Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, May 01, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
oner, Barbara Rodgers and lose
Sara Dodge and Wendy
Ve)lupeL xv ere ( Ihim'H tu fill the
two L-:MU board scats
!'hi' overall voter turnout of
1 -I 2 pen ent 2.402 ballots
vast was better than m the
last wi i ts primary when id 1
percent voted
Ballot Measure 4. supporting
the fee reduction, was rejected
b.y voters BD5 to 1.44H Holly
Icrguson. former ASUO vice
presidential candidate, co
sponsored the measure and
seemed disheartened by the
news it had lost by such a con
siderable amount
"It seems an interesting coin
i idem e that approximately
1,200 people voted tor t.ee l ore
and about the same amount of
people voted for this ballot
measure," she said. "Obviously
the same group of people are
gelling ihrir own agenda
f'red Hagen .1 sponsor for the
hallo! measure that would dis
continue hi s. expressed faith
in those who voted in I,ivor of
his measure. hut was upset
a trout the wav voters reieived
information Hagen s measure
I os i in t to iia.t
I think that's pretty good
i onsidertng tti<• monopoh stu
dent government has oil stu
dents." Hagen said
Magi'll also said the student
government put out flyers
against tils measure and gave
an ini orrn t ac count of vsti.it
w ou Id ri'.i II v happrn if t tic
measure were to be approved
"It they tiad to lie and mis
represent in v tial lot the wav
tiles did then I think (tiie re
suit! vs as prettv good lie said
It tliev would hav e ta 1 ked
a how! it honestly then people
would have voted [or it I am
prettv happv tx'< ause there are
at least I'l l students vs ho know
how to think for themselves
Mr Hart S(uit«ttl< Nt*m uIhm\ v«
4 »« : •• r V' . . . > K
luitHm Ihkr rail* •* ’ * !-»> ■*'
t i.i*?* w .-as <■ 4<*v *? V“ **! •* n rn.tli*
l mi «* ilr Mato
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';.at: -1 •'!,;?!« N •: ' »«• *• *'■ 1
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Jit lhr> r» >**.-; f U ir* * *. fJt«’ r*»f-r ' itn
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ihe fHi!- ■ at. r, ,;jit *» fv j(iv**n
/Jut { f«'t4>rtci *i «• light itjit
n, lii.rt i -.tu: i /:4:Vt.J I ^ t
piibiithjnj -n i ay. .<■./ #M*> fjj *
frunlimi m S« n*n<c
Awtw** ■’ ('ll!'!. *. «rt* r «rn«ivar» by <fw ' nivrnwtv •< 1 ^
(Tv*" ' '» 4'u » »i. I itw <*rv '«■* »-,v
The Ozone Hole:
Nature's Warning Shot
t*y t *t t'4ul I oy.rik«>£, l mvriw'v ■* ‘ >«•-,.,'*•
V r- •*.*» ffx'll» »hr l'Ml <i- VS uuitt’fic haii K..*»«*n S '*
F riday, May 1, 7-8 p.m.
! w I n^riku )’ » r«|-Um Dir ,!!«,! « ».-„ •« W-.», r tf*- - «» **■' »•
. •( MtrcMvr • l.HW «> »fl It' SlstU
K>lk'wny i >r l .• fr ik :i >» » w<r-a>4; '! --•«• ' *■ •: •,»% *»•-.? * • 1 « ■* »*•' -•
!!» i* - lUt t!» «tr i >• . : 4 'fi III il .1 ;i 1 ij! " ».!■ J f>!-- W " < * : ^ ■
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By recycling a foot-tall stack of
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ensure that the future of generations
to come isn't all washed up. After
all, we've got a ways to go before
saving our earth is water under the
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how you can participate in
recycling, call:
your daily hot shower.
U of O Recycles
Sponsored by the University of Oregon Student Recycling Program
Celebrate Alternative
Energy Day Call
346-4356 for today's
program schedule.
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