Students protest Amazon plans By Koalam Roberts tmer aid C-c’" !' /nr Plans to rebuild Amazon family housing may put student families on the streets amt fort e them to abandon their educations. a group of Amazon ten.mts said Thursday About to student parents said their t om erns are not being represented and challenged plan ners. housing ■■representatives and administrators to more adequately address the cost of the pro posed new units They tailed for the administration to increase support of low-income student parents "We understand (Amazon)will have to he re built But we're willing to live in the most miser able conditions the law w ill allow said lames Kisher. a graduate student in architecture The University announced in Tehruarv that Amazon would be rebuilt alter a 1 'ruversity mill missioned report said the structures were habit able only until 1 non The project is also a response to the lOH'l Ore gon Legislature, which said the l 'ruversity helped contribute to a housing shortage iri the lingerie area and allocated $11 million in bonding lor new University housing Bonding money will be repaid with student rent Concerned tenants have formed Students for Low-Income Housing, a sub-committee of the Amazon Tenants Council, to assure the continu ance of housing Kent for a two-liedroorn apartment at Amazon could be raised from S14J a month to as much as S42.r). This is 1(1 percent lielow the market rate but unaffordable for single mothers on welfare and families facing tuition increases and a 10 per cent reduction in child care subsidies Tenants said this increase would defeat the purpose of the bonding measure and would fort e many out into the local housing market They also questioned whether tile housing pro ject was necessary in light of decreasing Universi ty enrollment Amazon has about 10 vacancies and has begun admitting single graduate students into apartments dents into apartments Many voiced outrage al the ari.Inter I s design statement for the rebuilt Amazon They said the IVe understand fAmazon) will have to be rebuilt. But we’re willing to live in the most miserable conditions the law will allow.’ James Fisher, awr-.i.v student plan mentions pun,Is wmdjr.g . k w i -, s ,i .'tin year life .span all'll :.,;m'its tl it :ir ik-' r :.. ■! i, 11 e imp.n t on you w hen von w .ilk : "Nowhere in there is there any ,ni!n .itma i ' I Civs i nst. It* her Said The students sail-! the t 'nivetsdv ;re,| him Berkley .111 Intel i t hnslophei \: -s r I ■ vs I vs as . 11 si > 'author of the University .impiis :11,1s ter plan in 1 '170 Alexander Is paid about J percent me than .in average art lute. t. said Dan WiJJiaitis. 1 inv.isitv v H e presnlent for administration However, the tenants said Alexander was 1 ho sen In a group ol planners anil housing repo-sen I at ivns vs ho do n lit represent student interests Amazon tenant Hillary Moser sod many ten .lilts believe their representatives n the Use! group .ire arc hitei lore students who selei to I \l exundor because he would he ev .ting in vs, ik with, not hei ause lie would de .e.'n the lovse-.t cost housing Moser, a single mother ol one who graduate,I last term, suggested University planners use the stall- prototype for low ini nine housing and Idle 1 contrai tor rntfier than an expensive an hite* 1 The students challenged the University to de velop .1 fundraising effort lor lamlly housing m the same wav they raise money fot athletics or 1 ampus projix ts " The bottom line IS access to education lor those who 1 an afford it least. said University Planning Assoi late l ied Tepfer However. Tepler sanl the user group, made up ol Amazon tenants planners an bite* ts and hon ing representatives, is not the best lorum lor stu dents concerns 1 Great Coffee and Espresso on Campus Find the Coffee Corner s GREAT locally roasted coffee and espresso on campus at: EMU Fishbowl Sky1i3fnt Cafe Breezeway Cafe Willamette Hall Atrium Allied Arts and Architecture Cafe The COFFII CORNER LW KICK SOME ASPHALT! In-line Skates Sales & Rentals Daily Rentals (Include* skates, helmet & wrist guards) $10m Skates Starting at $105m Reg. $14(K tULLR Open Mon-Fri 10:00-6:00 Sat 10:00-5:00 SKI SHOP Corner of 7th & Chambers 683-1977 EMERALD TAXI [686-2010 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT "/I.D. AUTO ACCIDENTS it if i mut h mun*y m R *eortrr pury rm, mmMM Ml ’ *9 (MV rvv» bit »I|W' nv nun* ntM go up* $ w«t R trwn* a fvo rwuranc*’ S WxJd i ta* to ttw ******* $ Nw* long w9 R U*» to 9* Wy t >? A«lu Airl4»M« l#g*l *»««•*• 343 1473 •Oil *0*H *♦•© t«MIMtaoM tO(AW*Vl Libre/. 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