IFC cuts athletics by 5 percent By Kirsten Lucas and Daraiyn T'appe The athletic department look .1 S percent i at .1! Tuesday's Incidental Ice Committri budget h«*ar ing. however. the budget may be n lv ml I*-, nusr ,1 representative from the athletic department was not present for the Il ('. vote. Wednesdays meeting was considerably less eventful, hut the last hearing oi the vear saw the Muslim Student Association get zero tended he failing to attend IH1 member And’, Harris an noum ed his intent to reconsider Also on Wednesday, the Solar Inhumation (ten ter rei eived a OH pert ent ini rease to an Ms current budget ot S 1 ..ittti The center vv 111 .have a ITU Ml budget of $2,100 The increase was made to establish a work study position and add money lor speakers The vote was i 1-0 with Sara Dodge Anne I rig and Andy Harris m favor and Sue Dot kstader op posed Lydia hernia and Robert ?() hudi’.i t Innovative Lducation had Ms budget ml !>\ 1.1 percent I'iie current budget is su,t> ' . and will go down to SH.IHR next year Culs were mad. 10 id ministrutive costs and advertising At Tuesday -• 11h 5 percent cut was recommended tiy the AS! () It represents a Ss t.sr.t decrease hom this year s SI ,0‘H .-}r>C) budget Associate athleiii dire, lor Had oa Walk. ; a : Tuesday’s meeting, when Dot kstader made pro fane remarks about the athletic department Dot kstader and other Il'ti mein!.. :-, wen 1 ii■. Cuuraged with the budget-cutting op! ms po-seiit ed by theathletii department The two options came out of m than two months of negotiations between lie athlete dr par (meat and ASIA) vice presided! !': -a ilia War ren. vvho is a tanner IK 1 member i he athletic department agreed to either a , oen ent cut willi no loss of student seating at Aut /cn Stadium or a 10 penent c ut with the i ! student seating tn I iiin O it: most jo -p - u ami potentially luc rative seating m A.d/en The athlotii department offered in replace the \;ii1';.}ii' ''fills ss 111'. set don 1 ’i\ 1 ' s near the / :i r ! * | has Il'Wi't ■■■• ;1 s V. - *■ : ■ . .! It)' r t II; ■ •;; I sv I.:. rii have So sell ’d r. *1 seats which id !t • i SI 4 • pin-- a S',() .! lief I > f • ulip till S; U'< It; .S th d w . , f : ■ from .i 10 pert «?nt i ul i he IH heard three other budgets at Tuesday's mt'i-11ri>4 f ii reheard tti- ASUl! s i . !1 who h i i ui: a,; hi ! .! s.:o 000 Oim rt p mi y d ’ :st dim it w as heard The l'(!iti'il Stales Students A'-s, , .atnei .i n.i tion.il stai!on 1 Inhhvmg group, r.■,<11<-stoil .iti.! imammousiv r>• i eivrd a 10'*.’ 'M 0 i-K''! ,!* SKI 'CH N'-\! \i- it s h,i iget represents a : jii-n ill ; rr.ro rr, ::i this year's "s 1 I 04H i win- ' was hsi’ii hy '!;•■ \S1 () ( i ■:i•-1 it it-". 1 - art , rd term y J t in t n;i 1 • ill It, a; as A : ■ ‘ ' 1 ; S 1 - : ' til ' ' ' - ' 11 Hull ry er i SS \ y\ IS I Si av.-il :■ • 1 1 ■; !,,:;. t nut ■ Till' Office ut Student Adviis a. y re pa st' d md d. ; y ed S , 1 alii || a a I *■ per. .id ■. : • : tins vault's V'li t.i! tiiidget The vote was f, ! 0 w ills l.erma dissenting The Student Campaign fur Disarmament ami ably took a t> S portent tat I'uesd.tv mght. mu though it was n q .esimg a 1 > p< n uil m. : . .. Ml) received S 1.!>•>'> this year, nest year it w id ret five $ t-Idil The A St '() i ame he lure the lit 1 ut silav wit d a te\ isrtl 1’1'ld ‘I 1 budget request of Vi H*i -.