Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1992, Page 18, Image 33

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    The world's
wackiest hand
gets paranoid
/>..:/> / »r\ \m/Tr
( .thh >i m.« St.»ii l I • -ti IU i. Ii
Soli I .Iff NMIIVj 111 C' | ( • « i I « jl.|NV,|.'( s
I ihtn^ li.it in11ii11 u ( iini|Miurnrnt
Smooth. \ilks vi h .iKiic h\( i mi; phi «S4 n «*1
|* H hi ',U It I Not’
I h< m 11• th< I >< .nl Milkim i1 In \
«i«»n i |>1 .in tli.ii \S 11»!« flu*' l».i\« f ■
i r i «• i (I m» tin «* i i!h most
>.i 111 i< .i I. hi nit .inti Ini.ii i« Mi' Ivin ' ill
ii* k .Hid i«»ll. flu ii sound in h Iimli n'!\
( li.ii u ic uti ju t-ilit l .title .mil .ilut* *n|
< otnplt (rlv ci< \oid "I .111\ «'t ihoNt
» him n In I Ik s l \ j *h ills t hi i >VN I - >v;( du i
,m n hi (i< ill .is i *! n i \ h n iml mllurm « n
into » loud (Ullibh llut slmvtN disd.uu !<•!
,ms S4 .i 1 * •! mush ,il jiU'Miin \s
l Dili IK »Ss . ! ll.ll is lln II s|\l!i 11 i < »t il V'., i-,.\ *. si |. 1 vs v
.1 turn h iihxc rmph.tMs mi tin mush il suit »»l llu < * jii.iii« »i»
\s t‘\ It l( I h it I 1»\ Ml* h I t M I.lth ills h llu J » . lux II .11HI s.i\
solos oil ! I - 'Vs 11 S ( .O lilt. I I* lllii llh « t!« ll\ SMI l 111 SI. ( ! I if Is
vsosrn ihi»Million I llu it « mil s 1 \ Hi. ks ii .ijjjh ns ilus*
lull I t o| t t o||<v;« I .It 11« ul.ll lilies >^o| 11 UK f III » XI Its
llu haml no mix is k< s l*o.i i tlisi .uni v.». ihsi HP
1 lose 11 l .il I mill .III si .nit 1 sot .ills! Hul It ills 1 i n vs t 11 fit i
f'.issisi H im |U. h! .uitl ilmmmt l Ht hi I It in . miinli ifi.it
lilt mush h.is t st'lstti. lull vs. *ult! licit itiimt (h.il it is llu
icsiilt «»l .1 n.Kiii.tl m.utiling jin* < ''
Mmr hki i iju miih: ‘ini i • 'inn,;
I ii»\n» i .ill vihi
lUlHKi VN is . 11 S< * Ill >1 U 'I li
Maturing v>uncU like vtui \houl<!
11»111 11»i \ \ K l‘ • >i m »mc•! h111.• In
viiil v*ilh .«giiiii.it»
I n .iMMil .iiiv tmsuuih i st niilm;;
S.‘u! f\>'i.Uwn ilmmi i rvrn irinoli l\
it m inhl« m \11 'mij>|»!\ h iimiI lh<
Milkmt u • in sit 11 v •uml iik< i nislv
v’.11 c■ • shill Ihil ih« \ sl.ipjKu i linl< .im >>t h<
linip > this nine
I !|«* I (Milt is .1 s4iUllt! tll.it i> * l( Mild MUHC in tutu uni .(
lilllt nu»tr lisu n.iblr
\S< V* .ltlt( li I ' ‘ M (' In *VS ! l : t Vs t V 11 t *: : M ; ' l» 1 VI <! 1! It I W t
• » Milt! vjct II- *\( I ( I lit vti< I ' U » • ’ ( ( ; 't ; H « ;.!( : i; i ; i1 ^
,iU >n! tlu l\l I* s \\« : t s n • i> ** >k . * I •• • * ■ • t 11:: u ■ • < V | m i I:: ■< ! 11 vm ! 11
lhr s* mini this Hint
hot «it-Sjiltr tlu II (h st rthvlts |K'i*plt vsili still (.ilk. .llx’lll
I hr Iv i ii > K < t m m11 i; t«• t In n •< s ««t p.ii 11< < >i.» uni «»i hr i
vsiuitilinrvs tli.u luvr ptmrn in h ^nmini h»i tlu luiui in the
|» »>| tlu !\ ! U s . . »l' M s!( ! :' K >! i. US I; • 1 ■ MllkUU *: .1 > < I
lust thru s.u t .isf u ^uhirn *« »u« h S < • a it < hi < ^ *un this
The Dead Milkmen Pt.»y their album. but don't take them home for dinner
i hunk < >1 I h< < * hi\|mi it \ S* •!(;;
I hn '.rn liu \tiiU, lfirs >,,'n l'./ •Hut-fi thn fn.k ihs ^ifinn> ■/
N Sr .’
I f.n . lb ( :'us .. •. I' tbs .•*; i'4/ Kfus/jm*
\1 .
