TRACK Continued from Page 9 (•ring it was the fourth event of the <1*»\ for (>r.iv i;,irlir*r m the day. (fray defeated MacDonald in Ifni no hurdles,.mil nm .1 leg in both tin- l.XKH) and •JX-ttK) relay s This Ducks won both events (Iregon never led m the meet, thanks to the |a< k of a hammer thrower Washington State took all three in tin- hammer throw to take a 1 11 lead after only one event "We conceded nine points, Dellinger said, and then we started the meet Among tin- other top performances for the Due ks was I've Van Sc hoi.itVs victory in the stc*e plot hast', winch qualified him for the NCAA Championships Van Sc hoiac k said he had it lot of confident e coming into the meet I was 'questioning last night if ! was lieing too confident, saying 1 was going to-qualify (for the NCAAs). ho s.ud Dellinger said he was happy with Ills team in spite of the loss I'm real prom! of the wav vs e competed to day. Dellinger said MEET Continued from Page 9 m thi- pimps, .!*• i ll .is ihi1; sprints kmi (tarlislr made .1 tug moi i' on thn st hool 's rei ords list, loo The junior In pie jumper (wiped In ,1 wind aided -10 h jump, the sis ond best m Oregon history and the first to el lipse the 40 foot mark in three years Laurel Roberts was twin1 a winner, taking first in the long jump and in the high jump h mi Myall re. order! a sea son lies! in the javelin, throw ing a first plain toss of r: i ot, Oregon Daily Emerald 3 LINES ❖ 3 DAYS <» 3 BUCKS! For Sale items under $100! (see ads for details) MAY Classified Specials 3 lines days dollars (.cmhJ on fOR \4tl lirnvt umirr % 1 f!) fotlVA M< wit*1 lK»» uW«* 1/2 PRICE PICTURE BIRTHDAY ADS! Buy an Inch gel an Inch free on all Birthday ada with picture*! Otter good through June 5. 199?' 1992 GRADUATION EDITION \yUTurr n■ iii h inui in I lit t >1)) ( lassifu il s Hi si (iKADl’AT ION EDI I ION. .ij»|*-.»rlni; Jun<- r«, 1 ‘ ( )n!\ S6 It n .1 1 \ I (i i- - j>lit >t> >'! 'i >ns S 12 ’• t: .1 1 \'J m« (lm luii< s photo!) Ad# CAfi pUc*d I* Rooru 3^0. PMU and tha UO 0ook*!Or* C*/l 346-4343 lor r*or* information If you hava *oma»hir>g to sal! you Kav# somalhmg to adv*r1is« ODE CLASSIFIEDS 10S PERSONALS M ■ . I txn To my Salamander Is*, tl , >• T K T Wh<1 Whin tha Pol*a a'• Called to a Party? MY 1 H t • * • - I At I Cot’ w*l AllilAtu Yt't.i At i * l tit It J J ' t Proud of You* 105 PERSONALS Bwd !J«rf.y*7 U «•*) ' • «» • *3 o ixjf ' w **•*• ■«.' ■'-« ** •: ' v *<* * Pi kk • •• OKSIL l US»ONMI NT ? Hu**; %'i*'>yv •' A f ft u »V ’m 11 .an ( **' • ■ , M.Vf ’ • EVERYBODY A 1*01 M ft* ' v B <* J' ** it t*tV W *’» •• *i'«j *igr‘ * n*.r. ’u -ft 'Ti.lf N-jY' . . «• ft •1 » » ' 1 ft • '■•** ’ . u Ik}* , HI YA MON* Y li I lovt you Bighaad j yf . D T KallvM T ha \*VKH Sam MiAh Cody, •' **• .w*» Paradita , , Haavan Pataf liom Minnaaota • •• '• W an dy V * M*?tJ IJ1 CJ 'l* ‘ \ ▼ Yout S^alaia 5»l ina y«% i( h at < * «< i Sarvor Humane* f aquiia FREE! TODAY ONLY' !l » « HtAs! NAM* M Ah! v V, ' M 'Mi l! mu > H WIN ' Hill Cl ASS if If t> A!'. Coma IN PI M SON from >Jpm lo Mm KK) I MU lo piaca yom ad' No |>l>on* callt ptaata'; l f ! !l Ms Will ft* I'i'.AAN I'AJ,; ■ Ml Y list, ili.ll M* t • illi 1 Mil1 Y ■ lH t Yi N lilt l l l( [ IS t VI MYE' A Y‘ l 0*1 Sony s diac CD chan^af U Hti* »• : U. . *• Hi WARD .. . •..* i' *1 A H ft • * u» ■ 115 TYPWG SERVICES A. 34* on* MOIIIN r. CHAD SCMOOt AW’H-.'VtO •' ’ -» • . « I , .t.V , - ON CAMPUS' ( AGl I I Vf TYPING FDlTlNG H, m3 mr P* D A,'l>'l3Al>** wMiy & *\vv’iv - »* l UQA I AGl > I YI TYPING I Dl TING P, ta* *• u' P* 0 ■ »lu- r A‘Vjr\U%t>*> «•' ii*. % v' a■ a* l «»y.4 I l t fNKj I INGf MS typing **rvic* I n! komiM p^olHiional It 00 pay* 14) 4&4 JO I Ml TYPING PH© , • in, f M 1 ■* a ... r ... 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