Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1992, Page 6, Image 6

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Continued from Page 1
(INN minute next week It's not just in L A , it s In Chi
cago, Detroit, and right hern In Kugene ( ops are every
where We are In a [Hllir e stale We always have been
"The media ask me, Do you feel safe in Kugene'' No
I don't, Kvans saiit " The first lime 1 tame hern. I was
slopped by a top And I was pis! walking down the
street We have to pul up with same indignities here ill
Kugene as anywhere else
Kvans salt! lie does not udvot ate violence, hut un
derstands the frustration in L A
"1. A is hurtling right now la-1 this he the spark that
Ignites this country into the mobilization that it lakes
to eradicate sexism, racism anti homophobia, ' lie said
"Let's start here m Kugene to slop il now
A hlat k student told the predominately while audi
ente dial the problem is not only one for members of
his rat e
' We re in an elm.lion year now and you have landi
dales saying. Save the trees, save the owls Well
here's an ideahe sa id " Let s s.i v e I lie hlat k man
This is no longer a hlat k or while dung." the slu
dent said "It's no longer a civil right-, thing Damn II
it's a human dung If they t an pull a hlat k man over,
they tan pull a white man, a gav man over Wt have
got to get together and get over dlls slut
Another black student disagreed
I bis is not >i people problem " he told the autll
ence " This is a black problem You t an walk down'
tin street and not worry about getting vour
niodierfut king ass tie.it up
As die mart II gol under wav polite rerouted lrallit
briefly to allow oassagn
Several plate glass windows were broken ni the l ed
erul Muilding nine fioltom windows and six full
w indows In addition, two glass doors were shattered
The ( row'd I banted, )tlsl It e, )usilt e. on die w a V 111
the federal Building Willi the doors of the building
locked, some started hanging on the windows The
firsl window was broken by a while man who hit il
with his sign I '.n 11 (wrier a photographer lor I hr Hi‘f>
islrr Ihjtinl. had Ills glasses broken and Ins nose blood
led alter being hit hv a w hile protester
I he lull crowd staved al tile building lot uIhiiiI an
hour and then slowly dispersed
At the building. Ward said tin* media will lu os mi
today s violent e "ini! not on the violent that hap
pens everyday against people ol i oltir
Death toll climbs, riots continue
LOS AM.TILLS (Ai’j Kurts'. arson and looting
ra^i-d in the Los Angeles arc.i Thursday and the
death toll rose to 21 as National (Liard troops moved
into neighlxirhiKids torn by outrage over the Kidney
King verdict
(hinfire erupted after two dozen < Liard soldiers ur
rived .it a video amide threatened by looters I he
mat bine gun toting soldiers did not return fire
Hands rtf people roamed the streets long after a
dusk to dawn curlew took effor t Police said there
were rut Immediate arrests
About 'no people had lieen injured and ITH ar
rested in the outburst of destruction that terrorized
vast'parts of tin* tits lor a set on d da\. from down
i-a n to tin suburban San Fernando \ alles
At nightfall Thursdav, i ndent <■ bad spread into
s.ui Bernardino no miles to the east where one per
sot! died Itl a gun lultle between a security guard
and a motorist that police said v\ as riot-related
A gang in Long Heat ii i t ity south of Los Angeles,
pulled two inotorr vt lists froin their hikes 'Thursday
night and robbed, tie at and shot tliern Ore died and
the other was critically injured
A .it: l.i: i upon histone Hollywood
Boulevard west of downtown. si lting fir** t” ot least
one business
l ire officials said (ti fires were burning at mid
Mil; h of ilic r itv shut down Ibis service was bull
i-d. professional sporting events were postponed,
thousands of businesses and schools were closed,
and some llights were rerouted around columns of
snioki- Santa Mor.u I to the west, closed its bench
U tiv tear dow n something vou own' We all have
Si m.iso a living here 1 just don't understand it."
sat.! Miles ! uvlnr. -to. a black man who-bus lived in
South Central Los Angelos since 1'M>f>, when the
Watts ghetto exploded itl riots
Police departments confirmed l‘t deaths in Los
Angeles, me in San Bernardino and one in Long
Beat h
B\ u p m firelighters had responded to 1.2M1
strut lure fires Officials said they were ttxi busy to
compile damage estimates Two firelighters Were
wounded by gunfire
Continued from Page 1
whit h is in the "middle of nil the
violent r
' VVr frit tin imnirtl niti tl.11i>'.f r
(Wi'dni'Ml.iv) night Smurlhwaile
suiti. Hut .is this progresses. wr re
getting .1 little worried Were still
thinking '>1 leaving. hut it's danger
mis |ust tn get m vnur cur and
Sinurthw.iili1 s,ml .til nationalities
were part it tp.itmg In the looting of
liuiltfmgs An hour before this inter
vtew she h.el heard over the news
thill a white motorist huti l>een shut
,inil kill' ll two blot ks from hei
The 1st fr.iternilies ami sorori
ties have all been t‘i .11 u.ili'ii. Hicks
s.mi On campus. broken windows
.ir>' fri‘<|ui‘iit and one shooting tins
in-in reported Junior [on I i • n < • r. .ilso
,i l S< student, s.iui sii urilv guards
wen- prepared W.‘iincs<Jii\ night to
evar u.ill1 the iliinns il tin1 violence
spread throughout < anipus l-Vner
said in1 wouldn't be surprised if the
rumpus tx'i limes a site of riots soon
It would In1 a real goml win to
get alien!ion. lie said "}*«-op 11*
would t.ikr notu.r if the rumpus was
attar Krd
Another ! :S( student, junior I ).i
vid Allen, said despite tile majority
of people leaving i iilupus lor a lew
dav s to esi ape the violent e, lie is re
mammg in Ins 15th story on-campus
i feel pretty sale,' Allen said
On campus. the security is really
tight right nms .mil only one of the
six policed entrances .'is open on
Allen s,nd off campus was a com
pletely different world, especially
the first night after the verdict was
known, when the fires were visible
and officers roamed every hkx k
Those students who are remaining
in 1, A until classes resume are
mainly staying indoors, Allen said
fie said they are afraid to lx- heard
and become targets of violence.
Students at the UCLA campus,
yvfiiili is further than CSC to the
major riots aren't yvitnessing .is
much violence as the other school.
1'he l l d.A i ampus has not closed
'a&ee oe s
24 S', 4 2 1
MAY 2, 1992
'*01) AM 4 40 I'M
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