SOUNDBITES The Cure Wish When 111« < m» h !< i< I />n..v.T . >. m I * (lx.. In nit i "I i h« h.iml w.»v uih i turn if Iha| I h< < UM h.tli lx »"!!!« Mt.iSMW .Ul«! i! v i mi <1 tinlik.i In K* >1* it Smith w- *>iI«I hi i mill n< with hi i * Miiiis, • 111 v t .* t m •! In r hi- >.ih i| jh |K d »v\,iv .mil tin h.uifl 1 u limn «l n* tin mmi mum.iif m iiin^s ili.ii i Inn .u i« 11/* ii flu it .tilHim* Im I-ni i In \ If <1 si ■ 11111 i mt fool lull sl.u Ii 111 i is I lu Invl Mill'll I in -i |»l.i\1ul Him in lim Vs 1111 fill . Mill im !l;;hlVs» I, * I»l J * *j > '•* Mi'.'s 11milid «*n flu 111 ni snii «il tin .iMum I lif s< t I Mill N|j|f IN i |. t VS IC \\ h ts ' 'll VS nil * 'lif . .| lilt ( tm tllif n| sjiU^n I iulj\. I III III I .*\f S4*ll^ ; . If.I \.»il lll^ I*.11 HI n i||fl f « >111.111 |S st \ l I .11 (III l ll.flinllllV' 11 .At ks Sill 11 is I MINI . Illfi I IlfT th.ll ll .1111* ill III i *« M i .1(1(1 11 I i* 11 11 111 ^ 111 I I ll n skill .is | IIUtUM S. Kl^vs t lit I \* • ill mill I In ( tm < imu i If *n^ vs.»v in tin n I I \( ii 1 iis1111 \ Kui vs1111 W;sh. "I«l ln^ h.ili .uni flu h.Ulfl "s 11»»vs ll n jHfSsihlr !i» j > i»* y* i ( nn without k;iwtu* m t(* tin tu.iin i \\ > •1 M Vs M h niti ■ *i* • ( ‘, [ . *1 \\ is* < Misiu 1EE Radio Chart I Lou Reed. \l/lfTi iltlil I /m The Jesus & Mary Chain. Il“!)!-% iltftui i HoJe, / VWv im t!u !n\ulf ! Green Day. Kn '> Cowboy Junkies. I \r,l \h;’i <■ Sufiarcubes. >. \u’uutli■ ts.MU I V%\JW :• M -• - •: «l HUH ■* k. ». Hi i * 1 H\ l M t M \M KM 1 •• M . K( < M t . ■! VK-.v :n H Ml > -i I H \M l V - • i < ...» - k i K i K . . I VMI»fV I • .1 s-tthru* k IMt I #1,.,. Will l.ii-iKl H \M Hi* l«. wl k< Ml l s H • The Jesus & Mary Chair. Hotu-\ \ I hutl I !h.m l.iimh.u with I In Jt Mi' uui VI «iv ( h.ujt tmih.ibh won ' Ik uijpiivtl in !t u? //"»,/•*> . /K'.ui suits * ♦!I vsith lhr Inn s I vs .11 il In t in |iist like |rsijv I hi js| I vs .111( ’ (lu « mi a I* *1 ' »l spilt n I 1 j »j h 1 (.«>;< ' < - unis! I* 1 iiumiiv: I« v- t oulti 1 i< m iht tm!)i>« 11«« 'I 11m |< ■ .Ifni M i I \ I lull! ■ »I» I.«! 1 S,,s .lilt : !• iMW IIUIMI i.lltllll llint It I (11m* k vs IS I < uisltlt It «I limit sii a hit \11ti . 11 f h«»IJ.; h //< ' n Ih . . IM | I Iv IS 1.1111 .IS I It .IS I ht h.lllt i S t • if >tl< i'hiii /\>< hm ittuh, i; m.dks tin in \i ‘I s 11 ■ | » 11 »I 1 h t st I \S 1 I | . I! lit S I lit 11 i s I lit I Is.till Ills Ilf- :; ’ 111 ' ‘.is k t r 1 * * I * ‘ ' hi must .uni hli out iht htihhh i»uin in.nit sut h .1 Is 'it Bui tM n J1 ft 11 *» t Mi I Bilh « . Mil.Ill I 11 sis| iht ui; * (nlhfnw 1! I i 1 . .1! ! ‘ »| > l >( N4IIIM ll ItlllK I \ } »l* -I I ! UtO |*>|» I Ilf I f slllt ' Ml' Ilk I Kt S« I t IH < (In .tilnim n tin nttonnl 111 n I single K« \i it in i h.o til flu i It mh nts nn rvwtn i< • « .ms hi1 ilbum jusi hk< 11 i n Sjm ti . (! ! 11 11 \ f.'irtr.nd KI It s .tlx ml JfMls .nit! lit -lili . 