 Will ; .,; . ! * • \\ t ‘ K Wit}\ ! T ! , ., ; I I k e r s and cultural elm' Ail sessions ..re free and open to tile public Tire e itl/ation " ess es . curi mg in eastern Kufope luu years ag has e produced a - vet effei t in many parts Aim a The African media ii.iereii the events in liastern l.urope diligently, alld this has i a used unrest and dissatisfac tion with the African govern ment. said Morompi Olo K.aikei, a Kenyan and a liniver s11\ graduate teaching follow lor the Office of International Services 1 here has been a major swing 111 the last two years to ys ard democracy it s really powerful. Ole Konkei said There's a very clear feeling of dissatisfaction l ili' proc ess IS there It's ongoing and it s affix ting other (Afru an) countries," lie said Ole Konkei, who IS helping to orgatli/.e the event, said he is ama/ed al how the African me ilia are playing a large role in edtn at mg the public on denux 1If things are happening in a neighboring country, the press will cover it, but if it's happening in their own country, it’s difficult to cover the issues.’ Lifongo Vetinde. asa president .... \ !:!!(}(•: another iif !hi-;»• v«*nI fill.! presi S.SA; said Mricau . . • : Clients arr very protei I. veol delicate domestli issues it lid tigs an* happening in a ighboring country. the j ;i-" w ill t over it. but i! it •> happen im; in their own. < otintry it's iIiIIhuH to i uvr; tin- issues. Vetimif said The two key note speakers Absalom Mutiue m l I >r Po;;v Mt Lean will le. tare on Thu rs day ami l-’riday iespe. lively Mutere w ill giv e a .• II. tl. • Kenya s Mel: i til.! tie’ Shimmering Illusion ol l>ua. M anil a te t’o 111 i i s lit will speak Thursday from 1 to t> p m in Room 22 1 Allen Mutere, from Kenya, is cur rently .i visiting scholar .it Hi ram College in Ohio At liome he is the acting director of the Cniversitv of Nairobi's School of Journalism Originally Irorii Trinidud. Or Polly Mi Lean will speak . in " The Winds of Oemocratii Change and the African Mass Media'' on the last day ot the official symposium She will speak (roll) -t to t. p m in Room KM) Willamette Mi Lean is a professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the l nicer sity of Colorado, Houlder Three other speakers will talk Monday through Wednes day from !2 to 2 p m in the Ben Linder Room The entire South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Srress Redut cion * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683-9070 u Student rates Near Campus 00 Foot long Sub 50* Half Sub • FREE DELIVERY • SUBSHOP•' 225 ALDER 345-2434 event will cnilicliuie with tin A. ru.m Cultunil N'l^ht »» S.tlur duv th.it will feature muMt: .mil (tun) frntn.sever.il Afrit .m < ouii tries The cultunil nielli is open tn tlii' [in hlti . Iiimm it . t;1 set s must in |>-ir< h-iseti .it the i '■! Mam Dot !, 1 S'. !"■ shall tit . .mil Si. Dir the Kenertil |>ul it s tin- ttin |i'i’t ..t wh.it W , i i In- li I ■lilt: .li . W k V. tinii s.i, its t .1. t.u ts Irani .is m.inv \frn -in nmmtrlcs .is pussihle t. ■ >;>• 111<*i Vit i mli- will In. i. af I t li. e\•■!',! S!i Iliiluv W It'll I s; u v !l all Afrit'.i. .mil tii.' I S: l’r. -.s •l >11 .1 ues.1,11 Rail S'l w ;:. speak i>n l iansitifimii ! hi m ni.is .iiiil 'the A frit .in i’r. s A guest fill Anthonie ill ilinn. imiel t Is.nii In.in l .ii.in,i will talk W ml n e s.! . , i1 11 lire.id and the. Ballots, i lli Saul ul Afrit .1 ABUSE AIWQBK1 12 5 iw» i* ' * -V « r Y • IBujJrafton • Multi Media • Architectural Mortal Making • Cartooning • Painting SOUND OFF! H6R6'S YOUR CHANC6 TO TGLL US WHAT YOU THINK. 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OK '04(0 !>y Monday, May 1 I l! sou would like lo become mote involved in the / went/,/. pleas • consider apply inf lor a position on next year s stall All students ate \velc