I fin (mi iht ht*Lr in my Om (nil ih.ii \*ukkr in my truuih x
h v t \« r\ tl.uk [ui.iihh.i hut I think it *> > jii'titu ti
| Ml iiu »i.t 1 Insert i .lit v.ncl t»t flu !\in .il tlx IlH-n 'IIIAMIIi;
tll.i? tin .il l 11 f p - k« S hut icflt i t .u hi.il Milk I n« 11 phi i. >s< *ph\
'■ I N *opl« ■ L iu> ’,1) .it • a >i n< * of
out * * ii ii Ir* *t - a >r i} Wt ■ wr it«■
. I • « ll I * A >11}’. . II K i I X 1 )( )l< '
tl iii ik it's. r« ■. illy ft ii u iy/'
— HP Hovercraft
I hr Vk<»i let is iuii h
j>rt »pl< hit s .11 < i imp
f In v } w * *pU ni.iv u<>l ha
ililrrt'Ms a! In if l
\N llh i * .*!.ii> »i' lull • >1
!ik( k ihi W 11)I'im *
I limi; I h.i! t >nl\ I .its
I .tint Kt ! a 111 s t<* tin
\ n<li i s- •!) \\ ilktu.m
ami ! i« >v* \» >u u* ttililu
is a luml iti.it vs.mts in U
i \ l i \ 11 V*
hini; i ti.it
v« • Mil Ik M
solijn i It It s
»11S . lilt
I I IppH '
/ i M i *” Hl<t
Klltthoh S
t think 1 Ins
i !.lk< II li H >
N4 ! i. minis Ism I I«»\ <i i i .ill pit»!« \m x to h cling til. 11 I hr h.UHl is
|llsl .1 III I ir UIIMlIli 1< i sn n h !
IVopJt i.mgh .if m miu ol i mii vuhlrsi s< »ngs \\< ssiih is.nl
vMii.; .itul |k <>j>li think h s t< ills Ilium hr vim!
I In M i Ikmrn *h« • *iii I * *} * t. i. «ss \ ■: m i« i tins sum mo
i!n i i h\t vs i < k t < mu •'! I m-*|H v, i \ 11 u v «1<> mill t«» m.ik<
\ ■ -1 i think l hr s list <l« *n t i Iii'um I hr p.il It > >t > >s c i) >!« >ss n
|>1 r.i» hmrvs hk( vis l ‘
It v» mii j». ut nis let title smi. v < »u ii< mi t Ir.un .msthing
Mcvciti iti s.tnl i'.ti! •! tin |>n»hlrni in tll.it tin (>r<>|ilr
l< i tilling \«Ml .11 r usiKills sin h vs( rmt s
t h i: : , >. • i ! k i s s < •: I h i n k 11 h 1 < 1 r * H1 < I <»I
v- - uIm It I It in Mill
Ybu think your
life is scary?
Try Nick Cave’s
Cuiumhui I huh Spedatm, (ailumtna 1
Sick (.ave is frightened frightened that Henry's
Ihmm, Ins seventh album. < iml.tmstin- i.isl snugs in him.
"When I decide it's time to make .1 m s iceoiil,” hr
s.ns, "I am 111 .1 stair of panic until it s finished.
Hetirt s thrum* as a nightmare to make, a nightmare to
wme I would llleiallv pass 1I11 room with the piano in ii
and look at it out of the cornel "f mv eve It would !>e
silting there, vs.>■ 11 u>> f*u me to waste another five
tiouis hanging ori something that nevei c ame to
anvthmg "
lo those who have known ( ave since he was the
ftontman for I lie Hnthdav I’aits in the carts HOs, sue It
an image mas seem strange Me fias always been
[jortraved hs die press as a * .its guv. whether it was as
lire Paris's goth-idol -singer, or as a rock star turned
writer who t hose a criminally insane hoy as the lead
1 haia< ter of his first
novel, "And 1 he As*
Saw I hr Angel.” Nov*
Cave live* in Brazil,
rrluv* hi watch MTV,
.mil insist* that there is
more to hi* work than
ht* seeming obsession
with ** arv i<i|im *
"I think that people
trnd toward* cel (am
element* in my music
(more) than other
ones, rhey generally
a»*!l V t* UlXTH*
Poet of a generation — or
|ust doepfy disturbed?
completely ignore the
ImtiKM in inv work, and
thrv dwell on the
'daiket mi !<• for W.1IIi of
.1 iH'ltri wind I mean,
their is dul side to nn i turnlet l know it vers well But
there is also a very healths sense of humor to my work...
or an unhealthy sense "
llrnn'% Dream walks both sides of the issue,
t out anting songs whit h are intelligent, provoking,
tint omentHmat, frightening as hell, ami hilarious. Hr
album has die rimiantu flaie of hts Iasi release, Itu
(*»W Sun, hut with a tawei feel and ri« kiet tone.
But tntisie is not the only rtealive outlet for the
Australian-born Renaissance nun "And I he Am haw
I hr Angel”, which rame out in 1988, received
favorable n-views m liotli the music aiul literary worlds.
But it wasn’t (use's first fourties into writing. After The
Hudiittv I’aitv broke up. (Live authored "(.hosts of the
Civil Dead,” a film strip! about killer and prison
dushim J.u k Henry Ahlxitt, authoi of ‘In the Belly of
die Beast * t asc lues also appeared ui ‘Wings of Desire*
and ‘johnny Suede.’ Wim Wenders even askrd him to
|k-ii live tide song to Im latest film. "Until the End of
Hie World.*
With all tins going lor him, it iloesn't seem possible
that (Lave would ever dry up. For this musician and
writer, In iwevtr. the worries just get lugger. "The laigcr
sou timid sour hat king ol material, the more you have
to Ine up to." he savs with a solemn expression.
1 dr's not completely awful, though, and Cave
realizes that it 's really a question of perspective: ‘Most
ot it is just a nutter of siumg down and doing it and not
winning alxnii it so much. I write my best stuff when I
i an get ntyself into thinking, 'Fuck it, it doesn’t really
matter that much. Go in. do it, ami enjoy it'*