111!i;:« 41111.11s- .tlitl .1 (IflMllj^ ImmI I I; i! s lliil 11 > s.tS lilt It vl « »t // ’UTS \ I Irtul is Hi M VO H thtthlic th • . ! Ml vs .‘ I « Hint! ■ |i n iI.hi I >/nn .i / hs Ihuh lihtu. ! i*l Illinois David Byrne l h-()h It s Inilfi. It s lull .uni It ilmMI I m.ik( iiimli si list nun stumd tv {>i« .*I *»I .uiwlmii' « omiti^ It «ni» 1 .ilkm^ l it .ids mastn David Bvinr. hut his latest solo H it ,im I h (>h is a hami<»m< < < »n\< i^rnt r < >1 (hr I .Kin vvoild hr > lived m with the 1 uaka Bop lain I situ ( I * * v S and f hr |><>|> wot Id into vtliii h hr was lx mi with I alkmt; I It ads Ills | ‘ISM solo rlhu I Hn \1<’rti(l is|)it rd h >i tin saint sMillit sis But / h ()h ImIIci t .tjilm rs ( \m I .Kin i h\lhms flunks in inn M jh (i ns mdiiims .1 [>lriu\ .met Miioothls < (inihim s ' . t li« in v% 1111 I ilkmj I It ids ish |m>|> units h s like IVI \ I 1 < l|t»S( llllo 1 1)1'^ | M H I | (l| 1 -t I III mush .Hid licAd tilled t»lf lx loir it (inning !• * \iih ih .111 w.ili i s Wliilc* tin. v;u(M ,ii lists t .in i n.t kt .in dimm .mU.iid. Knne s iintwHiril ihvdims hoi IIs .111(1 S t »< ds .lit | M I lee I It ( t >111 { Mill me ni foi his vs en (1 Kins " \<>vs l m \ otii Mom .* him .iImmii .i m \ i h.m^t i«»i .is the hm s.i\s \ M iisiiist liiiiv .ilxml .i s dee isie »n to< ut Jus (in k t »l t “S« xncilnn^ \in l Ki^hl .mtl ' 1 vMstin in the Wind .m slijH l h t Ills Imni .1 \ e t\ tie t ( III I I’ ( *1 .111 led. I M S4 lUllds |e m MI\C| pie mIik td .11 mill S Kill vs he II I he In >1 I) S .inti V oe M Is htiisl thnm^h. II s Ilk vs .lie hill)* die Mill si I Oil .i Vs Hill Ik .ie h vsith .1 IIKII^MIll.i ill \e»Ui h Min I ■ Me I e tl it h ft lull I hr St .y \r Mit hi^.tn M.ile l A Summer Special! i Before heoding bock home for the sumrirer don I forget to sign up for the All NfW U Summer Subscription Special This mego deal includes the BODACIOUS June and July issues of U The National College Newspaper for the low low pnte of $3 99 or for |ust S10 you II get two issues of U plus we II throw in your very own State of the Art U I Shirt ► These AMAZING issues include • Ail the U you con chew in June and Juty • Groovy college stones1 (No Way1 Way1) •3D Pictures in TKHNK010R NOT1 • fREf speedy delivery to your borne Send your S3 99 or $10 check to U Ihe National College Newspaper 1800 Century Park East Suite 8?0 Eos Angeles CA 9006/ ATTN Suinrnei Subscription Special S*WGkPSStjaOO 2rcW€kP$XOOO MZ2L22Z* Here’s how to enter j ' ; ■ ; ' ' • p«v published 1 , >u> college newspaper between May 1 1991 • •' •••>». ’ui be any ut the Inikiwing (1) Single m depth *>t«.»ry or special report i • *i Any r , it artk'Jes reporting .m a sinyk ubiect -• drug letters bun miversify or community leaders grvtng the background oT ■ i .ii:-! i)ikdit»“ «t trie appoint letter miy come from (acuity tournairsts >•:. 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