CHAIRS Continued from Page 1 creaky, most .1 r«> uimthered. and a fow appear ready to fall apart As is tht? rase with most l 111 versitv chairs, thcv'ye fail'd with graffiti countless times Their sturdiness has been tested repeatedly l)V f'ldg etv students who can't hei'p but lean the 1 hairs onto their rear legs The desks must he sandblast ed. sanded, reinforced, Stained, lacquered. laminated. routed and then reassembled But the finished product makes the proi ess more than worth it: as the oak desks look fresh off the line "That's the nice part about It. Orti/ said You take a chair that's trashed and rag gedy-looking and then Mill end up with a good ptixltit t That's something to lake pride in. he said "It really helps you push yourself to the limit, to come up with one more every (fay When the desks are cotnplet ed. they will he shipped hack In the t 'mversity. whti h w ill deliver another bate h (if bat tered ones The projec t ysill lake ahiHit a year Klet/.ok and Dina DeY.uiey (>o if 11 what il does best Provide on-the-job training tor people in the 1 nmnmmty (Jrti/, 11 is w orkmg on the ’lt ' a C>*j U © Mane Standish, project supervisor tor the returbishmg /ob. tries to make a classroom chan look as good as new W ot k ' !■:*' chairs as jiart of tho per irm r ;ir>->;rasss \!!t■ r bemg laid off Irotn a I’iiiiliiiid; rnilt, hi* »cn! It. ! fi. S. j, i!! 11 • 1n. Y\ .; i.i in I'Hi* Private ! I. i list! y ( lUiritil ita help SW Pit , *.v bu ll, lii*lps train varum-. vrUT.inv home less and disjdai i d wood-in dtistTA workers put Ortiz in its trauma: (migrant arid sent him to (anidwill Along with Kid ii r t i \ It also from SWI’lt am! (•• r«• • •< I su|)'*n !*.[ir Marn* VamI |i... In Ortiz, is hoping to st.iv at the ri* furbishing 'oti until its i ompli* lion Participants say they hopr tin- job market in l.ngene will liavi* gruyyn by thru mi limy i an use tlmir skills in Ii tiding uthrr '.\urk Tve always had a kind id ba i■ [or wood pri nine I*..' said Ortiz, who used to refuibish ta blits and diessers in his span* time It would hi IIIi e to stay in the same held it 1 i ould ( a Mid will has employ i *d Stan dish fur 10 wars Stic iurnpli'1 Ct! (S h ni w i i Is Ii i.:;! i i; J >! 111;.i 7•. which is lo SWI’it •• ti.,! vs 7.11 n [(in1 i . s ■:: 1 I In1 mcilt i lv ami pin w i .ill v it is .ilili-il .mi!u w u. rks .is i n>: u 1 iir employ n Hut she. too. W.inlt'i! fu. mi reuse tut tiox nf sk.iis s.: s | *, i • isk.-it tu work on Sin- props t Of thu stir < • ( ox i i. fias ifi,. mi is I experience in llie wood m ■) vi s I r y ilv tm s spend 1 ‘ i r,i r s w urkinji w 11 ti w m n i. mostly in .I i ahmei shop in Sun tram isco tin ewntually hopes lu return lu i uhinetrn.ikinf(, which Im Mini tie I'liim S nimi' than pi .I tut l iun Work l! ! .1 kf's l tu tin a tu ■ u l l Wo tin ..", I i finish a .!i sk iItht ;>;ti will likely in i p i ov i wli' n itii'S util lllfi i- lu five muii (im h tvs 111 Ir.iinii". in ttif not fins w.iks 1. v i- n l u i ! y they hope lu tu* up to ' < lu ill) chillis ■ i W i ■ ». ; i-!\',i i i DAMAGE Continued from Page 1 rely on the civil unil criminal courts to invoke sanctions .ii'.isnst mu h off-iainpus hum oniitii I by people ,11 ling in their personal capacity, ’ the statement saui Students and community memliers protesting I he not gu I lly v ri diets ol tour I.os Angeles {Mil ice officers in the videotaped heating of motorist Rodney king started their rally in the l-.MC Court yard A group ol lr.o mart hed from t atnpus to the Federal Building, where some protesters broke windows hi! n Hrtiistrr (Umril photographer and knex ked items off desks Olficials s,n;i ,m investigation into the incident is under wav I’ossihle charges or , >-nalties were not mentioned Dctmrah Ue.ily-Browning, assisiant attorney lor I he tS attorney‘s office in Kugenc is heading the irimmal investigation of the Incident She said the investigation Is a joint eflort by the federal Bureau ol Investigation and the lyugetie poll! e lie jiartment The Fill Is involved. Uraly Browning said, he i.uis, ledcral properly was deslroved I’lirl ot tin1 invi'sugaiion has brim to subpoena h'U'VlMon stall. ■ f; K! /.! i ■ 1 r lapis! ' ..'I i! !l;r i hii'iil i( w is 11v ' known .il pens* ii■ wm ::.. r ihi’ (1'ti‘v isiijii sladon will supply tin- iouiagi Tim (lli'iison. .1 l.'iuvftsiiy juwrn.ilisfii jjrt.!> • -..i who l( sir Ill'S .1 i ■ Ill 1 SI' Oil lilt'd 1,1 . .11 ■ 11. i (lug 0 i.iw pi I 1 iih's pi nli'i I ii ill I. r !• III ,! lishiol works it Ilii- giivt’rnmi'ii! i an : show a i . n, pi lhrig ni l'll lor llir I’airii k Yaik. managing i-ditor ha il,. /7m K,j> i.^U'r said Ihf HU h.ui rurpii sit'd lo look through Its phi i!i is III ihi' illi nil'll! > .11 k. -.a i.l hi ri'lusisl dll' ri'ipirsl, bu! Saul hi' told ihr mwsliga lots ihcy i mild pun hasr i upii’s id am puhllshrd pholns *..: ,| \ i•. a si a : i rl IV -.pis :a i i st with ih'' I' id t ; ai I’rolfidivn Si-tvii.f. said ri'pluidng Ihi- windows could i us! inuri' limn the origin.d Im i is. mori; tixpunsivir sah-iv glass may i • • usi-d Ni ■ said dll' all'll g as-. W ■ aid sail'.' .a; 1 rlllp ' . in (In' fulurr d similar im idcnts m ur In iddition, Ni ss said . oiisnii i a . . vs I d I I,nil- I rum , si w a,a ■ Il a ah. 1(10 !,:!■:: I'Hipio v I'l-s who will' Il .if u a It'd ft :n I hi’ ha d I;: ig ihf a Mil in ion ol !’.• pr >!i*s 1 Mon Tues weds Print Film Roll 13524•100ASA -j 99 Overnight 2nd Set 3" Prints 99c 1-Hr Foto 4" Repnnts 1/2 Off! Print Film Roll 13S24•1OOASA -J 99 1-HrFoto 2nd Set 4" Prints Pick Any 2 Day's Deals FREE Flows' 1st 10 customer, receive FREE F ' Thurs Frl Sat ©* Free >x Film MM f Mill Bring Your I D! I NilVI RSI I 'i () I OK! (. 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Identitv and partii ipation will bo kept i I bis studs is part ol mv doctoral dissertation in ( ounsolmg I’ss i hologs at the l mv orsity ol (>regon and is supervised b\ I >r Isas I owe THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON OK McFadden So that s the way you wanna play