‘it. ASt () rt-tpiesled the additional money to i over administrative expenses that ware formerly toy ert'ti hy the I.Mi ' tjdgel ! fie II t .do d-d the ASUO SI Hit. it.! The vote was id I, yy ilh l.erma ami K ! . rl ( re/ dissettlm,; .md I) - > 1 ul' r d'-.'.i ■ Tuesday's allia ation represents a * pert ent in i reaxe over the-, year's SI 74,t. t't ASl O ! id , • WEEK Continued from Page -J decrees from Colorado Stain i im t r*i|lv .mil I ' l 1. A and hits m rvi’d .is n i i'Hsuii.int fur t hi' I ':; i !riI \at;i a; s n i: it! i.t Its :\\ Ilk will mil I III .1 mu si ,d note I ridav w linn Char'.ie IV.ieork. .1 1 (lllll'fllJIO rats Christian Miip'i and Ins ti.iiui w ill per ti'im a! a i till - ml .a; ! t;• ■ ! V! I ! .as! 1 aw r: U. > .jams, as will .11;>• radii". ' .d i\ vvhi'n t "hrisiiaiis w I i , sll.ir r dll' ettei 1 S ji'Sll s has had nil !hmr i IS es Wi■ w ant tu put Irstis in a positive llpllt VVitlllHl! prrs . ,1. S.lid l belt la'll U i-rult, ill (.I m pus ( r u s a d a I n r ( hr 1 s! \Vr : a st Want tu iti.iii it known that ji'Mis is a da: part ut mans st udents' ini s aiid lias pi111sr idfi< Is mi us and tin' world some highlights im hide • p in in the ( ierlupyr Lounge • >)f a ■ speak n. 11 ; ;. :; I:,S I del,, , lei the 1AI sti'Hi e id ( aid' at 10 p Hi m 1 nlilin bin ISO • Praver a I ’ It! pm in ! he Carson (add Room • . k Vtn< e Chu and Out id the (.las 11an eft at ' in p m un 'V .. > ' are S7 and are usailahte at it 1 S' V i '■ • Cor more information .all Campus Crusade lor Christ. I it. 'HIS ! MEN'S ONI' HAIRCUTS «c V- #1 V V 1 DUCK TAILS SALON V4f. tilfrf) • By f Ml1 M«h l «wt|t»r (•»" .n:t 1.0* ■>wit Christine (lark IT free Slide Lecture •let 7.7 SC s in ' - ri * "• in 110 WilUmetle , ! ? Day Workshop *n*tt i5M« »4ij• |o io«iv 5»n r - !0 Mo*ithilf SrjJ Sf ' ' v ■ *40» tfc ■ ,'ij i" • ,*< mjHiisumriD DO YOU DREAM OF SLEEPING ON A CLOUD? ROCK SOFT FUTOIM 1122 ALDER 6865069 1 THE FIRST ANNUM , mayEES mi j .oBBBBBI A Day of Analysis anil Discussion About the Relationship betw een Scholarly Work. Campus Activism ami the Dibor Movement Today! Orientation Table in KMl Kir Room. Events Start at 9:30 a.m. Ten Different Panel Discussions. - INC 7 / 'DING - UIUM '‘Women Students and the I mure of the W omen’s Movement" Johanna Brenner. Women’s Studies, Portland Stale l Diversity I (M> p in .1 Ml Courtyard Kails "Polities and I abor Today" Tony Ma//occhi ol the ()il. ( ’hemieal and Atomic Workers l 'nion 7:30 p in , Columbia I SO Sponsored by cost I KNI I) lACl'i I V I ()K ITACE AND JUS IK I Anthropology Dept . Center tor the Study ol Women in Society. English Dept , (iraduate Teaching fellows federation. Honors (ollegc, I afror Education and Research ( enter, < >rcgon 1 luinanities ( enter. ( hcgoii Ihrblic fjnployees I nion Sociology Dept . Survival Center FREE \\l> OPEN TO THE COMMENT! Y University Theatre Productions 1991-1992 Season “My loveliest ec)mecly! Enchanting and heartwarming," says William Shakespeare. y^s^fou cJik e (lt by William Shakespeare May 8, 9,14, 15,16, 22, 23 8:00 p.m. Curtain • Robinson Theatre University of Oregon Theatre Box Office 346-419! ■\t must set1.'!" -Molitre “Wish I hud w rittrn it. " -Sir l ram is Huron i r■<*«**.pfludwefiore funded *r * • m* ««• a'-: 4- * A. ** r * -ji'* 4-S < vf.>Urft ! m?! - aw